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Cheeta last won the day on January 30 2019

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  1. Would guess lawyer stuff. Maybe they're still working the details around player compensation? You'd think you could at least order one with a number. Players own their name, they don't own a number but maybe there is enough of an inference there? Don't know. Still not a fan but I've worn worse.
  2. Right?! Tough call but I vote out and done. Both sides getting a sniff at goal now.
  3. Was going to mention the other night after watching the Argentina match after Canada's victory how much more I enjoy the TSN desk over the Fox crew. And I'm no Kilbane fan. Think Uncle 'tiba has been great by the way. Stepped right in as comfortable as you like.
  4. Love that graphic just for what it says. Top flight Scotland. Top flight USA. Top flight Italy. Top flight France. Top flight Portugal. Top flight Spain. Top flight Germany. Top flight ????? (Formally top flight Sweden). Top flight????? (Formally English 2nd tier). I've gotten old waiting to see the day.
  5. Congratulations to Mr Kone. With the hard work, dedication, and study he'll bring with him to France I'm sure nothing but success awaits him at OM. Still, a very brave move. Again, congrats (Man, is he going to get a kick out of the OM supporters).
  6. Having a hard time convincing myself Kone hasn't played himself right onto the bench. You can sit down over there son. But I still do though. Ask me again on Friday. Might have a different answer. Of course JM doesn't have that luxury of time.
  7. As long as they don't win, and half way through the Argentina match I don't expect they will, Chile is going to be under it come Saturday. They'll need the win and we really couldn't ask for better could we? Think we might match up better against Chile than Peru. Peru has some very real pace all over the field. That theory will be tested soon enough.
  8. Not taking anything away from this but 3 points, thank you very much. 40C. In the Missouri humidity with linesman succumbing to the elements. Come on now.
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