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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Joel Waterman. I actually hope he has a great season, and can form a partnership with Miller and Johnston.
  2. Not to long ago we were begging for more friendlies, more youth camps, more budget…..playing in small stadiums minimizes the potential revenue for a hot ticket team. I only want to see the games in 20k stadiums just for the sole purpose of generating more revenue so that we can have money to allocate to things like youth development and don’t operate like a cash strapped Caribbean nation. Leave those westhill stadium sizes for B camps, or even youth friendlies.
  3. wait...doesn't that make it worse in comparison to the games in Edmonton for example. The boys were on a plane 5 times. Europe to Florida, Florida to Honduras, Honduras to Hamilton, Hamilton to El Salvador, El Salvador to ....Toronto to Europe. (Does Larin, Atiba, and Sam travel straight from Turkey to Florida, I wonder) Surely location effects travel times no? I'm probably the last person to be leading these convos as I don't care where the games are played. Can't stress that enough. I got money to travel to watch them play. I actually wanted them to spread the games across the country as reason to travel around Canada. I'm not against it, but I also don't neglect the logical decisions behind why BMO is first choice.
  4. Hamilton was based on availability no? BC Place wasn't available for reasons stated many times. Maybe Westhills stadium in from of 6K? Saputo isn't an option due to snowfall restrictions. Commonwealth? I don't know if you're being facetious or sincerely asking a question that I likely no one here can have the answer too.
  5. Also I'm interested to know the stats of the where the registered users are based....it would explain the simple math.
  6. I wish the people who believe this, can just go ahead an openly agree to this sentiment to draw the line. Because I haven't seen it....It's just the reality that hurts, which makes it a bitter pill to swallow? I'm from Toronto and travelled to Edmonton, and had to cancel my overzealous Vancouver plans. That means I don't care where we are playing in the country - I'm showing up. No what I think about BMO being the best field for our team. What are the facts? - The coach who's family is based in Vancouver has stated that this can't be a tour, qualifying for the WC is most important. So players best interest are always first. - 65% of the players are based in Europe affecting travel time. (David played 4 games in 11 days) - 75% of the current player pool is from Ontario or GTA based. (Guys use the time when they are home to visit/see family & friends, which is also a valid excuse...probably the same way you would like to package a home visit with a game, right?) - The WCQ have been 3 game windows of travelling back and forth with limited rest/recovery. This is all just fan conversation, as I'm sure we don't influence the decisions. Because wherever the game is scheduled it will now sell out. It's always been about what the players want.
  7. Not my decision to make. My opinion is based on the players/coaching staff holding the say. In which they do favour Toronto due to the core of the squad. Edmonton was pure tactical, which paid off. So I’m not doubting that when that decision needs to be factored in, it will be taken into consideration.
  8. Lol I don’t think it works like that. As Jamaican as I am, I’m a proud Canadian. But as proud Canadian as I am, I’m proud of my background. Im sure a lot of our guys would share my sentiment.
  9. Forrest has a great chance to make a nice little run.
  10. What team does Cavallini play for?
  11. no malice, was just looking for clarity. I know TM is sometimes inaccurate but Canada soccer has that listed as well. (Edited after you quoted) Maybe a hockey assist he’s counting? Which I think should be considered globally.
  12. Does this kinda of rule exist in the Argentina national team? like there’s has to at least one Boca and River Plate player in the squad?
  13. transfermarket above, Canada soccer below. Assuming this is a mistake, who were the other two teams against?
  14. Delete this. Seen Godinho listed at 5, started laughing and didn’t want to read the rest. Fack where’s Tissot @JAVIERF All jokes aside, that list is pretty accurate for most, albeit Godinho and Teibert.
  15. This. Canadians have a winning team to support, and they will show up. Can’t be considered bandwagon fans because your supporting your country, but there’s an increased interest….. away fans will always be there unless we play those type of teams in Vancouver. Right @ted😁
  16. I’m sorry, but I hate how Tajon and Liam are brought into comparison conversations. As currently they are at different levels of importance for Canada. That was a conversation for two years ago, when it was said to be disrespectful to compare the two, as one was just starting out his professional career. They are not like-for-like comparisons at the moment. I was hoping he was going to get more minutes then he did, due to him being in form for his club. But in the El Salvador game what I wanted to see from him was making attacking runs with the ball. Be more direct. Utilize that top speed he has. Several times he would receive the ball and immediately cut inside on his right foot vs just push and go into space like we see Tajon do. He did that effectively at Charlton last year, reason why he was a big chance creator there. I just want more directness, more looking for 1v1 confidence which he has displayed at club level. @SoccManbrings up a very great point. Concacaf is a different beast, and club performances don’t always translate to play in our region. Case and point is Panamas players. I think expectations of him being a goal scorer for Canada might be a stretch. I think he becomes key by his ability to create chances, and growing his current 2 assists tally.
