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Everything posted by Shway

  1. You're right. That should be confirmed first.
  2. Shaffelburg is currently playing LB. But to your argument, I'll say Akinola, and Peruzza and maybe Kerr (who's being played as winger). Out of those three guys, Akinola is the only out and out, proven to score in MLS, back to defender playing striker. Which is also Jacens style. My point is, TFC should've at least tried to sign him at TFCII since he was willing to sign with the Crew. You don't stop developing players because you "already have a few". The possibility of the lot they have right now to not pan out is very high. ....Fraser was an emergency intra-league loan signing for them. A few guys on their roster was out for extended periods. Artur, Nagbe, KItchen were all out injured when he signed.
  3. Wait….there’s no room for him at TFCII? I strongly disagree. They don’t have any forwards right now. If your talking chance of promotion to the first team, the Crew would be tougher to crack imo.
  4. Real question is when will our list be released. Since every list has been somewhat released, and we have to be last.
  5. Was literally going to ask you that. I thought West Ham could've been a little better, but it's better than their old logo. I think they could've kept the shape of the old logo, removed the castle, and using the new hammers.
  6. This has been forgotten and is most important. Only team to experience this.
  7. 40 years of the logo. Every brand looks to do a refresh of their logo. Even the most iconic ones, even if it's the slightest change, something is usually done. Why? It's about positioning and staying current in the market. IMO our logo isn't perfect, nor is it horrible. However it shouldn't be seen as not needed to be tweaked/refreshed/or changed.
  8. Not a bad team, could be a lot worse considering they are practically out. But they have a good crop to prepare the near future with, which is nations league this year and the Gold Cup next. Only omissions is DJ, and fickle Antonio. Nicholson makes sense as he's in Moscow. It's the end of their road, but Jamaica has a strong core to build on. I think the Jamish manager in Paul Hall with the right backing will be able to recruit better than Whitmore, so I think with a few additions and more reps playing together we will see a different Jamaica next cycle.
  9. Yea sheit, you're right.....but besides him you get my point.
  10. I would be disappointed if he's the only new guy called into the squad, and others weren't invited. Delighted because it shows he committing to the program. But I personally would prefer to see the kids who have you know been playing professional ball like Corbeanu, Mitrovic, Ennin, or Jebbison.
  11. Could be cryptic....because it the kits were already announced, and they've already been released. Maybe it is someone new! Daniel Jebbison is in the squad!!!!!!!
  12. This is great @Treppy2, appreciate this a lot. For some it’s a trip down memory lane, and for others like me this is before our existence. Reading this piece of history from one’s clippings is special. You sir should get a segment on TV.
  13. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    And I’m declaring that I’ll only post in this thread again once he’s deemed eligible, and expresses interest in playing for Canada. Somebody @ me when this happens.
  14. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, and say he skipped a lot of fluff and just came to this conclusion. But this does happen often. A lot of guys don’t read, and just misconstrue words to fit their narrative.
  15. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    Holy sheit, why you aging the kid lol. Kennedy is 24, and Tom Holmes is 22! Kennedy may not be in the 2Bliga much longer, and let's see where Tom Holmes ends up after his contract is up. Also a thought, between Germanys two leagues, there is 36 teams. Englands has 44. The championship is a good league, but like MLS it's oversaturated.
  16. 10000% this. I hate him in the RB position as he could be more effective doing what he does back there higher up. It make's no sense. From the past 3 games, I really see his 1v1 abilities.
  17. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    Yes...he's not an automatic starter. No way. Just because he plays in the championship doesn't mean everything. He's never played a lick of international ball, and he's projected 2nd best CB behind Kennedy - give me a break guys. Has he played anywhere in Latin America? the Caribbean? No he hasn't. I think guys underestimate the experience in playing in Concacaf, and automatically think because you play in Europe/UK it easily translates to playing in Concacaf....which is far from the truth. Laryea is a horrible comparison considering his circumstances, and his teams - I shouldn't even have to say that. Henry is not worth mentioning, but would he right now leap frog Miller, Kennedy, Johnston, Vitoria, Cornelius? No and if you think so, you're playing football manager. Michael Hector was playing in the Premier League for Jamaica but wasn't better than Damion Lowe who was playing in Egypt. John Brooks plays in the Bundesliga but Miles Robinson who plays in MLS is a better option. I'm sure I can find more. So would he be a great addition? Yes. But lets pump the breaks, we need FUTURE depth but lets not say desperate things.
  18. This lol. When I saw THAT I’m like this list is bullshit. Tbh it’s not even worth entertaining, with all of the inconsistencies and mistakes.
  19. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    I know we need defensive depth but….really? His team/backline have let in a league most 73 goals. That doesn’t scream instantly “start for us”.
  20. These are the takes I hate. Children don’t choose their parents, mother’s can only choose their children. Stefan hasn’t said anything other than he’s interested in representing Canada when the time is right. His fathers words, aren’t his. Reality is he’s a talented 19yo, with nearly 50 professional games in a reputable league. We don’t move on until HIS(…not his fathers) decision says so.
  21. You need a mix of personalities. I won’t tune in with Peter Schaad and James Dolan doing it…..yawwn. That online format isn’t suited for GW, but on set and it’s different. You need differing opinions, and most definitely personalities…this isn’t TSNs that’s hockey.
  22. Flores has filled his one-time switch.- Mirror Football
  23. Worst comparison. Lavar believed in his sons, talked way too much but look where they all are today. Damn successful. You can’t ignore talent, regardless of a belligerent parent. In Stefan’s case, his dad isn’t his agent and we’ve yet to hear that the agent is “frustrated” or told his dad “to cut it out, he’s messing up deals”. We are in 2022. This isn’t 2000 where kids aren’t judged by their parents actions or their surroundings. Yea his dad is obnoxious, but Stefan personally hasn’t burned any bridges or bad mouthed the CSA on his social media. So we all just need to tone it down, and wait for it all to play out.
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