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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I don't either anymore that's why you had me second guessing until I looked it up. But no! His first professional contract was with Forge so he's an international. Stupid right? I know!
  2. I think you might be the ignorant one lol...respectfully https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/2024-mls-roster-rules-and-regulations#:~:text=In 2024%2C a total of,eight during any given season. [Quote]Homegrown International Rule Any player who, at the time of their initial signing with MLS, meets the requirements to qualify as a Homegrown Player as a member of an MLS club academy, either in the U.S. or Canada, or has met similar requirements as a member of a Canadian Approved Youth Club, will count as a domestic player (i.e., he will not occupy an international roster slot) on both U.S. and Canadian club rosters provided that: The player became a member of an MLS club academy, either in the U.S. or Canada, or a Canadian Approved Youth Club no later than the year in which he turned 15 years old; and The player signs his first professional contract with MLS or an MLS club's affiliate (MLS NEXT Pro).[/Quote] Woobens was 16 when he joined the Impact, and his first contract was with Forge.
  3. Wait a second....I thought this was an MLS game. CCC could have different rules that don't apply to MLS no? Doesnt MLS teams have to be roster compliant before their league match? Makes me think he just simply wasn't in the roster. I know Nashville previously shipped off a bunch of intl spots, but looking at their roster they only have a couple "internationals" as the ones who are have their green card like Godoy.
  4. Or approved Canadian clubs determined by the CSA/MLS. I think Vaughan and Sigma....(but I'm guessing)
  5. We spoke at arms length about this here many times....(well at least I have with "in our future in our hands".) Woobens is a Montreal academy product, but because his first contract was with a Canadian Premier League team he is considered an international? It's the same thing with Farsi. Bez knew he was good and always wanted to sign him to the first team, but it was tied up on the international roster rules. It's very rare for clubs to take a flier on a young Canadian International (kudos to Columbus and Nashville.) Mind you he's been there for 2 years now, and no green card....meanwhile there's players who get REAL international players who get there green cards in less than a year. This is one of my biggest complaints. This issue is the reason why there isn't larger amounts of movement from the CPL to MLS. If you're not a draft pick, homegrown product your "chance/extended leash" will come through being a dual Can-USA like MacNaughton and Heibert.
  6. Whoever the defendants are, they should counter sue for defamation of character. The women are taking the piss out of this now.
  7. 40M lawsuit.... Sounds like they are trying to get money to fund their infamous league🤣
  8. Saw this article and thought this guys not a true American....he doesn't know that everything revolves around the USA....but he makes great points, some of which we have stated here a lot. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13106037/amp/sergino-dest-copa-america-2024-euros-africa.html
  9. Here is a rough estimate of the potential cost for u23 or youth camp for a week/international window... 16 rooms for a week = 60K (this is high end as it doesn't account for any group rates) Field rental = $1,000 (high end again) Flights for players = 25K Food/Meals = 10K Misc = 30K 126K to run a youth camp (players aren't compensated) and if we were fortunate to have 1 a year at each age group for a total of 378K give or take. I'll definitely take that saving! Our last U23 team in 2020 had current senior players in Brym, Buchanan, Corneilius, and ZBG. Potential/fringe players in Bair, Farsi, Pantemis, Breza and Godinho. Theres a lot of value in testing out/keeping interest in this age bracket.
  10. How could you assume that Bobby would be on 400k-500k. You're basically assuming he would more than double his current salary. I would like to assume he would take let's say between 200k-300k. Herdman was given that much because he was given a much greater role than just the Head coach. Herdman also had the whole "I got other options" to finesse his bargaining when the reality is Bobby doesn't. I consider youth team players U23. This is the serious gap in our program and it doubles as a senior B team. Theres a lot of guys in the age bracket that need reps, need to be included in the program. When you're crunching numbers and cash strapped like the CSA is...it's unrealistic and irresponsible to not think this way forward. TBH Herdman leaving was probably a blessing in disguise as that 750K was a deal that was more than they should have given.
  11. Shway

    Mo Farsi

    Contract extension. https://www.columbuscrew.com/news/columbus-crew-sign-mohamed-farsi-to-multi-year-contract-extension I wonder if he will accept the call soon for Canada.
  12. Interesting, the press release sounds like he was training without a contract/trialist. 23 turning 24 this year, still prime for a move back up with a solid season or two.
