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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I'm sorry, but this has been what it always has been. Quiet silence, with rumours....only to find out that some thing was planned but didn't happen* for reasons a-z.
  2. Correct. 1 berth to Voyageurs Cup Champ, and I'm going to assume 1 to the CPL Regular Season Champ, and the Playoff Champ. I agree. And thissss is why my argument about proper representation, and also proper exposure for our young stars/players. Everyone would agree that the MLS teams have the better younger talent- right!. Kone made his name off the ability to show out in the CCL. But in the future, we know that the CPL teams will consistently have a greater presence in the CCL past 2024 than our best MLS teams. Why? Because of the odds! That fact alone does not sit well with me. Why? Because if current trends continue, it'll mean that it's the second best players getting that exposure. (And I don't want anyone saying that's a good alternative option) It's easy math. 30 MLS teams, 3 of which are Canadian. 3 additional spots available to Canadian, Mexican, and American clubs via Leagues Cup, and 1 additional spot available to Canadian and American MLS teams via the MLS cup. It's not like the CPL teams are included in the Leagues Cup either. So ultimately this means a very low representation of Canadians, and roster rules play a factor for that.
  3. I expect those dumb blind excuses from Americans.....but but "lAbOuR lAwS" bullshit.
  4. I’ve argued this before….we’ll see how this goes. Currently on their historic record, Canadian MLS teams would’ve have only qualified for 4x. ….we’ll see in 2024, how many Canadians clubs are in the CCL (outside the 2 Voyaguers champ and the CPL champ.)
  5. It’s from the great Romano… would be an interesting hire. What some need to remember is the facts @scooterlawrence5 listed….and the fact that he’s won everything in Europe. I guess it all depends on where Italy is in the next few years.
  6. I hope he recovers fast, he needs to be playing nations league games.
  7. Reality is the opening and closing event will be in the USA. If there are any reports out of Mexico, I'll call bullshit. As we (Canada & Mexico) are just passengers for this "jOiNt BiD"....however it is what it is. Canada has zero infrastructure, and Mexico is run by the Cartels.
  8. "Starting at the end of next fall, CF Montréal and the Montreal Alouettes will be able to train and play some of their matches on a brand new synthetic playing surface at Olympic Stadium. That surface will meet the highest standards and be FIFA Quality Pro approved." https://www.lapresse.ca/xtra/2022-04-27/parc-olympique/developpement-un-monde-de-possibilites-s-ouvre-pour-le-parc-olympique.php
  9. shit can't believe I missed this. I'm a fucking idiot. 😢
  10. Im surprised guys were/are doubting this considering the main factor being Forrest have been chasing promotion before he arrived, and not flirting with relegation. It was always going to be a slow integration. Likewise what we are seeing with Eustaqiuo, but it doesn't mean they aren't long term projects.
  11. Wait….Hasal isn’t good enough or isn’t ready to defend a horrible team? Vanni wasn’t an ambitious signing either.
  12. I said this a couple posts above, however with Borjan turning 35 this year. The World Cup could be his final appearance, or depending on how far we make it in CNL. Crepeau is the undisputed #2 this year, and going into the WC. However I think once Borjan retires, the #1 is up for grabs meaning Dayne could be our number 1 by the Gold Cup or the fall international window of 2023. I think 2026 or 25 is too far out for his potential, and too predict with us having a lot of young GK options.
  13. Yeaa I’m a little indifferent on those said moves. I would rather Dayne go somewhere he’s going to be a contender for the #1 spot and get legit opportunities vs a undisputed #2 that rarely plays. Zach has 2 games at City, and Turner is most definitely going to be a backup at Arsenal with Ramsdale being proven, tested, and younger. I don’t want our future #1 not playing games.
  14. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    …first few seconds watching and I’m like…. What’s the deal has the CSA contacted him!!
  15. I can see the crazy annoying unbalanced league format already: 34 games: - teams play their conference opponents twice for 28 games home and away - teams play 6 random cross conference opponents. Don’t you just love it.
  16. As soon as that is said publicly....the FMF will lose his number in the meantime. Now we just need a journo to make a fake report to get some traction. wait... @RS when did you post this 🤣
  17. I should add that I'm actually happy with the way the squad is currently built, and where they currently are in the table with 25% of the matches played. Salary Cap = 4.9M TAM Allocation = 2.8M GAM = 1.625M plus - 400K from Delgado trade - 50K from Lawrence - 50K from Dwyer Total: 2.125M Kerr - 65K Petrasso - 65K MacNaughton - 65K Chung - 65k Thompson - 65K Achara- 67K Perruzza - 67K Priso - 75K Ranjitsingh - 85K Marshall-Rutty - 106K Nelson - 106K Okello - 111K Shaffelburg - 117K O'Neil - 147K Akinola - uncertain (but it confirmed he's a YDP 200K) Westberg - 288k Bono - 483K Jimenez - TAM player (612k) transfer fee was paid. Osorio - 876K (612K) could be bought down with GAM or TAM Mavinga - 888K (612K) could be bought down with GAM or TAM Bradley - 1.5M TAM player (612) could be bought down with TAM Salcedo - uncertain (DP 612k) Pozuelo - 4.7M (DP 612k) 17 players count for 2M of the salary cap. That's a masterclass, and Insigne's budget charge will only be 300K. Considering this was a rebuilding year, they have a great foundation to continue to build on.
  18. Sounds good when playing FIFA or Football Manager, but you need to do impeccable scouting to find a player willing to play on that money. Most of the Argentines in the league are on upwards of 500K. Majority are either DP's or Young DPs.
  19. Yea he's been surprisingly regressing, looks disinterested and just makes mistakes that he can't make up for anymore. Maybe he needs a new challenge? The fact he's probably on TAM money (850k+) and he's performing the way he is also alarming. However, his contract is up this year
  20. Shway

    Tom Holmes

    Come on, you know Canadians don’t expedite or do anything quick for sports.
  21. That’s the only way he stayed relevant, but Arsenal have been struggling to score as a result of him having to drop so much to retain possession because he’s not big or fast. laca has 1 goal in 2022, and 4 goals all season, but 7 assists. Those stat lines only work if you are on Liverpool with their elite wide players…and even Firmino is being phased out. Arsenal are allegedly in talks with Jesus, and will probably sign a second. I don’t think they would go with two undersized forwards. The premier league defenders are a different beast. As an Arsenal fan I would get a David jersey instantly, but I also don’t the pressures of failure like the last player we got from Lille. I just don’t think he would be a good fit or is ready for a top English club.
  22. Good ole TLN late night channel, a lot of action but you don’t see anything
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