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  1. The Google Doc is more than sufficient and now provides more info.
  2. He's been very solid in filling in for Julian de Guzman this season. In fact, I'd say he's benefited greatly from being JDG's understudy since the beginning of the year. When called into the squad, Eustaquio was performed very well. He patrols the area in front of the back four and makes life difficult for opposing attackers. His distribution has increased greatly and he makes good decisions on and off the ball. As you can tell, I've been very impressed. Some supporters have been starting to call on him (and Mason Trafford) to be given a look by Benito.
  3. I'd like to bring the thread back to what Tuscan is talking about. I'm not sure how much weight our opinion would have with an Umbro or Adidas rep (hey, maybe we could talk to that business that did commercials with Danny Dichio - erm, never mind that bit). What do we know about the family? Are they trying to steer Jr. towards their homeland of Jamaica? I'm reminded of a good friend of mine who is Haitian-Canadian (born here), and one of the bitterest arguments we've had was whether he would suit up for Canada or Haiti. He said Haiti. Man, he was not prepared for all the **********/deGuzman/Begovic hate I unloaded on him. But he was adamant that he felt more Haitian than Canadian, and you know what? You can't convince someone that the way they're feeling is wrong. Having said that, I completely agree with Tuscan that a Voyageurs show of support would be a great nudge in the right direction. The question is execution. How do we tug at his heartstrings? That's the key (other than sponsorship money, which I don't think we can influence). Sorry for the scatterbrained thoughts, don't know if I actually moved the conversation forward at all.
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