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    Admin got a reaction from johnyb in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  2. Like
    Admin got a reaction from BuzzAndSting in Herdman new head coach   
    That's fine.  Dig to your hearts content, but there are some theories that need to stay in people's heads.  Things that have already been removed and can't come back. 

    Times they are a changin'  and this forum may be becoming a liability and need to be moved to a separate entity all together.  Socially it is costing us, but there are also things that could be posted that could in no short order be an existential threat to the Voyageurs.  We have gone from forum to a real stadium presence and beyond.  We need to become less of a forum, without killing the forum, and not risk the broader bigger picture.   
  3. Like
    Admin got a reaction from TFC2017 in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  4. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Ivanovski94 in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
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    Admin got a reaction from MtlMario in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  6. Thanks
    Admin got a reaction from hamiltonfan in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
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    Admin got a reaction from Unnamed Trialist in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  8. Like
    Admin got a reaction from BrennanFan in Herdman new head coach   
    I would highly prefer such details never be posted here, and I really mean that. 
  9. Haha
    Admin reacted to Joe MacCarthy in Herdman new head coach   
    This is just a former reporter/investigator whose memory is quickly deteriorating, and while curious, is now too lazy to put in the due diligence to either find out or remind oneself if I already knew.  And at this point I don't care enough.
  10. Like
    Admin got a reaction from dbailey62 in Herdman new head coach   
    That's fine.  Dig to your hearts content, but there are some theories that need to stay in people's heads.  Things that have already been removed and can't come back. 

    Times they are a changin'  and this forum may be becoming a liability and need to be moved to a separate entity all together.  Socially it is costing us, but there are also things that could be posted that could in no short order be an existential threat to the Voyageurs.  We have gone from forum to a real stadium presence and beyond.  We need to become less of a forum, without killing the forum, and not risk the broader bigger picture.   
  11. Like
    Admin reacted to Grizzly in Michael Petrasso   
    Team Canada!!!
  12. Like
    Admin reacted to Kadenge in Michael Petrasso   
    Wow..Montreal becomes Canada's team...and this from someone who has lived in Toronto  from the start of TFC joining MLS. I am going to watch every one of their games this season.....
  13. Like
    Admin reacted to Unnamed Trialist in Herdman new head coach   
    After a few days, I am still as disgusted by the decision as when I first heard it. And very angry with the CSA for making it. But since there are enough posters here and opinions out there thinking we have to get behind him, let me summarize my position, trying to interpret my emotions.
    1-Zambrano had done everything to suggest he was a good coach, capable of getting us good results, building on Floro and improving a lot of things. We were watchable, the Gold Cup was fun even. Since he was recently hired to do a project there is no basis to fire him for reasons that have nothing to do with performance on the pitch. That is disgraceful, at a club, anywhere, unless there is some extreme disciplinary question involved. No coach doing the job they were duly hired for should be fired for reasons unrelated to the quality of his coaching.
    2-Herdman has no experience in men's football. I believe this is a mark against him, as would be having some but very limited or at a low level. There are many differences between the games, and as I have even coached both, and watched both in the past and do so now, I still see them. He has no experience with this.
    3-There is no evidence from the way our women played that he can make us play well. Canada has been effective while not being the technially strongest team out there. This exposed us at the WC, but at the Olympics we overcame it. But we do not play very nicely, are not at all modern, we are still excessively direct and naive tactically. These are not things to be thinking we have to take over to the men. The only thing Herdman could argue is that he got a lot out of a team like ours, we played over our heads (remembering our ranking has never justified getting past a quarter final).
    4-Herdman was not honest with his colleague Zambrano, meaning we will never know in the future either. He is not to be trusted. He seems to have played the CSA boardroom to his advantage, clearly working to take away a colleague's job. It is appalling the CSA and Reed especially would have agreed to this, they should have told him to grow up, find a USL job or a men's team in Australia or something, and please, John, come back in a few years. So the CSA backs a guy who should not be backed, he should be told to grow up. If he was dishonest and disloyal behind people's backs he will be in the future with the men. Wait for it.
