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  1. This game sucks. Mostly it is DePaul rolling on the ground.
  2. It was a strange thing watching Turkey score two goals off corners the other day. I had almost forgotten it was allowed! Davies delivery is pretty much abysmal - overhit, underhit, pretty much everywhere except where it should be. I was hoping with Marsch that it would be the end of Davies on corners, but alas.
  3. He kinda looked like a guy on a group bus tour playing penny slots in Reno. No judgment from me - he looked comfortable.
  4. Picked these up on Provence last year. Couldn't find a cheap jersey though!
  5. Surely helped by that tiny pitch. Was it just me or did it seem extra small? The long throw-ins were almost going to the back post.
  6. After all the complaints about the call, the commentators eventually got around to acknowledging that you can’t win if you don’t score. 😄
  7. Quoting myself here. Went to the match last night and kept an eye in Bovalina. No idea what they see in him. Most of his few touches were poor. Played the ball into touch a few times. Doesn’t seem particularly fast and runs in a weird hunched manner. Seemed confused out there generally. Big shrug from me.
  8. Sadly, Tajon has killed it more (to the extent there has been any at all on his side) in my opinion. Anyway, enough of the negative - let's hope Tajon comes on flying as a sub and makes a key difference.
  9. Hmmmm.... aren't they the fans which pretty much every other team in France dreads showing up in town?
  10. Pretty sure the owners' kids play at NVFC.
  11. Plus Vanni is a one trick pony. I am sure the players are sick of his andiamo b.s. by now. Once that is gone, there’s nothing - just a series of random line-ups and formations sent out there hoping for something.
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