  17. Spot on, you’ve echoed everything I’ve said. - Rotate it between the USA ala World Juniors - If can’t be played in Canada, make the tournament regional within the USA. Ultimately there’s no reason not to try. And not that half ass host a few games in Canada and calling it co-hosting. The only issue I see is the lack of large 70k+ stadiums for the knockout rounds. I don’t see Central America or Mexico being a great option due to travel safety concerns, and the lack of diversity they have. (However that could be an ignorant statement, someone correct me if I’m wrong).
  18. Another 3 match window, sandwiched between travelling to Panama and Costa Rica ….the game will be in Toronto, anywhere else I’ll be surprised. The send off tour will happen in the Nations league, where I imagine games will be played at BC place, or elsewhere. …However there’s also the possibility that in one of the windows we play a high profile friendly, which many of you mentioned won’t be played on turf. That cancels all but 2 proper stadiums. And if it’s paired with 1 of the 2 home games in the Nations league, we could see travel influence the location making a BMO friendly, Saputo nations league combination highly likely. I know the time zone travel has been a valid excuse for WCQ, however I sadly don’t think it will stop for several reasons already mentioned. Its sad because BC place has the potential to be our undisputed best stadium in the country with a simple investment in the surface. But the reality is we aren’t playing with League 1, B3, and NCAA level players as our key guys and the standards have to adjust to what they experience.
  19. I hear exactly what you are saying. But part of it is a misconception. (To your second paragraph specifically) Just go look at the attendance records when Mexico or USA is not part of the double header. It’s not great. It’s the reason why they do them like someone said it’s just a bloating tactic. I think the value proposition is trying to sell out smaller stadiums, for smaller teams vs pairing them with the juggernauts who usually by up the tickets (misrepresentation). Your final point is true. If we don’t change that it’s hard to change the perception.
  20. Demographic doesn't solely mean the amount of people. But who and where those people have migrated from. Demographic speaks to diversity.
  21. @ted My whole point was made on the basis of demographics. If you think the argument is the same for Toronto vs Vancouver, I implore you to educate me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Metro_Vancouver https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Montreal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Toronto I think Panama vs Grenada at smaller venue in Toronto would draw a lot better than it would in Vancouver. I don't doubt Vancouver would do very well for Canada, USA, and Mexico....outside of them not likely. And thats solely based on the demographics discussion. I don't know if you were at the games in Toronto for the El Salvador game or the others...but I know we wouldn't have seen the amount of local visitors supporting El Salvadorans at BC Place. For me it's about the overall optics, it wasn't meant to downplay the beautiful city of Vancouver, or their ability to support Canada...just my idea on the overall feasibility, and it being possible based on utilizing the most populous and most diverse provinces in the country.
  22. Vancouver would have low attendance’s. Would have to do triple headers based on the teams and the demographics of Vancouver.
  23. Yea man if you think that’s annoying, as he doesn’t do it often and I mean every game often…. I really wonder how you felt about pardon me Gerry Dobson. Because that shit used to annoy me until it became a joke. Nigel Reed is bad, but Dobson just did more often (because he did more games) He was mixing up Serioux and Gerba…like wtf one has(d) dreads. At least once a game it would happen…I really can’t imagine him commentating on todays team as there’s triple the amount of black guys in the starting XI alone.😂 ahh bless his heart.
  24. Maybe I’m being ignorant, but part of my suggestion to have the group stages localized around ON & PQ is because of the massive demographics of the cities. Reason why I didn’t suggest the western provinces. I know MTL has a lot of Haitians, I know Toronto has a lot of Jamaicans, Guyanese, Trinis. For example the amount of El Salvadorans I saw in Toronto when the borders were closed, I was ignorantly shocked. So my thinking is if its “easy” to travel too, it makes it easier not only for residents to get to, but also people travelling from down south. That’s where the game packaging comes in vs doing double headers. I think in order for a GC to be successful in Canada it has to be regionalized.
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