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  1. Would love to see him get a coaching position in CPL. I think he would have a lot to offer.
  2. Surely that means he gets at least a few minutes against Mexico. right?
  3. Who else other than Greenwood? I already felt guilty supporting a club with that scumbag on it. I didn;t know there were others.
  4. If I recall, Herdman brought him into a camp to train with the national team some time ago. I wonder if he's on Marsch's radar?
  5. Footy Prime squad, dust off your boots! I predict a James Sharman red card in the first 5 minutes.
  6. Maybe. I don't mind the drag net approach. Bring a bunch in and see who stands out. That kind of stuff is only going to raise the floor as far as domestic talent and skill is concerned.
  7. Maybe draw players from their MLS Next Pro sides that Marsch has identified as having potential? Who knows, but I'm glad he's looking to get creative in what would otherwise be a super underwhelming window.
  8. Maybe a team made up of the 3 MLS team's players? He is the MLS Canada Soccer head coach after all.
  9. I like Scianetti, but I hope he's got a corporate gun to his head for refusing to let this go, otherwise how embarrassing for him to be focusing on this senasationalizing nonsense when there are so many more interesting stories around the team to focus on.
  10. Club owned by Qatari Aspire academy. It's heavily referenced in this really good book. https://www.amazon.ca/Away-Game-Search-Soccers-Superstars/dp/0393292207
  11. I'm halfway through Atiba's memoir and I can't help but think Simeon Jackson's journey through the various levels of the English pyramid must contain some amazing stories. I would also love an Iain Hume memoir.
  12. Just saw he's still playing. He's with AFC Sudbury now.
  13. Surprised to hear that. Coach really sticking to his principles by not playing his best player against the biggest team in the league.
  14. Not that one has anything to do with the other, but nice that the brothers can spend some time together after the tragic year they've had losing both parents in pretty short order.
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