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Ivan last won the day on September 13 2021

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  1. I'm more worried about Mabika than Thompson.
  2. I used to get to BC fairly regularly when my daughter lived in Vancouver and for work, but haven't been for a few years as she moved back to Ontario and I since retired. But yeah, that would be awesome.
  3. I always knew you and I would get along very well @BearcatSA. The Jamo reference seals it! 😄
  4. Great job @Treppy2! Saw you on TSN proudly singing the national anthem in KC!
  5. Started that a few weeks ago after the Chicago game.
  6. I actually think Bradley did Shaff a favour. After signing Insigne for 15 M per, Shaff wasn't going to play over him at that position. He went to Nashville, got to show himself, the rest is history.
  7. The women's deal is in place is it not? It's the men who have yet to accept any terms.
  8. I think that's what happens when you play Netherlands, France and Argentina in a matter of a few weeks. Lots of eyeballs on you. I've never seen so many rumours about our players, seems a new 1 or 2 every day.
  9. Has not looked good in limited viewings this season. Had such high hopes for him. He looked great when he first came up for TFC. Never the same after that injury.
  10. I switched over after the TFC game and caught the last 20 minutes or so. Saliba looked okay. Have to say of the 2004s, Saliba looks to have passed JMR as the best player/prospect of the class. He seems to be much more involved and always gives maximum effort. A lot of it could be TFC's annoying habit of constantly deferring to Insigne and Bernadeschi, of which JMR is as guilty as anyone of doing.
  11. Better than last game, but still didn't do too much. He looks better than some of the guys Herdman keeps rolling out there, but he has to start having some influence on games to take that next step (to borrow a line from Caldwell).
  12. Yeah, they were noticeably outworked last night. Rosted their best player? Well, no one stood out for me as good last night and Rosted was anonymous, so yeah, may as well give it to him.
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