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-Hammer- last won the day on December 14 2016

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    CFL Football!

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  1. I think it could be, but as it stands no. The Argos are drawing 15,000+ as is, they need a 20,000 seats to accommodate some growth, but not be a cavernous experience. The problem is you would need a major renovation of Lamport as the facility isn't nearly big enough, even with extra endzone seats, the amenities are not up to snuff and understandably, neither the city of Toronto or MLSE are willing to pay for it (The former because they can play at BMO, and the later because of the same but also because they don't see the Argos as having enough of a growth opportunity for either TFC or the Argos if they are given their own facility.) To me, the groundshare is an awful half measure. You are saying with it "TFC doesn't deserve their own immaculate pitch" which the purists want and "The Argos are a second fiddle, but one with thing we can do something with because of the CFL TV Deal." However that's MLSE, maximize profits and operate as monopolistic as possible in our catchment area. One of many reasons I don't support that organization.
  2. I'll give Atletico credit. They did a great job of jamming up the middle. I was incredibly frustrated with how much space though Ottawa was leaving near the South side that Forge simply didn't want to press into. That said, their finish was dog meat. It seemed like no player was willing to try a cross and was incredibly focused on the top of the box or passing in from the top of the box. On the other side, Forge's defense did it's thing. They are a very tough nut to crack when you get it into their end. The down side was Forge simply wasn't breaking in and players simply weren't willing to outright beat defenders to make good chances. Ottawa certainly had more chances then Forge, even though Forge had the better chances. Honestly, I feel it was a very even affair. Forge has got to start scoring if they want to stay in the race.
  3. I would say, depends where you are drawing the line of Toronto's suburbs, but yes. Unless you have incredibly deep pockets and you are intentionally marketing your product as an alternative to TFC, you aren't going to make a lot of headway in Toronto. MLSE's pricier style over substance vs better bang for your buck model regrettably works. We needed a team in Quebec City at inception. Now that we are five years in, it's absurd we don't have a team in Quebec somewhere. I have serious concerns with the ownership of Forge not allowing a London or KW market to become realized, but sincerely hope I am proven wrong. KW frankly is a much better spot to land a team then York, provided you have an owner with deep pockets.
  4. The speedbump argument is completely irrelevant. While I do lament the loss of the CONCACAF league as it was a competition that was at an appropriate level, that CanPL clubs get to play against giants and likely get that one big payday and the opportunity of relevance and giant killing is worthwhile. Say nothing if the draw puts a CanPL team against a Caribbean or Central American club and then potentially against the Caribbean or Central American champ in the 2nd round.
  5. My take on this is if MLS teams want more Canadian berths, they can play in more Canadian competitions. Since they play in US competitions, they can play for US berths. Wales doesn't give it's berths to the Welsh teams playing in the English league, and we shouldn't either. Simple as that.
  6. The issue is the same song everywhere there is talk on CanPL expansion. Show me the owner, and show me the facility they play out of, and keeping in mind that a university multi-use field is usually not ideal.
  7. To the first, that's not always a good thing. You may sell well a few games, but your overall sales may decrease, particularly if fan currently feel that they are being over charged, given the empty seats. If you aren't selling out as is, how are you expecting to consistently fill those new seats? It's the single biggest problem all of the CFL stadium suffer from. To the second, it really won't though, there are actual investments that will beyond increasing the capacity to improve the professional feel of the stadium we agree on. Things like, paving the parking lot, increasing available parking/better public transit to games and improving the concourse/merch/concession availability.
  8. This here is also in my eyes, why Pacific should not be in a rush, in any way to expand the facility. You aren't filling it as is, and the parking situation is pretty bad.
  9. Lamport is probably the best location you can hope for, save that you basically need to make sure you never schedule anything the same time that TFC plays. That however is the problem, MLSE will do everything in it's power to make sure that doesn't happen. Frankly, I think the best thing for Lamport is that it be turned into a slowly expanding 15,000 seat venue for the Argos and that they only use BMO for big games like the Grey Cup. That will make the TFC fans stop complaining and may give the Argos a new lease on a facility more to their size.
  10. So I will be heading out to Vancouver for my fourth CanPL Home opener. Although taking a different route to get there. Vancouver Airport on the Saturday, will probably be hitting up Superflux and a few pubs then, still working out details of that night as far as accommodation, not sure if anyone here might be going to the Whitecaps game the night before or if your supporters have an event or something. If so let me know and those plans may change. After that, will SkyTrain/Bus to Carvolth on the Sunday and fly out of Abbotsford on the Monday. Not sure if you guys have a pub you are going to frequent, if so let me know, if anyone would like to do a scarf swap, or would like to purchase a Barton Street Battalion scarf from Hamilton, let me know and I will bring some additional ones.
  11. Just a heads up if anyone hasn't seen on social media. Chant night on the 14th, 6:30pm at Wingporium before the game, and we're going to have a March to the stadium. Again, starting at Wingporium at Noon and will march at 2:30pm.
  12. Well they don't, which is just a larger crack players in the MLS academies can fall into, that doesn't mean there are others. The transition from youth to academy is bad in this country due to costs, the transition from academy to pro, is far worse due the lack of spots and places to play.
  13. I mean, we all suspected. This is exactly what the league was meant to do, and exactly how the league needs to pay it's own bills.
  14. That's right, only Forge had a Champion's League run, which was very short but still great.
  15. Of that there would be no question. I would spend the first night in Richmond right outside the airport as the Friday flight doesn't land till 22:30 (assuming no delay). The Saturday and Sunday would be in Vancouver for just the reason you say, but that's kind of my point. After the game at around 9-10pm there doesn't seem to be a way via public transit to get to either Surrey (and the SkyTrain there that runs late and would get me back to a hotel close to the Canada line) or Abbotsford (to make an early morning airport flight)
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