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  1. Like
    Admin got a reaction from MtlMario in CPL General   
     It's not even trolling, it's just endless evisceration of posts by people trying to casually have a conversation or speculate about a league we know little about. 
    This should be fun to talk about.  It isn't.
  2. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Greatest Cockney Rip Off in CPL General   
     It's not even trolling, it's just endless evisceration of posts by people trying to casually have a conversation or speculate about a league we know little about. 
    This should be fun to talk about.  It isn't.
  3. Like
    Admin reacted to soccer.shocker in Herdman new head coach   
    In the last 3 years, what percentage of total goals allowed by MNT have been in the first 10 or last 5 minutes of a half? Classic mental lapses majority of the time. Hostile environment or not. The age old cliche of paying a full 90 minutes comes down to mental / psychological fortitude at MNT level and several levels below for that matter. 
    I do not have the time or energy to do the exact math for MNT or seek out stats and ratios for other countries but our propensity towards early / late goals allowed is much more psychological than tactical, environmental or fitness related. That much is clear from the stands, on the TV, highlights etc..  Access to consistent sports psychology services (PhD level for MNT level) is standard fare at most big professional clubs and NT's and have been for a decades now.  Anyone involved in high performance sport accepts and embraces this. 
    As usual, the main barriers with MNT appear to be a mix of managers who don't quite accept / understand the importance (or believe conceitedly that experienced football coach = sports psych skill set...it does not by some distance) and budgetary constraint. If we don't have $$ to play in 1-2x  in every window then where does the funding come from for things like sport psych and sport science for that manner? Anything JH can integrate into MNT environment in those areas I'm sure would be welcomed by players and staff alike and subsequently supporters as the on pitch performance improves. If JH can spoon feed CSA brass how critical those aspects have been to WNT performance / success in general then fingers crossed. 
    New to the board so apologies if this entire topic has been hashed over many times over before. 
  4. Like
    Admin reacted to matthew in CSL (any and all info/memories)   
    Yeah I think your Blizzard kit is from 88. If you see the clip where they're releasing the balloons above, that is the Blizzard home kit in 87. And in 1990 they looked like this: 
    They may have also worn the kit you posted in 89 as well, but I don't know.
    cheers, matthew
  5. Like
    Admin reacted to Rocket Robin in CSL (any and all info/memories)   
  6. Like
    Admin reacted to ThatOlCeePee in CSL (any and all info/memories)   
    It's crazy, I grew up when this was on TV, playing but never watched/found out about it til later. Shocked at how little info/images etc is around. Have been able to add a few kits to my collection. Hoping anyone else has any info/stories etc 
  7. Like
    Admin reacted to matty in CPL General   
    Si. Normally I don't like getting deep into personal stuff on here but Pat is throwing around a seriously accusation at someone recklessly IMO.
  8. Like
    Admin got a reaction from MrsC in CPL General   
    They have met with a lot of people.  
    They are not operating in secret, they are getting a lot of feedback from the supporters groups and many other people in the soccer community. 
  9. Like
    Admin reacted to Kent in CPL General   
    What did Buzz do? He told you where the original text came from (SNL) and who was responsible for it (NBC, Lorne Michaels and I guess he left out Julia Sweeney).
  10. Like
    Admin got a reaction from johnyb in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  11. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Lofty in Herdman new head coach   
    I had meant to lock the thread and start a new one, but hid it.   Since I use the Activity stream, not the forum view I didn't see that it was hidden.   It shows up red in the forum view. 
    People seemed to want it unlocked and start a new one when there is something to actually talk about. 
  12. Like
    Admin reacted to Unnamed Trialist in Ballou Tabla   
    I just lost the rap battle, brother.
  13. Like
    Admin reacted to Unnamed Trialist in Ballou Tabla   
    He trained with the B today, pouring rain and 6 degrees, here he is being introduced to the group. For images of training today, lots of him, scroll down to Fotos and Videos, here: https://www.fcbarcelona.es/futbol
    From what they are saying, he may actually be called in for tomorrow, be a surprise: 

  14. Like
    Admin reacted to Gian-Luca in Herdman new head coach   
    As far as I can tell, it is a straight up fact that no one here has said this. People who are complaining about his lack of experience coaching men's soccer are complaining about a lack of experience, not saying that he is incapable. 
