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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I think everybody quantifies the success of MLS academies as what have they produced for the CMNT. Theres nothing wrong with saying that, and inspecting the why....especially when we look at the youth teams and all we see is Toronto Academy, Toronto FC II, CF Montreal U-23, Whitecaps Academy, Whitecaps FC II.
  2. shouldn't of said bullshit, it sounds like I'm trying to belittle you. It's conversation and I don't ever want to sound like @Unnamed Trialist during debates and opinions about soccer. Corneilius was already playing professional for a while before the Whitecaps gave him a seasons worth of games. So no, not the same. I didnt count Chapman for TFC for the same reason why I wouldn't for Raposo.(Although the former was a "HG" for TFC. My point is, the Whitecaps were pumping money (maybe wasn't TFC sized) into their academy long before TFC existed (their residency program was before 2007). I know Thomas was massive, to the program and getting guys to Germany...but like I said the Whitecaps had the prestige in Canada as the go to place for player development. TFC came into the picture years later and shook it up a little BUT, and a massive BUT....I don't know if you remember but Vancouver had essentially the entire country as their territory rights. TFC had only the GTA (6M people) while Vancouver had the other (9M people). I don't have a horse in the race......I just dislike how people try to come at Toronto as if they aren't leading and doing everything while Vancouver isn't producing shit. Look at it this way, Cavalry FC has done more for the CMNT than the Whitecaps. Let's keep it there, and not trying to deflect to "what has Toronto really done". .....Have me sounding like the TFC apologists himself @RS 🤭
  3. I'll start.... Success: Semi-Finals Failure: Not advancing past the group stage Silver Lining: We won a knockout round game, and we lost to the eventual finalist.
  4. It's simple we win and we're in. Once we're in, whether we have a new coach or it's Biello. What is considered a success, what is a failure, and what is the silver lining?
  5. I think I making a fair assumption. I think it's crazy to think it would be a good idea for the new coach to come in right before a tournament and drop the majority of the senior leadership team and call it preparing for 2026. If it's successful its very balsy, if not we could be dealing with a Floro like situation. I honestly don't think it's a good timing to bring in a new manager a month before a massive tournament...there will be built-in excuses, and right now the CSA has to get this hire perfect. I disagree....see my recent post above about managing.
  6. Ancelloti could only do so much with the players at his disposal at Everton right? Leading them to a 10th finish as his highest. Was it his coaching why they finished mid table? Probably not. He subsequently went to Madrid the next year and with better players he won the league and champions league. Could Guardiola takeover Sheffield and turn that team into a mid table team? No, because he wouldnt have the necessary players to play his style. My point is, players are more important to a team than coaches. If you don't have the right/best players, there's a limit to how much a coaching philosophy could be implemented. It's the reason why I'm sooooo interested to see how Herdman will do as a club coach vs a motivational international coach. So to your point, yes! The players could "ignore" the coach and their own thing to win the game, especially when the opponent is undoubtedly inferior. We've seen and heard coaches say it many times in post game interviews.
  7. There's a bunch of Argentinians in the league who are domestics, so no not odd at all for a Canadian born and raised player to be considered domestic.
  8. Again I understand your point. But I'll reiterate it doesn't make sense to me for a new coach to come in with the same old garbage. I say that in jest, because the players I'm about to mention have served Canada well....but a new coach coming in is not going to omit Vitoria, Borjan, Hoilett, Cavallini, or Piette for the likes of younger talent - the talent who is more than likely going to be at WC26 over those players. That's my main point. So how much preparation will be had with those players still there. The new coach can end an era, and start a new guard or brotherhood with key vets phased out or retired. I think Copa is about qualifying, playing and seeing how we do. The experience will only be had if its given to future players, which I foresee not happening. So any new coach is going to do and learn the same things because he doesn't have enough time to try new things at the expense of embarrassment or reasonable questions. "Why wasn't a healthy Vitoria played over McGraw" or if we are preparing for the future "why wasn't Bair called in over Cavallini".... The reality is the company (CSA) invested and committed to the employee (Herdman) and gave him very valuable control (was the director and head coach) and expensive experience (his salary) and then he left the company way before his intended time, and ultimately trained him for the next company (Toronto FC). It happen's, some companies are prepared for such transitions before they happen, some aren't - the CSA. It's just not enough time for it to mean anything. Under Biello if we get to the finals of the Copa, it's the players. We get knocked out of the group stage at the Copa, it's the tactics and the coach. Under a new coach, we get to the finals of the Copa it's the coach, we get knocked out of the group stage the coach says it's the players (not enough time with them).
  9. Okay, so when you mentioned that it was moreso what you wanted to potentially see, and not him telling you that. I remember during one of our debates that you stated about putting him out there.
  10. Funny though, just a few years ago people would have been satisfied with Biello, a Canadian manager with MLS experience. I always said that the coach needed to be there at the earliest Japan, and latest Jamaica series. There just is not enough time, and it would eventually be a rush hire for the Copa which could leave negative effects. Yea if the hire was before the U20's shitshow. He did well with the U23's considering the denial of a lot of eligible players. I just think some men here aren't being realistic with the situation, and to me as much as I don't want Biello to be the head coach I thin he's our best case scenario at the moment to lead us to the Copa. Blow everything up after the tournament, and have enough money to bring in a new coach and have several camps whether international or domestic.
