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  1. Perfect, thanks for the help. Got my ticket, see you all there!
  2. Were those made available to non-paid up members, yet? Can’t see anything on the voyageurs site under Forum or tickets.
  3. I know I'm late, but I'll be grabbing 1 (if there are some left), when the FFF lets us know anything. Thanks!
  4. I would imagine there is some sort of connection between the logos and the CPL. Personally, I think Umbra has been making some absolutely class kits in the last few years. Especially for their south american teams.
  5. Was at the game. Shame he didn't get in. Looked amazing warming up on the side. This alone warrants capping him, right?
  6. Not sure if they credited the fourth goal of the game to him or not? It was clearly heading in the direction of the net, but it took a massive deflection before it went it. Regardless, he's playing really good right now. Almost......too good.
  7. This isn't the first time in the last few years he's had a groin injury, right? by the sounds of it he needs to find himself a better S&C coach and physic then what his european teams have been giving him.
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