    You are making this claim of sexism based on a complete strawman argument. 
  15. Like
    Admin got a reaction from TFC2017 in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  16. Like
    Admin got a reaction from ted in Herdman new head coach   
    Ok, guys. 
    It really seems we are trying a little to hard to be mad here.
  17. Like
    Admin got a reaction from toontownman in CPL General   
    They have met with a lot of people.  
    They are not operating in secret, they are getting a lot of feedback from the supporters groups and many other people in the soccer community. 
  18. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Rheo in CPL General   
    They have met with a lot of people.  
    They are not operating in secret, they are getting a lot of feedback from the supporters groups and many other people in the soccer community. 
  19. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Ivanovski94 in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
  20. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Kent in Herdman new head coach   
    Ok, guys. 
    It really seems we are trying a little to hard to be mad here.
  21. Like
    Admin got a reaction from Zem in Herdman new head coach   
    Ok, guys. 
    It really seems we are trying a little to hard to be mad here.
  22. Like
    Admin got a reaction from BuzzAndSting in Herdman new head coach   
    Ok, guys. 
    It really seems we are trying a little to hard to be mad here.
  23. Like
    Admin got a reaction from BuzzAndSting in Herdman new head coach   
  24. Like
    Admin reacted to Grizzly in Herdman new head coach   
    If he gets outstanding results he will obviously win people around but otherwise I think people will be very skeptical and critical of him and that is par for the course when a change like this is made in such a manner with someone who seemed to being doing a good job being replaced suddenly in a non-professional manner with no open candidate search by someone on the face of it does not seem particularly qualified for the job. If mere soccer fans are skeptical about Herdman imagine what the professional players some of whom have and are playing for top level coaches think.
    Herdman needs to be given a chance but even for a good coach this is a bad situation to be in in which he needs to get some results quickly to convince the skeptics. It reminds me a lot of the Mitchell hiring when he went into the job on a bad note after the poor U20 World Cup. People forget that he initially had good results and had the team playing nice football. We had a decent friendly record, had an impressive showing against Brazil and convincingly beat up on a minnow in our first round. We played very well against Jamaica and should have won the game but a keeper error cost us the 3 points. Then we totally outplayed Honduras in the first half in Montreal but they injured our best player on a play that should have been a red card and penalty and things went south in the second half under a lot of factors in particular a very biased ref. The flubbed goal and bad ref were not Mitchell's fault but then certain players on the team turned against him and the qualifying campaign went south. There were some players like Stalteri and Bernier who gave 100% and were team players no matter who the coach was but others like DeRo and Brennan quit the team. One hopes that our current team is full of players like Stalteri and Bernier but often that is not the case. A few bad results and things could go really bad. 

    The other thing that bothers me is that the CSA seems to be going once again to the usual habit of hiring people they know and like instead of the best qualified coach they can get. Hiring top coaches won't always produce the desired result and not every good coach will be a good fit for our team but nevertheless it will produce a much higher probability of success and also good coaches give their players a lot of knowledge they can use in their future career. Maybe Floro was not the perfect fit for our team but still I remember most of the players comments after he left were that they learned a lot from him whereas most of them said after Hart that they liked him a lot as a person. This just seems to me to be a hiring very much in the vein of Yallop, Mitchell and Hart as opposed to Ossieck and Floro. As fans we need to take the Stalteri and Bernier position of always cheering 100% for our team but if things don't work out then we need to do our best to demand reform in the CSA after a hire like this. Eventually one of their underqualified coach hirings is going to work out just based on percentages and we can only hope that Herdman is the one that does and the CSA confidence in his abilities is not erroneous.
  25. Like
    Admin got a reaction from MtlMario in NEW Mother of all Canucks Abroad (and domestic)   
    I'd like to order 10 of those please.
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