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ob1 last won the day on November 22 2014

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  1. Apparently he's not ambi-turner, He can't turn left
  2. I hate this team Can't wait for David to move on.
  3. And there you go lolol Like I said Lille doing Lille things
  4. And now Lille doing Lille things
  5. I know crazy And imagine if he actually received decent service
  6. He's been very involved since coming on, very lively match.
  7. That’s too bad. I think he has earned a start. I’m sure he’ll get near 30 minutes, let’s hope he keeps the train a rolling.
  8. I would expect that. Apparently they have a rather big game Tuesday
  9. This has always made me so angry The money is a just another form of bribe (even if most countries agree), and it all amounts to corruption and cheating. Having the gold cups in USA give them and Mexico a much bigger advantage with the crowd and the refs who are influenced by the crowd. Add to that the Draw is always fixed to ensure they are likely to meet in final even if one team stumbles in pool play. Their progress in the tournament and the lack of progress by other nations has a direct impact on important FIFA points (worth more in GC) in turn leading to a higher FIFA & CONCACAF rankings which has also increased their chances to a more favorable ranking for World Cup qualification. and through some years made it difficult for the remaining teams including Canada to climb ahead of others within CONCACAF. Also hurts other teams when their only travel aboard is in WCQ. Imagine we played a whole tournament in Honduras or EL Salvador prior to a WCQ cycle? How much more would we be prepared ?
  10. My sources tell me Herdman took less money to stay with Canada. Something to do with the ability to live rent free.
  11. @narduch you are in so much trouble, my manager is pissed at the lack of work done today. 😁 What a ride 🙄
  12. This is the CSA we are talking about your faith is perplexing. I would not be surprised if we missed the 26 world cup, they will figure out a way to be first host nation gifted a spot and somehow lose it. We are one bad hire away from losing the fight for multi’s Or potential “mysterious bumps and knocks” to Davies, David and Stack every time a crapy Nations League game comes around.
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