  11. Actually, they play the same positions. Liam Millar before his switch was playing sometimes on his "preferred" RW at Basel. (I know spitfire mentioned that before that he doesn't play on the RW, and how he's always put on the LW even with Canada) Theo played LW the majority of the time at Blackpool, and has played a few times with Grasshopers on the left. Who's to say that a coach couldn't swap Corbeanu to the LWB - he is naturally left footed and with a 352 it requires the width and ability to stretch the field and get crosses in.
  12. We won for the first time in Jamaica in decades, and nothing was mentioned about Biello...it was well done to the players. We lose for the time at BMO and it's the tactics, and less was said about the players who fucked around.
  13. If the game isn't determined by the boys by the 68th minute, then it's on the players. I don't care what anyone says. This is T&T, not Jamaica. Not to underestimate the opponent, but when your captain and best player come from a league in your own backyard to where you don't even deem the players their good enough to play for your national team. When our team is filled with UCL or Top 5 league players..... Again you can't blame Biello, players determine the future unless Biello decides to drop Davies, David, or Buchanan for Hoilett, Millar, or Nelson. Jamaica BMO loss wasn't tactics it was ERRORS from key players that determined that loss.
  14. I truly understand your point. But I disagree. It's just simply not enough time for a new manager to come in and for it to make sense considering a large crop of players who will play in Copa 24 won't be in contention for 2026. If you're saying the new manager is going to come in and call up McGill, Nelson, Ahmed, Russell-Rowe, LDF, and Saliba in replace of dropping Vitoria, Hoilett, Borjan, Piette, and Cavallini for the Copa ...then cool. I'm all for it! That is preparing for 2026. Anything contrary to that is hoopla. Davies, David, Buchanan, Larin, Staq, Kone, Johnston.....don't need the experience of playing in a big tournament. They got that the World Cup, and have experience of Champions League. So any manager coming in now and crashing out of the Copa (I mean we don't win any games), how is that preparing? I can guarantee you majority here will question the coaches ability to lead.
  15. Was it Javier Fernandez? Because I have never seen anything here nor there about quality coaches lining up. Unless Bielo trots out a lineup of players we have never seen before. If we don't qualify against Trinidad this is on the players. I'll give the bly of Jamaica as they are quality, on the rise, and were playing together more actively than Canada was and it showed.
  16. Blame the CSA and the shitshow they have fostered - not Biello. He has settled the ship when the captain abandoned it. If not for Biello sticking around, God knows who we would have in replace of him as interim, knowing that the federation is cash-strapped. The CSA new Herdman was sniffing like a dog for a way out from summer, and had zero plan incase of his eventual departure.
  17. 2 games for the new coach to work with before going into a massive tournament? I don't think that is ideal tbh. It would bear the same results. Tactics are important, but the player personnel won't change much (and shouldn't change) from March to June so how much change should you really expect from a new manager. I think the new coach should come in after this tournament so he has a better footprint to work with instead of having to deal with the old guard who I believe will retire after this tournament (Vitoria, Borjan, and maybe Hoilett to name a few). Let there be no pressure on how results look. We bomb out of the tournament with a new manager, and everybody will be questioning him whereas we bomb out of the tournament with Biello and we are saying nothing has changed from Herdman (who he was the second man in charge to). It's all optics to me, which is sometimes seen as smokescreen, but in this case I think it's important for the "refresh" as the focus is now 2026. It's too late IMO for any manager to come in and be able to do anything significant for CA24.
  18. I don't know man.... everbody loves the idea of two Canadians playing on the same team. But nobody likes the idea of them possibly competing for the same minutes.
  19. @blueseeka I wanted to react "Like, Thanks, Laugh, Sad, and Confuse" to your post. The reality is, I don't think anyone is surprised. We qualify and his contract is extended for the Copa America. However we do there, will determine his tag from going from Interim to Official. We don't qualify, and then there's absolutely nothing to play for. No friendlies will be scheduled and the coach search continues.
  20. Agreed, with hopefully a team fighting for the playoff spot. And then the Millar vs Corbeanu debates could return lol.
  21. The bolded part is also bullshit, because you add Tiebert to the list of Caps "elite" players, but forget that he left TFC academy, and went to Vancouver because of their better residency program. Porter, Adekugbe, and Froese are all residency players which existed long before TFC academy. My good friend KP left to go play with the caps at 16/17 and it was a massive move for him and it was a big thing because there wasn't anything like the residency in Canada (still don't). So regardless of the MLS, the Whitecaps have beeeeen developing players and it could be seen as they have had a headstart ....Edwini-Bonsu, Stanese, Straith, Caleb Clarke, Fisk, (Malaysian international) Corbin Ong, (Jamaican Internatinional Orgill)
  22. You left off a lot of TFC Development players, but you're new so I'll give you a bly 😜..... Osorio although not developed as an academy player, he joined TFC at 20. Morgan, Kaye, Pasher, Russell-Rowe, Godinho, Corbeanu, Michael Petrasso - All current or former CMNT players. and then there's Dunn, Daniels, Singh, Manella, Okello,
  23. That's what I thought. If he was eligible before the tournament he's eligible after. I do believe there are 1-time switch rules though because he played in a youth final tournament. So if he switches over then he's gone...(however, I could be wrong)
  24. The main problem is that they will consistently have the Gold Cup and Nations League finals in the same year. This means there's always that potential for an asterisk year as players will always be choosing to attend the tournament. Club World Cup, Nations League Finals, Olympics, and the World Cup. It's just too much. But I get the money-making aspect. I just think they should do a U23 tournament-style Gold Cup, and limit it to MLS sized stadiums. OR allow that tournament to be played in other countries.
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