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Macksam last won the day on December 23 2018

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    The people I played with use to called me tree trunks due to my huge Roberto Carlos-esque thighs

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  1. Please continue. What is this all about? I know nothing of Argentine political history but I find this rather fascinating.
  2. It's an interesting debate that I was initially torn on what he should have done....but we ended up winning that day so the universe rewarded his behaviour.
  3. I think it's just the fact Afrifa has shown more the last few months alone than Kerr has during his entire MLS tenure so far, his play, the goals he's scored, how he's set up his teammates, it's pretty clear as day who has been better this season. Kerr can get there but he needs to consistently start scoring or setting up others to score. I think it also helps that Afrifa is more of a winger, and with Tajon out, he will be much needed for the upcoming windows until the end of the year. He broke out only in the last few months and looks to have solidified a starting role for KC now.
  4. I don't think so. Business is business and the higher ups at Split know they can get some decent coin out of him if he puts in good performances for us. I wouldn't even be surprised if they encouraged it based on what they saw from our other guys getting transferred this past summer. Of course, they wouldn't admit this publicly.
  5. Didn't he meet his own demise in a similar fashion? Live by the sword, die by the sword eh.
  6. Yeah, I imagine getting a loan to a Championship side stifles things considering they play through international breaks? With that in mind, I'm guessing some sort of gentlemen's agreement would be in place to ensure he's available for his new side rather than with us for at least the upcoming window. Somebody please correct me if anything I got above is a fallacy.
  7. They weren't good enough to advance into the later stages.
  8. No doubt that Cucho was the star of the show and they're right to praise him, and to their credit, one of the analysts did finally give props to JRR regarding his run that drew the defender and threw Hugo Llori off. Let's be honest, Cucho didn't catch Lloris flat footed like they initially said, it was JRR's pressure that caused him to misjudge that ball.
  9. But the commentators can only talk about Cucho....
  10. Oh, btw, Columbus just won the League's Cup.
  11. It was his pressure that caused Lloris to misjudge Cucho's winner, and then he clinically scored the insurance goal a few moments later.
  12. This is a trait amongst many young Canadian or American players, probably stemming from PTSD from their youth coaches constantly barking orders from the sidelines, rendering them incapable of holding onto the ball for more than three seconds.
  13. Seems like a good option for the Gold Cup.
  14. It's the first time I thoroughly watched him play and he seems like a promising deep lying, holding midfielder that's composed, makes quick decisions and distributes the ball well. He definitely needs to be called up this upcoming cycle. My only gripe was there was one moment where he had acres of space and instead of going off to the races, he opted to take a couple steps and make an easy short pass to a teammate. I was like, "push the play bro..." Anyhow, I think the scoreline flattered New England as Montreal didn't look too bad but they need a striker badly. Joey better not hit the panic button though, they have a young squad that I think will come into their own next season with a few minor adjustments.
  15. I take it he was heavily involved with Meunier's goal?
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