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Everything posted by Shway

  1. It's funny cause years ago, other than the tackle...this wasn't the Canadian way.
  2. I can't rate him trying to run a club from another country....imagine him advising a countries federation from another country. What machine or tool is he using to select these coaches.
  3. GK spot is up for grabs imo. Crepeau is solid but he isn't outstanding and a lot could change in this year alone. Also from what I've seen, he looks like one our best GKs with the ball at his feet.
  4. @PegCityCam To make this more relevant to you....Valour is in their 6th season and out of 100 players that have played for the club only 1 player was a Manitoba product. I also don't even know if there has ever been a player from Manitoba who has played for the national team or abroad. Is it a lack of talent? or a lack of genuine opportunities? I'm taking the latter. Shaffelburg from a smaller province was fortunate to be given the opportunity or else his path would've been very different if he wasn't presented to TFC.
  5. I dislike when I see this, and I've seen it mentioned enough here. How does a kid fall through the cracks? Because Toronto is a hotbed for talent with limited opportunities and TFC shouldn't be expected to "catch them all"! Especially when playing in a league like MLS where every year each team has the possibility to win MLS Cup. So they build their teams as such every year. Shaan Hundal 99" Ayo Akinola 00" Jordan Peruzza 01" Jacob Shaffelburg 99" Luke Singh 00" Julian Dunn 00" Luca Petrasso 00" Noble Okello 00" All guys who have had first team minutes. Just imagine 1 professional team, that has academy teams for about 5 age groups that have 20 max players signed, in a province that has nearly 50% of the countries registered youth players. Tani, Buchanan, Mitrovic, Cornelius, Millar, Miller, Johnston, Laryea, Godinho, Ahmed, Promise, L. Johnson,... Thank God for the CPL, and may God bless it too.
  6. It could only happen with reps. CB partnerships require the most familiarity on the pitch. I really think those two could be our future. It just sucks we have the lineup of games we have (or maybe it's good?)
  7. Exactly! As much as I don't like it, Jesse seems like a reasonable hire.
  8. i think I compare him to Nelson. And Jayden wasn't hyped up as much as he was, but you were able to see the glimpses of talent on the ball when he was given his limited minutes at TFC. With JMR (I understand it's early) but it still feels like he's still that 15yo playing with men. Im not trying to write him off, or downplay his efforts. It's just how I feel from what I've seen...but again it's early.
  9. I don't know man...I know he's 19, but I need to see more from him. That assist to Owusu seemed more like a good decision vs an intentional assist. The penalty he drew I was like "square it, square it"...before he fumbled on the ball and fortunately drew a PK after fucking up the play.
  10. I mean would it be something like he's ready to replace Larin? Reality is, we have a few guys who are being primed for when that time comes...JRR, Bair, Promise few names I may have missed.
  11. https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/canada-solskjaer-manager-mourinho-lampard-b1153814.html Mourinho is a "name" I would've like to see because of his prestige and his style of play that I think would benefit our players. Ole....welp, I'll take him over Marsch is all I'll say about that.
  12. Definitely is a flaw. Means he isn't timing his runs right. Where with Canada, he actually likes to collect short rather than in behind.
  13. Marsch ain't it for me man. He's been very fortunate to get his opportunities, and one thing I know in life is some people just need to be given one to propel their careers - whether they are good or not (deserve it). So when it's so limited for Canadian's in this industry, why does it have to be given to an American? Just look at his history....Jesse inherited a good RedBulls team that went to the finals the previous season and the fans were fuming to Ali Curtis about why they fired Petke. He was then fortunate that Ragnick took over all of Red Bull, and developed a relationship with Marsch and Armas. He would later join his coaching staff as an assistant at Leipzig. He then got moved to Salzburg to coach perennial league powerhouse RB (who have won the last 10 seasons), and unsurprisingly won the league. Ragnick then gave him his blessing to take over the head coach position of his 2nd place finished team in the German Bundesliga the previous season. In which he got sacked at the beginning of December. (Lasted half a season) And then somehow, somehowww he was given the Leeds job in which he did no better than his predecessor but ultimately the team survived the drop. The next year he was exposed and sacked around the same time he was hired. Now he's being interviewed to coach a team that has some of the best talent in Concacaf....F off. I'll take a Canadian, or anything other than American. We are already considered as there little brothers, I don't want our team to feel "adopted" or "helped" by our American neighbours like shit always is...but it's only a one way street. TRUE PATRIOT LOVE!
  14. I forgot about this guy, this should be good enough for him to get a move in the summer. 22yo, 6'4.
  15. I know exactly what it is. CONFIDENCE.
  16. Wait what.... The US make more money than the FMF?...but they make enough that it makes sense to not play the game in Mexico? Crazy.
  17. There's guys who troll, there's guys who post the obvious, there's guys who like to play devils advocate all the time....but this shit is just consistent foolishness. He might be the first person I block.
  18. Bayern vs Madrid....Davies get's his "audition" and loses in the semi-finals before joining Real next year. PSG vs Dortmund....PSG easily will go through, and Mbappe will get a proper PSG send-off.
  19. Who are the duals we are trying to attract that could come into the squad today?
  20. Dont "Neeed" him to start, but tbh I rather have his experience over Waterman off the bench. I don't want to see Waterman anywhere near the starting XI especially for the pending competition. Bombito clearly needs to be integrated fast, and it will great to see him against a team like France where he can speak their language 🤪.
  21. With the run of games, it's crazy to think that we're looking at Peru and Chile as the bum games. Absolute madness.
  22. Great news...but maybe he's a player to watch for 26 with him being a right footed centre back. Other than his age, as UT mentions his CV isn't anything higher than the likes of Zator, and MacNaughton. I haven't watched him or seen highlights but the purist in me, would rather give the Copa America depth slot to someone who's been through the Canadian system.
  23. Same thing I said about Bair and Johnston. You're right, the difference is Jayden is 21 and Patrick is 25. This might be the highest level for the latter.
  24. lol this is literally all I did. And then was like fack I need to get paid for this 🤣
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