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Everything posted by Shway

  1. I get your perspective. But at the moment, it's all hindsight as these guys are all youth players (albeit Stefan). Also the well of players being developed isn't as sparse as it used to be, so running after unproven fickle pride players while we got willing and promising guys in the backyard who simply just don't have a European passport. Take your pick.
  2. I would've like to see these games listed as they were played to see the real trend.
  3. Ahh I see, you're right. I guess I was hoping Concacaf would release their list, but that would be too soon. I was overzealous a bit.
  4. I hope these guys make a statement win on Thursday regardless of fans. At this point, any thing else won't be a good look.
  5. Honduras is getting worked at home. Didn’t deserve the W in the reverse fixture. I torn between thinking Curaçao looks dangerous, and Honduras is just really bad.
  6. I would suggest anyone to go....make some signs of your displeasure, thats the only way We THE FANS can be seen. I want to see a sea of banners.
  7. If you guys don't think this is a real issue, then you don't have kids or have friends who have kids that are playing the game at competitive levels right now. Specifically in Ontario, as that is what I can speak on. 5K not including travel expenses for youth soccer is crazy.
  8. With everything that is going on, the final player list for this tournament will be released by Wednesday. (10 days before the first game June 18th). Look for players to make leaks or clubs make announcements or nothing at all..
  9. On a side note…if the CSB has that much power, could they influence the waivers required for MLS Canadian teams? I.e forcing teams into the CPL.
  10. Meh..:that’s the part I’m cool with. MLS has USSF best interest for years, and the Canadian clubs are separate from that mantra. I want to see the real details, but if the CSB is using majority of the money to develop the game aka CPL…and as a result we are developing more players at a better rate than previously. I personally don’t have a problem with it.
  11. Facts. As the neutral he is in this situation. I don’t want to hear anything from him. Because if we do, it’ll be wishy washy playing both sides.
  12. History might be against them....again they aren't in the same position as the USWNT.
  13. Why didn’t anyone ask Nick the Dick why did we end up with Iran, after the phone calls were ringing of the hook.
  14. All those development programs, grassroots programs….are all basically funded by the people. 8 Mill in player, coach, ref fees should be more than enough for those programs. Grassroots aka OPDL is a freaking scam with parents expected to pay 5k a season. Im with the players on the side of “where the hell is the money going”.
  15. I'm not accountant, but I've been saying the reports haven't made any sense. 2021 CSA Annual Report 2020 CSA Financial Statements
  16. There’s so many other outliers where the woman’s program/players have benefited in ways the mens haven't. The CSA like the USSF was paying a certain amount of national team players a base salary to offset their WPSL contracts. That didn’t exist for the men because the reality was that their was 3 MLS professional clubs employing Canadian players - although the number of national team players for each team wasn’t that high. I don’t think the USM&WNT situation isn’t comparable for our men and women for the basic info we know. We know their woman’s team have been perennial champions. We know the USSF charges out the ass for their games, and they typically get sellouts and generate large revenues in which the players get a percentage from that. They’ve been doing this for years, whereas our mens team have just seen recent attendance success. In this world we live in now “equal pay” is more about inclusivity then actual results. As equal pay should mean an equal product, and although the game is evolving everyone knows its not remotely comparable. Sticky situation the men are in if they are asking the USMNT as the situations aren’t the same.
  17. On top of their qualifying bonus? On top of their already established regular game appearance fees. The thing is every nation has these debates at the table we just thought we were immune to it. And tbh I don’t even think those nations are comparable. What did Panama, Costa Rica, and Peru player’s get at Russia?
  18. I just heard the ref say “were shooting on this side, bekker says who said…ref responds CSA” lol
  19. Put them on the ticket exchange or Facebook as “FREE TICKETS” since you you’re about to waste them. Maybe reach out to your clubs youth team or something.
  20. Watching the Jamaica v Suriname on split screen with the 2020 Voyageurs Cup….I switched the audio, and holy shit its electric. Fans are creating an atmosphere. Games 1 - 1
  21. Game has been really entertaining. Wish we would see these TFC, Montreal, and the caps play these guys more frequently. We see what the fans want….
  22. could be posturing from the players, but maybe their standard appearance fees have stayed the same, while they know that attendances and prices for tickets have increased as a result of “them”. This is the biggest waste of money imo. Especially since we know the woodbine project is being done. Anddddd the fact they want to put it in Vaughan, few minutes down the street from the OSA which could do with an investment with the field space they have around the property. To me, that money would be better suited building a facility somewhere in the country that needs it. Instead of building another mediocre, small high school facility in a province that has enough of it. If it’s now wowclass or world class I don’t want to see it in the GTA.
  23. This is the exact banner I was talking about. And then maybe a TIFO of the revenue generated where it’s dispersed and then a question mark.
  24. I know if I was in Vancouver I would definitely have a banners in protest to the various things that have been mishandled.
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