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Copa America: Canada vs Argentina - Tuesday, July 9th - 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific - NYC area

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What a tournament.  

A unqualified success that we, and others are going to try to qualify.  But that is as it should be.  That's football.

To be brief, and to the point, we went in with questions about our back line and left questioning are goal scoring.  Quite rightly.

Too many eye catching performances to single out.  And just as many affirming performances as to be encouraging.  Complain about what you want, there's plenty to moan about, but on the whole this was a successful tourney for Canada.  A very successful tourney.

Lock, stock, and barrel.


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1 minute ago, Cheeta said:

What a tournament.  

A unqualified success that we, and others are going to try to qualify.  But that is as it should be.  That's football.

To be brief, and to the point, we went in with questions about our back line and left questioning are goal scoring.  Quite rightly.

Too many eye catching performances to single out.  And just as many affirming performances as to be encouraging.  Complain about what you want, there's plenty to moan about, but on the whole this was a successful tourney for Canada.  A very successful tourney.

Lock, stock, and barrel.


Amen, brother. With one more game to go!

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45 minutes ago, sose said:

I thought lLarin was fine this match.. David was off.

And yea.. Millar is out of form and hasn't been sharp.. wasn't up to the moment, but he will be back

Tonight the ball kept falling to him on his left foot, when you can tell he wants it on his right. It will come. He is doing the right things in the right places. 

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6 minutes ago, VinceA said:

I watch the CPL weekly I just don't really post about it on the forums.

I didn't know I needed to post on the sub forums to be a real fan. My bad.

It is also completely asinine for someone to think that you have to post in a sub forum to follow the league or to appreciate its fundamental importance to developing  players in Canada.

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5 minutes ago, GasPed said:

Apparently he (Davies) has gone to the hospital for X-rays, so I would actually be quite surprised if he played the next one.

Funny that we were the "dirtiest team in the tournament" according to the media yet consistently put up with that shit


That was some dirty work by the Argintina player

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7 minutes ago, Cheeta said:

What a tournament.  

A unqualified success that we, and others are going to try to qualify.  But that is as it should be.  That's football.

To be brief, and to the point, we went in with questions about our back line and left questioning are goal scoring.  Quite rightly.

Too many eye catching performances to single out.  And just as many affirming performances as to be encouraging.  Complain about what you want, there's plenty to moan about, but on the whole this was a successful tourney for Canada.  A very successful tourney.

Lock, stock, and barrel.



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5 minutes ago, Cheeta said:

What a tournament.  

A unqualified success that we, and others are going to try to qualify.  But that is as it should be.  That's football.

To be brief, and to the point, we went in with questions about our back line and left questioning are goal scoring.  Quite rightly.

Too many eye catching performances to single out.  And just as many affirming performances as to be encouraging.  Complain about what you want, there's plenty to moan about, but on the whole this was a successful tourney for Canada.  A very successful tourney.

Lock, stock, and barrel.


Agreed, but I don't honestly question our scoring that much. Maybe it is having a stats background that makes me feel this way, but the reality is, sometimes you get bounces and sometimes you don't, and we didn't get a lot of bounces go our way this tournament around the opposing net. I'd be more concerned if we weren't generating chances.

I mean, put your mind to it, think of a lucky bounce we got in the opposing box or on a shot on goal during Copa? I've got nothing, Just makes what we accomplished that much more impressive in my mind.  I mean it could be our strikers are just bad shots, but I don't think that is true, I think over time we will score in line with our xg.

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Overall a great effort in a game that was always a long shot to win or draw.  After this run of matches, CONCACAF tournaments should seem easy. 

Looking forward, who do we have that we can sub in instead of Millar?  

And I hope Bombito develops quickly.  He has talent but that’s the second game in a row where his mistake lead to a goal. 

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1 hour ago, A.D.I.D.A.S. said:

At some point before 2026 we seriously need to find a true playmaking #10.

We need somebody calming things down in the midfield, dictating plays, and providing some defense-splitting passes to Larin and JD.

