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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I love when Canadians go to American MLS teams. Let's hope this means the Caps go with Hasal or trade for Pantemis, and less of Borjan.
  2. Look at the bottom of the tweet, and click share tweet. From there it will say “copy link to tweet”. Once you paste that in here, it will automatically format as such. 👊🏿
  3. Get your money boy. And you get to have accommodations for the World Cup. Win-win.
  4. Didn’t appear in the team at all today, maybe he’s injured/sick reason why he couldn’t make it - so Herdman said eff it “you’re done”.
  5. Another massive loss if true. Pacific FC might make Forge look like an anomaly or they will be a surprise to us but maintain the respect on the continental level.
  6. You and me both Bison. If this is true, it means in the interim more game time for Priso (which I’m sure Michael is telling his dad he’s the real deal) and Okello. Although I’ve had an affinity for Jozy, but he’s next.
  7. Well there you have it. That guy is verified.
  8. It's not disdain towards him. But more so the guys who consistently put him on the pedestal over the born and raised Canadians who have committed for more than half a decade and have gotten us to where we are today. Simply put. Using committed for 3 years of picking and choosing, is the complete opposite of commitment. It's almost like his Visa expired, and he's back to where he always wanted to be.
  9. And this has been my exact sentiment towards him. I’ve been bothered when people STILL bring up Atiba as an attempted reference point, even after celebrating his 90th cap. It’s disrespectful. His commitment and connection to the country was capricious all while being the captain. But his situation is better than anyone else’s, so it should be accepted because of his club dream. Foh. Stop the comparing, unless it’s to Wotherspoon. Give credit where it’s due, but does he make it to the top 20 or 30 all time list?…no. Thanks Scott for your time. Now be gone. I predict he wont have a single future contribution to Canada soccer since his last game in 2019.
  10. I don’t think he will. The way they are trying to recreate this team, it seems like they will be looking for an elite striker. Insigne can’t be the sole answer. However with Mullins and Dwyer gone, that’s 1200 minutes available - now let’s hope they don’t pick up someone like Juan Agudelo.
  11. That is an unreal chart, that seems to list players anywhere for the sake of it. The accuracy is at CB & GK. Because for our rotating formation and versatile players it’s best to list/rank players in 3-4 positions. Knowing that based on the year 2022 (not 2019) my CM ranking would be: Stack Atiba Osorio Kaye Arfield Wotherspoon Piette Fraser Paton
  12. Some would beg to differ. But to be fair there is a valid argument to be had.
  13. Are you talking about the Superbowl lol.
  14. But but there's the Patons, Chapman, and potentially Sonder. The SPL is eye gouging football tho.
  15. Depending on the weather that might hurt.
  16. Literally felt the same way watching this. Also my thoughts were that he looks like a RB…which for all his hype, he doesn’t get converted there.
  17. Let me join in on the thanks. Thanks Scott for showing up when you did. You were part of revolutionary moments and now you are history. Good luck in your future endeavours, I hope he comes to visit Canada for a second time in the near future.
  18. Retiring now, just summed up his commitment to the nation. Fickle. Was that your king!
  19. No surprise as I can say I saw this coming. Now it’s to wait for the “story”.
  20. I don’t think anyone is against Arfield in the squad?Im not ….there’s just a difference between the ones saying he’s a vital piece which some (me) disagree with.
  21. That part is uncertain, but it seems like they all are vaccinated if not majority. …you didn’t read the first sentence more specifically the part in the brackets. I’m sure that was just ignorance. 🤭😉
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