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Everything posted by Shway

  1. You're analogy needs a lot of tweaking. It's very loose from the scenario....so here you go: "We just aren't satisfied at home. I don't want to take a new date go alone to my cousin's wedding. I'd rather beg my ex from 3 years ago to come with me take my on again off again girlfriend even if she hasn't been around a whole lot for years. But my family knows her, my friends know her. She shows up, looks good but nobody likes her. Sure she fights with my sister and my mom thinks she's great hates her because she knows what she put me through. The night is horrible, this will truly be the last time we see each other , and my dignity and respect amongst my family is gone- but hey at least we got one last great picture together." I got too much respect for myself for THAT guy to be me...but I understand if thats a guy you can relate too. 😉
  2. Think you overlooked the context in what I was specifically referring too- which was that Arfield wouldn’t play a major role against those teams, as he would likely be replacing a key players minutes. I’ve had these conversations within my WhatsApp soccer groups, and guys think I’m overly optimistic when I have said we can beat Croatia, and possibly get a result. So I’m not indicating “throwing in the towel”, but I think we’ll likely see a younger prospect vs Arfield at the WC…..and when this does happen l want GWSmith, Califax, Bison44 to say “Shway said so”😂 Again…”We aren’t going to the World Cup and EXPECTING to best Belgium.” However I do believe we can leave our group.
  3. I think this is exactly it. The reason why I've said "Is Our Future in Our Hands" or the ongoing discussion of "How long until...MLS to CPL". If you're a Canadian, and you sign your first professional contract with a CPL team. It effects your eligibility status in MLS, meaning it will hinder your opportunity to sign directly to a MLS first team other than the 3 Canadian teams. How is this the top of our system? He (Farsi) has to hope that the Crew have intended to sign him to the first team but due to international roster rules he has to wait it out, perform, and hope by next year he'll have his green card. Until then Canadians aren't "worth" wasting an international roster spot on.
  4. Shway

    Mo Farsi

    Was MotM with his two assist over the weekend in the MLS Reserve League. He was a problem the entire game in these highlights. https://www.mlsnextpro.com/competitions/mls-next-pro/2022/matches/clbvsorl-04-15-2022/
  5. He should be deemed a "domestic" considering he's an academy, and former college player....but you know the rules are wonky for Canadians. To my knowledge Farsi is considered an international.
  6. This is the exact disrespect and ungratefulness I talk about...Have you called Arfield a cunt, a twat, a bitch for not showing up?
  7. If that was the case, then he wouldn't have retired. And just kept it open and everyone could've logically speculated. Retiring at the time he did, was a massive statement. Herdman is great man manager, what is also known as a people pleaser. The way the boys talk about him is like they will run through a wall for him. They trust and believe in him. Do you think he would jeopardize that trust for one guy who basically felt he was above the squad at a point? He's specifically made mention of guys playing in Bundesliga, and Ligue 1 showing up to play in Suriname and Haiti....I honestly think some of you aren't listening to his interviews and what he says and what the players say. He's not going to jeopardize that for someone everyone knows isn't a game changer or isn't a long term piece. I'm done in this thread. Everyone can cheer now.
  8. I for one never said this. What we do know is the "🧢" from a senior player. We do know that there is definitely disconnect from the squad, we do know that he hasn't appeared in 3 years while playing for Rangers. We do know he said he wanted to focus on his club future vs his national one. We do know he announced his retirement during the time we needed him most. Those are all facts....no? Why do yall negate those?
  9. Kone, Fraser, Wotherspoon are active players in the pool....Petrasso, and Thompson were very high odds just throwin to stress that they are more likely than Arfield who is retired. Done and dusted. Those guys have 500-1 odds to make the squad Arfield has 30000-1 I see Herdman willing to bring those guys over him. Explain your logic on the reverse.
  10. You're right, but we can read between the lines no? He denied the Suriname and Haiti callups, and denied the Gold Cup - that we do know!
  11. naw the story of the prodigal son doesn't work for Arfield...I prefer a Judas song. Since he denied Herdman 3x. 😉
  12. My exact point. Rationale is completely lost. Kone, Fraser, Wotherspoon are active players in the pool....Petrasso, and Thompson were very high odds just throwin to stress that they are more likely than Arfield who retired. I don't get how that logic isn't understood? He refused several call-ups, then subsequently retired. The guys in currently in the program...have a better chance.... than a guy who's not apart of it. How is that not serious?
  13. This is the song that reminds me of some of you in regard to Arfield…. Un-break my heart Say you'll love me again Undo this hurt you caused When you walked out the door And walked out of my life Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights Un-break my heart My heart GoodNight 😂
  14. What bookies are this? I want to win some money.
  15. @gwsmith63Rangers being in Europa semi finals is massive, but I stopped caring to watch them lonnngggg before he declared he chose club over country and retired when he was needed most! Simply because I knew he was finished with us, while you lot had your hopes, banners and I believe in you Scotty Scot posters. Seeing Liam Millars hurt and struggles because of his style of play made me dislike watching Scottish football. So when I recently have - I’ve watched facking Ross County to see a proud born and raised Canadian kid in Harry Paton who has been a “difference maker” for his squad with his consistent minutes. (Side note, I’m interested to see how his Grenadian teammate Charles-cook does in nations league if he shows up, he’s been a consistent threat) It will simply be because he quit on us before WCQ and then retired from representing Canada when we thought we needed him most. Again no one isn’t saying this isn’t possible, but I’ll put money down that regardless of what happens, Arfield won’t be in Qatar. I think we’ll see Kone, Thompson, Fraser, Petrasso sheit even Wotherspoon before we even think about asking Arfield to rejoin. Herdman will sell us on the longevity of the new cars first, before considering to bring out the used car that can drive good but it causes too many problems, and is unreliable to justify taking it on a long road trip.
  16. Yea for sure. I agree. But it wouldn’t be for Arfield is my main point.
  17. Hey man, I understand what a brotherhood is, what loyalty is, and what being committed means. Some of y’all don’t. 🤭😂
  18. The issue is people want to effortlessly replace him with someone who got us here in record fashion. I’m a man of respect, and honour. To me that screams disrespect. Especially from someone who’s turned their back on you…M U L T I P L E times. And he isn’t an elite, difference maker. Imagine telling Piette, look man I appreciate your undoubting commitment to Canada, but we gotta bring Arfield to Qatar in your place. I would protest for him.
  19. There was an interview where he said he had never been to Canada - obviously he wouldn’t have played as he grew up and his entire career has been in the UK. I believe it was with KJ, but I’m 90% sure that was said. No mention ever of him vacationing in Canada…. https://vancouversun.com/sports/soccer/scotlands-arfield-steps-on-canadian-soil-for-first-time-laces-up-boots-for-canada
  20. This was an error, rather than a blatant lie. And I stand corrected…He made 1 appearance in the country prior to captaining Canada in Toronto. However sadly, that’s still probably a record.
  21. Cool, I’ll blame @narduch for making that reference. I realize this actually went “over my head” as you weren’t being serious when you mentioned those names in reference to his statement with laughing emoji’s. Forgive me.
  22. Went over your head. The lot of players you suggested, are all legends of the game. Top 5 in their positions, meaning they can reverse their decision at will and not one person would question or say they don’t/didn’t want them back as again majority of those names have records for their country. Scott holds the record for captaining a nation before actually visiting the country. (Correction he made 1 appearance prior in Vancouver)
  23. Zidane. Zlatan. Buffon. Messi. Arfield. Which name doesn’t belong right? Ziyech, is a different quality, he’s a legit difference maker, chance creator on his own. Not to harp on Arfield, but he is not that.
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