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Everything posted by dmont

  1. What you do is none of my business. See how easy it is?
  2. They can use whatever words they want. Free country. If the words "inclusive" and "identify as women" upset you, that's nobody's problem but yours. Everybody should mind their own business. Some of you are surprised that solitary women feel threatened and uncomfortable surrounded by a bunch of drunk idiots capable of disappearing into a crowd? Try imagining the world from a different perspective sometime. Good for you, ladies. Shut off the comments section and do what makes you happy.
  3. You make my case for me. Low-hanging fruit means a task that can be accomplished with little effort. Coming up with the parliament building to tick the "ottawa content" box probably took about a minute of thought. It's obvious and easy. When it comes to the symbolism is a crest, I prefer subtlety. The nine stripes of York 9 means something, but you have to dig a little deeper in order to understand it. Same with Edmontons rabbit or Halifax's star fort. The Redblacks have leaned on Ottawas logging history for their identity. This crest is the answer to the question: "The Ottawa press conference is in 10 minutes, what kind of crest can you come up with in 9 minutes?"
  4. I don't like it. Looks like something the CPL head office might have come up with to serve as a placeholder until a real crest was made. It doesn't look like much consideration went into the design. The silhouette of the Parliament building is the lone "Ottawa" component, and it's low-hanging fruit. It has a very clipart feel to it. The beaver crest on Page 2 of this thread was tongue-in-cheek and made just for fun, but honestly it looks like more time and effort went into the beaver crest than this thing. Swing and a miss, Atletico...
  5. No, not the real crest. Just something I threw together for fun.
  6. <English voice> and the CanPL has hit <pause for effect> a new low. By the way, Founders > Forge.
  7. For the same reason I expect my pumpkin stocks to peak riiiiiight around January.......
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