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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Bit harsh considering we won our first game in Jamaica in decades. He deserves credit for that, and if it was lost in Toronto than he's at status quo.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C405_ivAm2_/?igsh=NDkza2FqYnkwbXd0 This little segment has me to believe that maybe Biello was given some assurances. Because you don't do this kind of send off if with the players if youre not the long term manager. I think he's the coach for Copa, and depending on how he does there will determine his stay.
  3. It's just a lot of fluff, and political know how. Allistair sounded like was running for federation president.
  4. I was coming here to say this exact thing...but I realized it's because the francophone are finally in the squad. From before it was just a 1-2 token guys...now we have almost a third of" the squad. Kone, Bombito, David, Piette, Crepeau, Choinierre, Sirios, and Bair? Its only right...right?
  5. Play these at 1.50x speed and thank me later.
  6. Fresh out of the school of John Herdman. Allistair sounds like a politician... well spoken.
  7. 4D move by Biello to complete his turning over.
  8. Thought this was going to be Jenkins, Platt, Wilson, and Wheeler.... He's suggesting Choinierre to start and putting Staq at the 6 - which is a hell no. He also suggests Waterman to start - which would also be another shocker.
  9. No Gray, No Antonio, No Bailey.... And the USA has multiple weapon's. The game had to be won in 90 mins.
  10. He wasn't pressured to stay! He was not called up for breaking curfew. He's selfish and egotistical. I understand the JFF has its issues, but he made everything about him as if he's the one who's been doing everything for Jamaica. I watched his interview, and was shocked that he would say the things he said before the SF.
  11. It's time to say goodbye to this thread here.
  12. Ive actually been married for over several years with kids thank you very much lol. My wife just doesn't like sports, and I'm okay with her not caring or not having to share THOSE experiences or explain those feelings that can't be explained with her...I couldn't imagine trying to sell her on going to Alberta in -30 weather to watch guys kick the ball around outside "but it's for the World Cup"..." her- So they can do it next year"...🫨 Soooo I get to enjoy them with my brother, my longtime teammates and friends and all our wives understand that "this" existed before them. 😉
  13. Mean Girls...I commend you. This is why it's important to maintain friendships so you don't have to be compelled to do these things.... and you don't have to drag her along to watch boring soccer.
  14. I know it's your opinion, but I think this is overstated. To me they are both the same. For every Adidas Mexico kit, there's Nikes Nigeria kit. For every Adidas Argentina kit, there's Nikes Brazil kits. The article @Treppy2 posted had more Nike kits in it than Adidas. The reality is, the countries with the most people and football as the main sport get the most attention.
  15. Only issue is that Macron is less desirable in stores.
  16. Naw my tune has changed as well.... I like them even more.
  17. ....and he's done it all in the LWB position! The challenge is, in a 352 he's competing with Canada's best player or Tajon if Davies plays inverted.
  18. These 3-4-3's formation suggestions seem like they are being made just to get one player on at the expense of our middle being exposed...once again. I rather the middle be compensated with additional protection than be susceptible to being exploited. However, I love everyones backline pairings, and think it's one for the future. -----------------Crepeau------------------- ------Bombito------Corneilius-----Miller ------------------Piette----------------------- Davies-----Kone----------Staq------Buchanan --------------David------Larin------------- Further point, I don't think I've seen any team recently deploy a 3-4-3. Nevermind the fact that none of our guys play in that system, and a lot play in the 3-5-2. 4-2-3-1 I would suspect is our only other option but even still we are limited in options. ---------------------Crepeau------------------- Johnston------Bombito------Corneilius-----Davies -----------------Kone-----------Staq Buchanan-------------David-------------------Millar -----------------------Larin----------------------
  19. Anyone know where we can follow along. Sounds like he started with the obvious.
  20. Thread title: "Kevin Blue named CSA General Secretary and CEO" @Ottawafan & @Ozzie_the_parrot please continue your tirade in the appropriate threads below. The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute Canadian Soccer Business (CSB) The majority here don't want to see the CSA/CPL burn, and the majority here don't want every thread to turn into a "bad bad bad CSB, CSA deal bad, bad, bad". The majority here want to know which threads to stay out of. Thank you.
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