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Everything posted by BugerKing

  1. Thanks. I always enjoy your game reports. Looking forward to this weeks!

  2. ^ I'm hoping DJT does as he's done in previous seasons and caps the games for us. It's was much appreciated.
  3. Thanks DJT, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
  4. Awesome, thanks Sigma. Salzburg was one of the team's I was hoping to see, they looked not bad in the CL qualifying today, kind of wish I bet on them instead of the Ajax game.
  5. ^ Thanks for the offer, but I'm not looking for anything specific, just more games in general with a eye towards the leagues I don't see all the time (the Nordic Countries, Belgium, Austria, etc). Thanks as always for the great uploads DJT.
  6. ^ Thanks, I'll keep any eye on it. I'm always looking for games to download to watch on my ipod during my commute to work. I tend to run through the CSL games pretty quick, so the more games I can find the better.
  7. ^ Thanks, but it looks like registration to fbtz.com is closed.
  8. A little OT, but does anyone know where to find European league games videos (Dutch, Belgian, Austria, Nordic Countries, etc.)? I've looked at Roja direct, but all the vids there are several Gigs, whereas DJT's CSL games always just 300 MB or so per half. Anyone got any suggestions?
  9. Thanks to DJT for the new stuff, you've made me the happiest boy in the world. Now if I could only find a link for Linfield FC vs Rosenborg BK.
  10. Anything new would be most appreciated. I watch the games on my ipod going to and from work and I'm through this years games. I'd really like to see some vids. of the news teams.
  11. Thanks again for posting these, I just finished watching the Serbian White Eagles vs. York Region Shooters game.
  12. Thanks for the games DJT. Just out of interest why the switch from adrive to megaupload? I only ask cause megaupload seems to be less than half as fast as adrive for me. Not complaining though, thanks again for the games.
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