  13. Also a question based on my previous post. As a fan would you want a notorious coach at the expense of crippling the budget for other camps, programs, friendlies etc or would you prefer an unproven coach at a half the cost and more friendlies than usual.
  14. Henry has an arrogance to him (rightfully so) and I saw it on the touch line many times - not only at Montreal. Its almost as if he has this sense that he can put some gear on today and show them how it's supposed to be done because it's "so simple"....(edit: exactly what @InglewoodJack was referring to) If he's coming to the CSA at Herdman + prices, I would suggest that the CSA take a hard pass and reserve those funds for additional camps and friendlies. We don't need someone who just wants a job because they have been successful to get one elsewhere to come in and demand a high salary, have zero pride for the country, and then subsequently have a built in excuse that there isn't enough camps/preparation. I can see it already.
  15. And I'm back on this guys train. I think what Canada needs is someone who is a good coach, and already knows the Canadian player pool. And by know, I don't mean personally like Larin, Laryea or Buchanan, but knows from watching them because they have a keen interest in Canadian players. Watching the AFC and seeing how Qatar went from absolute shit in the WC, GC to continental Champion with a manager that has spent the past 6 years in their domestic league. I'll take some sort of familiarity of the Canadian player over a name brand coach who will come at a cost and less pride.
  16. I'm one of the biggest Henry fans. He's the reason I'm a Gooner today. He is one of the best forwards of all time and he is considered a luminary person in football because of his achievements! But time and time again, he has shown that his on-field abilities to lead through his play hasn't translated to him being capable of leading a team as the coach. The way how I've seen him on the touch line towards his players is something we don't need at this moment in time. And for those reasons I think "at what cost?". At what cost would he come to the CSA that would make sense for the program. Our current group of players don't need the inspiration that they once did as they reached the ultimate prize.
  17. What about Farsi? What are the chances he commits?
  18. Ohh man lol I didn't list him for that same thought.... He's still one of us.🤣
  19. And it would be stupid to include him unless he goes on a tear somehow. All sentiment aside that I have for him, he needs to win back his spot in the national team. However I am aware that the brotherhood is strong, and I dont know if the coach is strong enough to make those decisions at this time. But we should be strong enough to be T&T, and blood in some young deserving talent.
  20. Corbeanu at Granada. And it's been an appearance...no plural.
  21. And this is game 1!!! Anybody who's watched Tajon play consistently, cannot confidently say he should be playing at RB or LB for Canada or with Millar, Corbeanu, or whoever you think could go in front of him. It's insane. Anybody who says differently now, I'm just going to troll and reply and say "Okay Benito Floro". We have never produced players like him or Davies. (challenge me if you think else) This guy's confidence, swagger, and 1v1 abilities are the best in the country by far. 1 game cool...but I've been adding coal to his train from day 1.
  22. Those guys we lost to those nations had little ties to us so it wasn't a lost (Yankov could be the only questionable one but lets see how he is with MTL). Other than that I think it's snobbery mentality IMO. I understand it, but I'm also a realist in the sense that we aren't at the stage of France per say where we can be sending talent to other nations with not even a look! Also the FIFA rankings don't mean shit (...but they mean everything) when you can look at Qatar which just won the Asian Cup and shot up to 37....the same team that had the worst WC performance for a host city, and the same team that lost to Haiti (89), and got slapped by Panama (41) in knock out round....and then you can look at the top 5 and see Belgium sitting their confused. Before we know it, we've made Haiti stronger and they are right behind us with Metusala, Cantave, Vilsaint, and Pacius. For a developing nation, we have way too many stories of players being overlooked.
  23. Which would suck. I don't mind losing our guys to Serbia, Turkey or Egypt. But when these guys can end up playing against you it stings more. All we need is a u23 team to play at least once in an international window to make some guys feel like they are part of the program.
  24. IMO RR got call-ups that weren't warranted...so maybe there is an opportunity to give out a little treat. Like someone mentioned, only so many guys can play....so why not give a call up to some guys who warrant it so it can elevate their profile, and give them a sense of being involved in the program. For example, calling up Cavallini and he doesn't play a minute is a waste when you could call up Bair
  25. So it's the SPFL, does he still warrant a call? or is Aberdeen on aNoThEr LeVel?
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