    5-Women and men play the game differently and results are gotten differently. Meaning coaches have to have a different set of knowlege and experience to succeed. At youth age, for up to 14-15 this would not be so problematic, but as adults it is. Even at the highest level of women's football, you do not see the edge, drive, meanness, extreme competitive drive, hubris, never mind the speed, variations and tactical complexity. Little of the diving, insults, elbows. A divided ball in the men's game is war, in women's it is still overly polite. Even today way more fouls in women's are for lateness or clumsiness, rather than pushing the limits and being called, then screaming at the ref. Defending in the box is ornery with the men, the women are still guileless. Every women's game I see (I watch Barça, enjoying Mertens lately), I am reminded of this. It is incredibly orderly and clean, it is textbook neat, like a computer game version of soccer. It is aesthetic for this reason, that is one reason people like to watch it. It is mostly totally lacking in the dire madness of the men's games. And Herdman is not ready for this, he has never seen it at work.*
    6-A national team is a bad place for a coach to learn about the men's game. Because there are just too few games, and little training, it is not the way. For me his appointment is a huge risk because it is technically inadequate and this will more than likely show when push comes to shove. The cycles are too short and slim to prove anything quickly and then, before you know it, it is too late. Herdman will be able to end up hiding behind getting the same results as all the rest (not qualifying for the WC, no Olympics, no World u-20, no great GC tournament). And then we will have a new CSA president (back to our  internal Anglo-Latin wars perhaps?), and we will start all over again. 
    *I admit the women's game is way better now internationally than even 10 years ago, or maybe 15. Players are fitter (overweight players were common until not that long ago), keepers make way fewer amateur errors (though average height is a factor, no doubt, making it one of the hardest positions in women's soccer, since shots go the same places they do with the men), the players line up on the pitch and interpret positional play way better. Now you watch teams pass, it is clean and orderly. It is more technical overall. I am not slighting it, I watch it, but it does not have the bite and cruelty. It is the same with women's basketball, and handball. With women's hockey too. Not all sports, for sure (women's MMA is frigging amazing and just as gutsy), but in soccer it is way softer and much saner in the crunch. What version of soccer is closer to how you draw it up on the blackboard? The answer is very obvious to me. What sort of drawings is JH going to come up with when he has the boys in the locker room, all ears? And does he honestly have any idea of how it is supposed to work?
  14. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Ivanovski94 in Herdman new head coach   
    I have never been a fan of the player suddenly turned coach and the federation hands them an A lisc.   I am always afraid this is going to happen.
    I think for this to go terribly wrong Herdman would have to be abysmal, or he completely loses the locker room.    I think it is fair to say we know he is not abysmal.  You can't be abysmal and succeed at anything, anywhere.  He has dedicated his life to coaching and we know he is not stupid.  Those are two good qualities I'll take over the player suddenly turned coach scenario. 
    He has 25+ years of coaching experience.  I get that on paper this is still a ludicrous appointment.  It's risky but I don't think we just boarded the Titanic. 
  15. Like
    Admin got a reaction from ted in Herdman new head coach   
    I have never been a fan of the player suddenly turned coach and the federation hands them an A lisc.   I am always afraid this is going to happen.
    I think for this to go terribly wrong Herdman would have to be abysmal, or he completely loses the locker room.    I think it is fair to say we know he is not abysmal.  You can't be abysmal and succeed at anything, anywhere.  He has dedicated his life to coaching and we know he is not stupid.  Those are two good qualities I'll take over the player suddenly turned coach scenario. 
    He has 25+ years of coaching experience.  I get that on paper this is still a ludicrous appointment.  It's risky but I don't think we just boarded the Titanic. 
  16. Like
    Admin got a reaction from paul-collins in Herdman new head coach   
    I have never been a fan of the player suddenly turned coach and the federation hands them an A lisc.   I am always afraid this is going to happen.
    I think for this to go terribly wrong Herdman would have to be abysmal, or he completely loses the locker room.    I think it is fair to say we know he is not abysmal.  You can't be abysmal and succeed at anything, anywhere.  He has dedicated his life to coaching and we know he is not stupid.  Those are two good qualities I'll take over the player suddenly turned coach scenario. 
    He has 25+ years of coaching experience.  I get that on paper this is still a ludicrous appointment.  It's risky but I don't think we just boarded the Titanic. 
  17. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Free kick in Herdman new head coach   
    I have never been a fan of the player suddenly turned coach and the federation hands them an A lisc.   I am always afraid this is going to happen.
