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Everything posted by Shway

  1. Kid is super strong at 22!! He improves his technical side and he’ll be a problem.
  2. This story reminds me of an NHL guy named Steven Stamkos. I played rep soccer with him for 3 years at Markham Soccer Club.Myself, him and another guy were top players for our league…but Steven was just those God given talents that whatever he played he was going pro. He like Teddy had a wicked left foot, was fast, and had feet. Definitely would’ve done something with soccer had he chose that path. Apparently he was really good at baseball too. If anyone knows the show “the famous jet Jackson” that was Steven. By U12 he was already labelled the best kid in Canada for hockey, which I found crazy how he was scouted/labelled from so early and well look at him today. I still have our team picture in case there are any collectors out there 😏
  3. Yea I’ll digress from what I said early this week. One thing I’ve noticed is that although his final third decision making still needs improvement. He has made massive strides in this department. A lot of the times, I felt like he didn’t know what to do, or where to be….but that happens with growing pain reps. I just hope his growth isn’t stunted to much from the inevitable loss of spot to Insigne.
  4. Theres always a chance in football. However the chance of them upsetting is far from probable.
  5. Question for them ones who may know…. Has Canada ever hosted a Concacaf youth tournament?
  6. I know he is. Maybe I worded it wrong. Probably should've said "In a typical Canadian soccer journo fashion way". Not one Canadian journalist who writes about soccer asks/writes about the tough stuff.
  7. Fully agree @Obinna. Same thing can be said about Jayden Nelson. The guys need to turn the gear. I think the new secret prospect is Kosi Thompson. Sometimes it's the silent ones that end up making the big moves.
  8. Seems like he will be replacing another Canadian that looks to be leaving the club in Paton.
  9. I don’t see how you see that. Saputo looks best for expansion. I’m no engineer or construction work but it looks like they can preserve the roof, and take it off, and could add a second tier of seats. In saying all of this, I’m actually surprised MTL wasn’t selected…I was hoping that Olympic stadium would get the refurbish it deserves so that we could at least have a future larger stadium on the East side.
  10. In typical Canadian soccer journo fashion, he deleted his comment because he didn’t want to mess up any future opportunities…
  11. These guys just look like a grab bag of talent thrown together hopeful of individual brilliance… oh yea I’ve seen this before at Olympic qualifying with Tajon, and U17 WC with Jayden.
  12. Maybe it’s tactics? But I noticed the same. It’s always a cutback into he middle.
  13. I was thinking otherwise. He looks…outta shape(gassed)? Or maybe it’s he really playing a RCB and not expected to get forward .
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