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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Maybe selective amnesia? He didn't solely play on either side. But whether you agree to disagree, Hoilett is more dangerous coming off the left side. Honduras game at BMO on September 3, he subbed onto the RW position. Costa Rica game in March 22 he subbed on for Alistair but moved to the LW position as we were chasing a goal. However my point still stands, he didn't "win out" because there was less depth on the leftside...if anything it was on the right. He won the spot because of his versatility vs Brym vs Corbeanu.
  2. Millar has played on LW, FW, and LWB in recent games for Canada. His club position has primarily been LWB/LW. Corbeanu has played on RW but everywhere across the front 3 in his times at Hertha, Blackpool, and Grasshoppers. Brym primarily a CF, but has played at club level at RW. What you're saying sounds true about JH was "very methodical" and you say less depth on the leftside....but to me it was stronger than the right. We had Davies, Hoilett, Adekugbe, and Millar whether we had 3 or 4 in the back. In a 3 back Davies would start, Sam was his backup. Back 4, Davies would start, Junior would be back up. So when was Millar someone's "backup". I remember the Jamaica game...where Liam started on the RW because Tajon and Richie were out. And Hoilett was on the bench...was that part of his methods? Point of what I'm saying is Millar was the final pick for the rogue player. Meaning a guy who can fill in where needed. He does that better than Brym or Corbeanu. He's way more versatile than both those guys and I think that's why he got the "last spot".
  3. Mentioning those senior guys doesn't make sense to me specifically for their role in WCQ. It was literally down to one spot in attack. Millar vs Corbeanu vs Brym - all players JH rated. Millar was a regular in the WCQ squads, so he won out. Now in addition to Hoilett there's Cavallini.
  4. That we are only charitable passengers in. It's not even worth saying USA, Mexico, and Canada... just say TO, Van City.
  5. Tbh, 100M for a couple of games and a temporary stadium is crazzzzy IMO. What is the expected return? They aren't building stadiums or training facilities! As much as I love soccer, I agree with Kate our province needs a lot more than a game. Add our highway system to that.
  6. Seems like he has a job with the CPL
  7. well isn't the SPFL (outside of Celtic and Rangers) considered EFL League 1 level here? So then maybe the Championship is like National League. At that point, he's at his level.🙄
  8. Great work as expected @Rocket Robin ...but as usual, no hard questions asked. It seemed like a hoopla event. My question. "Current stadium and location is a huge issue. We are in a pub in downtown Toronto, is this a sign that the future could be somewhere here, or is York's immediate long-term future at York Lions stadium?
  9. Alessandro Busti? ....I could be wrong.
  10. And Canadian international in Serie D.
  11. How did last night go? Wish I could've went to ask some questions, but my son had soccer practice.
  12. This is weird. Theo still has to play. Just cause he's at Granada doesn't mean he automatically trumps someone who's getting actual minutes.
  13. If he starts to get minutes, does he shoot up the depth chart?
  14. I noticed Fafa Picault took the number 11, meaning no return of Junior (or at least that should be interpreted as that)
  15. You see how Chelsea are spending and replacing. They don't have a clue what their identity is and it shows. Jackson, Palmer, Nkunku, Washington are forwards who were brought in this year. Davies might be fine there, but David would suffer imo.
  16. No...no it wouldn't be. Chelsea is playing manager mode.
  17. The East is more realistic for this to happen than it would be on the West. As the rumours alone will would be an additional 4 with Quebec - 2,Windsor, and KW. In the West there is "SK", Return of Edmonton...and I'm stuck.
  18. At 6'3, he's an imposing figure. Reminds me Doneil......let's hope he has the healthy story.
  19. You mean the 1-2 extra games he could play? We are not our Concacaf foes where we have B camps annually. The CB spotS are up for grabs, if one is healthy and showing promise then it's their opportunity for the taking.
  20. Let the resurgence begin. What a story if he was able to make it into the CMNT.
  21. Now he'll get more Serbian call ups for sure.
  22. I think this is the common misconception. Just because the resources are greater doesn't mean the player development will be. Yea it sounds like they go hand in hand, but clubs have different expectations. For example, Real Madrid greatest and most successful club in the world but when you look at the Spanish national team today, you don't see many if not any players that were developed by Real Madrid. My point is the expectation that TFC should consistently be developing players because they have a larger budget is irrelevant because TFC is always trying to spend to win now (it's failing now) at the expense of development. Meaning their vast amount of talent in their academy's will get less opportunities. I think we need to see more young MLS academy players get loans to CPL squads with the agreement of game time. Their should be an incentive for both clubs...I.e Richard Chukwu loaned to York United, he plays x amount of minutes TFC will give 5% of a sell on fee or they pay a fee. The benefit to TFC is that their young player is getting professional minutes early and exposure. But ultimately the expectation of development can't be left up to TFC, much less the Caps or the Impact.... it's not sustainable.
  23. I thought the same thing when I saw Bruce mentioned. Just because they have a name, doesn't mean they will be the right person to lead the ship. I feel like the managers who have been there done that aren't the best as they probably don't care how well they do it... it's only the small country of Canada at the end of the day.
  24. It would be the right thing to do....but for some reason I think we'll see Hoilett and Cavallini there as long as they are healthy.
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