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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Looking at Vancouvers lineup and I'm wondering if they moved to somewhere in the USA? Where are all the Canadians! Where are all the Southsiders or whitecaps fans, this is embarrassing lol.
  2. If there's a takeaway from this game is that CPL teams should be included in the Leagues Cup 😁
  3. oh no, sounds like a concussion. Hope it's not that serious.
  4. I agree with your main points. But it's very hard to go from wooden spoon to playoffs without any significant roster changes. And that's the reality of TFC. I think it's heavily dependent on how well the Italians do from the start of the season. The weight is heavy on them, and they couldn't carry it last year so it will be very interesting to see what JH can do.
  5. Agreed. Something doesn't sound completely right to me. Especially for someone who's been there since day one.
  6. Just imagine, JH works his motivational magic and has TFC go 4-0 to start the season lol....I can see it already 🤪
  7. The talk is that he apparently has "more money" offers that Forge is blocking/asking for too much in transfer fees.
  8. Watching Qatar in this semi-final, and thinking about how shit they were in the World Cup and the Gold Cup has me thinking is AFC worst than Concacaf.
  9. As long as he's healthy, there's no need to panic.
  10. Everything but the mens team and CPL games... they also are the ones producing the content and just re distributing it.
  11. I will also say, Theos hold up game has been good all season, especially in a league that has a lot of brute strength and rashness. His quickness, mobility, size and willingness to do the dirty work is a reason why I would him over Cavallini.
  12. Not only that, we had 3 consistent CMNT players playing in the SPFL. Now we have 4, with 3 consistently performing and only 1 is a sure call up.
  13. I'm trying to understand some people's logic or rationale as to what their barometer is for a player to "deserve" to be called. My point is the national team isn't about a players potential and moreso should be related to form, or in other words "Yesterday is yesterday, what are you doing today". Playing 6 games, and playing bad in majority of them doesn't give you points for me... and Im not comparing the players because they aren't comparable...I'm only referring to their results,and form in the same league they play in. Oh but he's on an inferior team....okay so Brym is in a better league (top 5 I believe) and hasn't scored in awhile but plays often... does he deserve a call over Bair? I wonder if Johnston wasn't getting any playing time at Celtic, would the convo be like "he's training with elite players, so that's why.. or he was good before" ....all I'm saying is people metrics here (not you personally) all over the place. When for me, on other teams I only see players who are performing at their club level get called in to national teams unless the player is significantly superior.
  14. But is Johnston an automatic call up for you?
  15. So just so I'm clear... When Theo is scoring in the SPFL the level is low, right? Cool understand. But when Alistair is defending in the same league the level is.... high? I know a team makes a difference, but champions league is over for Celtic, and they are playing against the same competition.
  16. Going to be interesting to see how David is. He's not very expressive, or active on social media outside his sponsorship duties its seems. I know Larin has a lot of personality per se, so I'll be tuning in to see what David is like.
  17. Let's hope he's not good enough for Jamaica, if he gets snubbed by Canada.
  18. I'm interested to see what the consensus is here....If he commits to Canada, and he is healthy way before June...do we see him over the likes of a guy like Cavallini at the Copa? Or is Cavallini too important because of his Spanish speaking qualities?
  19. These comments are for @spitfire approval? But even he didn't like it. It makes no sense to pit our guys against each other in this way. Comparing is one thing, facetious comments like this is weird to me. For someone who analyzes and praises La Liga, I would say and anyone who's watched Liam play would say his style is more suited for Premier League...so why not ask that?
  20. For the 26, I saw it as an extra spot in each part of the field. Attack - Millar but was battling with Brym, Shaffenburg and Corbeanu Midfield - Fraser won but was battling with Choinierre. Defense - Corneilius won but was battling Henry, MacNaughton, ZBG, Edwards
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