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  1. Any way to see this if you don't have Facebook?
  2. Blah blah blah blah blah That's in response to the incessant parrot...not you Narduch
  3. You believe you represent the mainstream of the Canadian soccer community? Seriously? Talk about bein out of tune. My god you are one twisted individual.
  4. Germany doesn't lose to Argentina too often 🤣🤣
  5. I'm having a difficult time getting through this convoluted mass of bullshit.
  6. The responses to this by the Bayern fans in general were none too complimentary. They feel aggrieved by his refusal to re-sign and want him gone sooner than later. Mind you if he ends up resigning that will all go away instantly lol.
  7. If done properly it would be an amazing spot for any team. Liberty Village pre-games would be epic.
  8. Starting for Puebla in Leagues Cup tonight.
  9. You might want to read your own post again if you think that's all you said. Ah well...can't cure stupid.
  10. I'm sure it's the CPL's fault somehow.
  11. Yup...I get it. It takes a certain type of person to live and thrive "up there" and I have great respect for that. I get irked by someone insinuating there is anything soft about the Yukon. And to be honest I'm just tired of Javier.
  12. I have...in Dawson City. Never lived there but worked up there several times. Beautiful but unforgiving part of the country. Why do you ask?
  13. Please don't ever think that you and I are similar in any way. That aside, your 'city slicker' boy scout skills won't help you one fucking iota in the Yukon. The bears and wolves up there have no political affiliation.
  14. You're by far the 'softest' guy on this forum. You get butthurt any time anyone challenges your opinions. Your generalizations are so all-encompassing they become laughable. Only poor people/countries can become good players/teams? Really? I think Germany's GDP might have something to say about that. Also...why the fuck do we have to listen/read about your takes on Argentinian politics? I personally couldn't give a shit. Keep it to yourself. PS You wouldn't last a day in the Yukon.
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