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    I have an investment firm and acted as an advisor for about 25 years. My first MNT exposure was in 1982 when Canada almost made it to Espana 1982. Took my infant son to the Gold Cup in Seattle (2005) and met a few players (Hume, McKenna, Grande, etc. and coach Yallop). A Winnipeg Jets season ticket holder, and has supported Hutchinson's PSV Einhoven, Stalteri's Werder Bremen, and De Guzman's Hanover 96.

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  1. No worries. The fact that Vittoria said and felt that way at the time goes to show his true allegiance at the time. If he changes his tune, that's up for the coach to decide. BTW I found it strange about any comparison with Radzinski, who snubbed the MNT in the early 2000s. While part of that is true (he didn't like Holger and preferred to concentrate on club football), he did play in the GC 1997 for Canada before returning to the MNT when Yallop was coach. Radzinski had quite a few people upset that he refused some MNT call-ups, but it's important to note that he was an elite player and that his return benefited Canada a lot.
  2. The article was written in 2007 during the U20s, if recall correctly ...
  3. Not afraid. We just refuse to acknowledge anything his non-Canadian a** has done. Anyone who turns their back on Canada deserves that treatment. That includes a certain U20 keeper, a certain player emotionally-attached to the Czech Republic, a KC striker who's not called up to the US roster, etc. BTW, the thread is about Junior ... Not Voldemort, beetlejuice, etc. ;-)
  4. MOD ALERT : This thread is heading into a direction involving the UNMENTIONABLE one. Please discuss that in the World Soccer section, or better still, stick to the topic: Junior Hoilett. Thanks everyone.
  5. Well, Voyageurs are just looking forward to a happy ending so ... :-D
  6. Like in the past WCQ against Jamaica, where certain players were seen celebrating at parties/clubs? ;-) What we need are players WHO JUST ABSOLUTELY HATE LOSING. If they want to be with some friends after a poor match, perhaps it would be advisable to keep it very low-key, as losing or trying a home match is disasterous. But having JDG2 and Junior can only help our chances at qualifying, and at the very least, perhaps bring some confidence to our squad. When I look back at the 2007 Gold Cup and saw a confident Canada play against the U.S., I thought anything was possible.
  7. In all likelihood Julian just needs a change of scenery. He needs to go to place (B2, Liga 2, Holland 2) where he can play as defensive mid, play his preferred possession game, and not have too much pressure as DP. Got a great paycheck from TFC? Good for him, now maybe it's time to take off a bit of public scrutiny. We expected too much from an injured defensive mid. Or maybe (more likely) he's staying put ...
  8. Best wishes to Sandro on all your future endeavours. Lots of talent and tenacity. He can always say that he scored against SPAIN. Thank you (and thank you for signing my son's hat during GC 2005) !
  9. GL, thanks for these great clips. I forgot that Radz scored twice at the St. Gallen match. That match may have been one of Canada's finest.
  10. Ugh. I think I still have it on VHS somewhere. A Trini fan boldly asked for a copy on the early boards, but I bluntly told him to "forget you" and hopefully I didn't destroy that tape. I also had the 0-4 drubbing match at Hasley Crawford stadium on that one. That when Mark Watson almost took Dwight York's head off for not giving up the ball for a Canada free kick ...
  11. Thanks for posting quickly Rudi! I was going to, but the feed was choppy and so were some of the clips. Like this one from Hutch:
  12. Sam, which matches were you interested in? Check out the Canada Soccer (CSA) website for fixtures and let me know which ones you'd want. I'll see what I can do.
  13. Canada's rare (and crazy) match against Libya, in Libya. Goal by Brennan: Great goal by Maycoll Canizales (AKA Miguel Campos II) :
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