    I think for this to go terribly wrong Herdman would have to be abysmal, or he completely loses the locker room.    I think it is fair to say we know he is not abysmal.  You can't be abysmal and succeed at anything, anywhere.  He has dedicated his life to coaching and we know he is not stupid.  Those are two good qualities I'll take over the player suddenly turned coach scenario. 
    He has 25+ years of coaching experience.  I get that on paper this is still a ludicrous appointment.  It's risky but I don't think we just boarded the Titanic. 
  18. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Kent in Herdman new head coach   
    I have never been a fan of the player suddenly turned coach and the federation hands them an A lisc.   I am always afraid this is going to happen.
    I think for this to go terribly wrong Herdman would have to be abysmal, or he completely loses the locker room.    I think it is fair to say we know he is not abysmal.  You can't be abysmal and succeed at anything, anywhere.  He has dedicated his life to coaching and we know he is not stupid.  Those are two good qualities I'll take over the player suddenly turned coach scenario. 
    He has 25+ years of coaching experience.  I get that on paper this is still a ludicrous appointment.  It's risky but I don't think we just boarded the Titanic. 
  19. Like
    Admin got a reaction from yomurphy1 in Herdman new head coach   
    I have never been a fan of the player suddenly turned coach and the federation hands them an A lisc.   I am always afraid this is going to happen.
    I think for this to go terribly wrong Herdman would have to be abysmal, or he completely loses the locker room.    I think it is fair to say we know he is not abysmal.  You can't be abysmal and succeed at anything, anywhere.  He has dedicated his life to coaching and we know he is not stupid.  Those are two good qualities I'll take over the player suddenly turned coach scenario. 
    He has 25+ years of coaching experience.  I get that on paper this is still a ludicrous appointment.  It's risky but I don't think we just boarded the Titanic. 
  20. Like
    Admin reacted to BenFisk'sBiggestFan in Herdman new head coach   
    I know this board does not like the CSA. Their record is absolutely terrible. So far this move looks like a strange one. But honestly people, we have no idea what was going on behind the scenes... I am just going to stay away from all the arguing and accept the fact that we have a new coach. 
    I have always seen Herdman as a great coach, and a complete class act. He let the CSA know he was leaving a while back. That was no big surprise. I still have confidence in his character and his abilities. I know he is not fully proven, but I will support him. I still want Canadian soccer to thrive. He did it with the women, maybe he can do it with the men. 
    I have no interest in arguing about what happened for him to get the job, because it is all speculation. I just want to voice my support for him personally as the new coach of the team.
  21. Like
    Admin reacted to Soefeia in CPL General   
    You see, this is brilliant because you've managed to reinforce my point. Instead of engaging with it you've deflected. 
    The main point is that from a position of almost no information, you've criticized a group of individuals for a particular decision as if you know better, which you don't. You've then compounded your error by suggesting that this is ego driven while ignoring the hypocracy of that statement. 
    Whether or not TFC II is branded as such or rebranded as an independent but affiliated team is not a particularly material argument to whether or not you know better than CPL ownership and leadership. 
    Whether or not Tom Fath is one of the 10, is not a particularly material argument to whether or not you know better than CPL ownership and leadership. 
    These are red herrings. 
    Simply put, so many in Canadian Soccer think their opinions are more worthy than they really are. It is the culture and a barrier to anything anyone tries to do to move forward. You are just one of thousands in that regard. Unless a critical mass of people can overcome this culture, we will never get any better. 
    I suspect you will want to further defend your position. Save your breath unless you are actually willing to engage with the central thesis. And I'll go back to happily lurking, working, not commenting, and trying to keep my own opinions humble and based in fact. 
  22. Like
    Admin got a reaction from ted in Metro Vancouver CPL Club   
    I would like to see more than one team in BC eventually....
  23. Like
    Admin got a reaction from C2SKI in Metro Vancouver CPL Club   
    I would like to see more than one team in BC eventually....
  24. Like
    Admin got a reaction from ironcub14 in Toronto CPL   
    Good thing every city in Europe only has one team. 
  25. Haha
    Admin got a reaction from Ansem in Toronto CPL   
    Good thing every city in Europe only has one team. 
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