Simon Colyn is that guy 

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I am so proud of our boys.  What a performance in the tournament to date but let's bring home 3rd this weekend.

Let's also not forget that we are a team with a brand new coach who has been with our players for less than 2 months.  I'm sure Marsch has learned a lot in the past 6 weeks but he is also still likely learning a lot of our players and where they all fit.  We went into a tournament against some of the best teams in the world and even some of the lesser quality teams in the tournament are still some of the hardest to play against.  We were the away team in every single game and playing in adverse weather conditions that would affect us more than our opponents with officials that were always going to favour our opponents.  The smaller fields likely helped us defensively but the smaller fields also does not help our attack at all.  Goals are hard to come by against the best teams in the world, but they come by even harder on smaller fields where we thrive in bigger open fields on attack. With all these things being considered, to be playing for 3rd place in this tournament is massive achievement. 


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56 minutes ago, Vasi said:


I'm very concerned for David. 

Not his best day.  Worst of the tournament to my eye.  I could be more harsh than that but...

It's on Marsch that he came out after the break.  Which is a bit surprising as JM doesn't seem to be married to president.  I mean David can always do "A David" but there's a point at which you need to recognize it just isn't working for so-and-so today.

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2 minutes ago, Kingston said:

Overall a great effort in a game that was always a long shot to win or draw.  After this run of matches, CONCACAF tournaments should seem easy. 

Looking forward, who do we have that we can sub in instead of Millar?  

And I hope Bombito develops quickly.  He has talent but that’s the second game in a row where his mistake lead to a goal. 

Well, there was that Ali guy that did pretty good on wing at the end there... 

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Just now, The Beaver 2.0 said:

WTF? I mean, that would be amazing, but there currently isn't any evidence to support this claim. Have you been huffing your soiled shorts?

Kone is more likely to be that guy than Colyn.

Let me disagree you said a #10 

Koné is not a #10,  he is an industrious mid,  can plY #6 or #8.

Colyn is a natural #10

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22 minutes ago, Cheeta said:

What a tournament.  

A unqualified success that we, and others are going to try to qualify.  But that is as it should be.  That's football.

To be brief, and to the point, we went in with questions about our back line and left questioning are goal scoring.  Quite rightly.

Too many eye catching performances to single out.  And just as many affirming performances as to be encouraging.  Complain about what you want, there's plenty to moan about, but on the whole this was a successful tourney for Canada.  A very successful tourney.

Lock, stock, and barrel.


questions about the back-line?!?  huh?

I kid.  But holey guacamole...the questions about the back-line were our biggest collective worry.  and they just got stomped into nothing, at the very least, once we sober up and evaluate, on par with...back-line depth?  choice of forwards?  choice at mids?

it has really been a heckuva tournament, and I have no problem giving the duo of Bombito and Cornelius the 1st All-Star placement for their efforts.  2nd to Crepeau, c'mon, he was outstanding,  3rd to  Maritime Messi, who was awesome, but methinks not as impactful as the former.

As the OP said...between the start and finish of this tournament, Canada introduced a ton of new impactful players.  KInda krazy.

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I swear that I will finally just be about to fall asleep later tonight, and then I am going to remember this and crack up all over again, and it will be another 1/2 hour before I can sleep


Edited to add: I think it is so funny (to me at least) because he got the weight on the ball perfectly right. Harder, and it would have been a cheap shot, worthy of a red. Softer, and he might not have gotten DePaul to bite on the theatrics, but that was just right. 

Edited by 74 Whitecap
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We can go now to try for 3rd place, but we need to start shooting.  So many chances and approximations and nobody shoots during the whole game.  If I remember correctly it was not until late that Miller took a shot.  Pathetic the rest of the guys.  One colour commentator said our nbr. 10 was nearly useless, I agree.

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1 minute ago, The Beaver 2.0 said:

You missed my point. I'll try again: David would make a better #10

They guy has like 12/13 assists and 9 goals in the Dutch league playing which position?   Yes ,  #10 !  

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