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Everything posted by Shway

  1. No it's not. I'm not buying these takes. He's Canadian, and the family (growing up in Toronto) is probably more Jamaican than English, he just like Arfield, was able to take advantage of his heritage for his personal sporting gain, and there is nothing wrong with that! Daniel has lived the majority of his life in Canada (albeit short), and you'e going to tell me he feels more English than Canadian? The older he get's and the longer he's there sure, but right now I'm sure he feels Canadian. As for the family, his father spent majority of his life in Canada, going to high school, post-secondary, and working for several years in Canada. His mother albeit born in England spent majority of her life in Canada, going to high school, post-secondary, and working for several years in Canada. Both parents I'll assume are well into their 50's. So that "feeling ish" is nonsense, and it's just down to opportunity that still presents itself. His story is no different from Jackson, or Hoilett. If England gave them the opportunity they too would've taken it. Jebbison is just being stroked softly by England right now till he becomes a phenom or irrelevant.
  2. This whole clip was full of jokes. - the dual slips - herdman quickly getting the ball only for the coach to head it back, and then immediately reach for a handshake - the referee giving a RED card for dissent
  3. At this point it’s a head scratcher for me. He could be potentially going to back to back World Cups with Canada. Him holding out for England has gotta just be the hopeful financial gain, because for sporting reasons it doesn’t make sense even if he’s “betting on himself”.
  4. BMO field will be the worst stadium of the lot, but in one of the best cities of them all. It hurts, but Vancouver deserves "more" games solely based on the permancy and the aesthetics of their stadium. I feel comfortable knowing that BC Place can represent Canada well. BMO field will be a joke on the world stage, and I don't think we've seen anything like it at the World Cup.
  5. Yes lol. Reckless unnecessary tackle. Let the time wasting begin.
  6. I’ll take a muddy pitch over a water logged one 10x out of 10.
  7. The amount of Americans comments I seen on Reddit in regard to our players…. I too am watching in hope that they lose.
  8. This is actually a great point. If 20 guys are versatile, surely 6 don’t have to be right?! I think Im guilty of over stating this. We aren’t in qualification/pandemic mode anymore.
  9. I was rooting for the Ticos solely based on the optics that @Kentmade mention of in reference to rankings that effects Concacaf. It's a good look that we have 4 teams there.
  10. I just made mention of this in the U20 thread. It could be a breakout for a player which could lead to a Theo Walcott like WC callup.
  11. I agree.....but if we are comparing the two players that I mentioned (Edwards & Guti), I'm taking Edwards 9x out of 10. Versatility is key....and he's having a better season than him.
  12. It does and it doesn't. There's Johnston, Laryea, and Adekugbe with Miller potentially playing there as well. Then the possibility of having (i chuckled before I wrote this...) Davies or Buchanan filling in there if need be.
  13. This is a fact. I don't thinks he's on the bubble, nor do I think it's difficult for him to break into the squad because he's already in it. For example, his ticket is booked but there has to be guys who are on the bubble who have strong starts or finishes to their season for his flight arrangements to be possibly changed. Liam's part of the brotherhood, so I would be surprised if he wasn't in Cutter come the winter.
  14. I find it hard to believe that he makes in over Edwards, nvm Fraser. He hasn't featured for Canada ever...don't see him miraculously doing so now.
  15. Shway

    Mo Farsi

  16. He clearly slipped and lost hist footing lol. But your first point is valid.
  17. I think John Herdman should join this coaching staff. It would be a smart motivational move.
  18. There's so many reasons to get excited about this tournament. But for me I was thinking....albeit it was older, the last youth tournament was a coming out party for Tajon. It's possible this can be the same for another or some of the boys. A good showing at this tournament (qualifying) could make the coaching staff want to bring in a young kid to the WC.
  19. Disagree with Cornelius, only because we don't have much additional CB options who have played under Herdman. Fraser could miss out based on how well the young guys on MLS Squads are doing going into October (Priso, & Kone for example) I think Millar is in, but will have the most competition to keep his spot from a lot more guys than the others based on the plethora of depth options we have at that position. Brym starting at a new Eredivise club, Corbeanu will he play at Wolves or end up in the championship? Akinola can heat up at the right time (although I think he can only play one position in our system) to name a few. And that's not mentioning the possibility of Jebbison, Koleosho, or who knows maybe a random appears.
  20. Not you, or I stated anything that wrote him off. I actually called it stupid. Side note because the response he made warrants this.(...oh no here goes annoying Shway again) I find it funny that no one rarely ever gives an honest/or reasonable opinion about Liam. It's always yippee ki yay, kumbya or stepping on eggshells for one obvious reason. Everyone wants to see him, and other Canadian players achieve and succeed. So I find it weird when regular posters make strong opinions about other key guys, and leave Liam out that firing line because they don't want to be spit on with fire.
  21. Oops just realized, thanks for the correction. Yes I think Fraser, Millar, and Cornelius will be on the plane. There has to be a drastic change in form or a hidden promise for other guys to make it.
  22. Fully agree. I appreciate the deal for the existence of the CPL. Without it, we wouldn’t have a lot of the young talent we have now. Reason why my fingers are crossed that we do well at this tournament this weekend, as some of these boys could get moves elsewhere.
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