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Copa America: Canada vs Peru - Tuesday, June 25th - 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific - Kansas City, Kansas

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8 hours ago, themodelcitizen said:

You almost wonder if AJ sort of half-committing to embellishing the fall, but being unable to bring himself to truly dive, didn't help. Commit to the bit! 😄

Playing  in Scotland doesn't help with that stuff, but AJ and a lot of our players have experienced this crap vs CA teams before. He got under the player's skin,  just didn't finish it off with the embellishment. 



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12 hours ago, BearcatSA said:

I thought that was a terrible non-call and Machnik's opinion is ludicrous.

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Any other player with more experience would've gone to the ground , the teammates would've come and start a argument with the ref or the player who headbutt AJ ... Its call putting pressure on the ref and VAR . Is it right? you could argue that it is a bit ch move but thats the way bigger teams play in these situations. If we want to compete against these bigger teams we need to learn some of the antics too , specially in this situation where it was clearly a red card , I'm convince the ref didnt give them a red card because we didnt put pressure on him.. its still unfortunate a team needs to put pressure on refs to make the right calls but its been a part of the game forever and the bigger/better teams are very good at managing these type of situations. 


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26 minutes ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Any other player with more experience would've gone to the ground , the teammates would've come and start a argument with the ref or the player who headbutt AJ ... Its call putting pressure on the ref and VAR . Is it right? you could argue that it is a bit ch move but thats the way bigger teams play in these situations. If we want to compete against these bigger teams we need to learn some of the antics too , specially in this situation where it was clearly a red card , I'm convince the ref didnt give them a red card because we didnt put pressure on him.. its still unfortunate a team needs to put pressure on refs to make the right calls but its been a part of the game forever and the bigger/better teams are very good at managing these type of situations. 


im liking it but under duress of the fact youre right. very unfortunately right. but i dont like to like it

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34 minutes ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

I think it may well boil down to character - as they say, under adversity is when your true character is revealed.  And AJ (perhaps sadly) has been revealed to be a stand up guy (literally). 

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44 minutes ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Any other player with more experience would've gone to the ground , the teammates would've come and start a argument with the ref or the player who headbutt AJ ... Its call putting pressure on the ref and VAR . Is it right? you could argue that it is a bit ch move but thats the way bigger teams play in these situations. If we want to compete against these bigger teams we need to learn some of the antics too , specially in this situation where it was clearly a red card , I'm convince the ref didnt give them a red card because we didnt put pressure on him.. its still unfortunate a team needs to put pressure on refs to make the right calls but its been a part of the game forever and the bigger/better teams are very good at managing these type of situations. 


He did fall to the ground. It was delayed.

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3 hours ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Any other player with more experience would've gone to the ground , the teammates would've come and start a argument with the ref or the player who headbutt AJ ... Its call putting pressure on the ref and VAR . Is it right? you could argue that it is a bit ch move but thats the way bigger teams play in these situations. If we want to compete against these bigger teams we need to learn some of the antics too , specially in this situation where it was clearly a red card , I'm convince the ref didnt give them a red card because we didnt put pressure on him.. its still unfortunate a team needs to put pressure on refs to make the right calls but its been a part of the game forever and the bigger/better teams are very good at managing these type of situations. 


I say no.

Play honourably and beat them.

Like we did.

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7 hours ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Any other player with more experience would've gone to the ground , the teammates would've come and start a argument with the ref or the player who headbutt AJ ... Its call putting pressure on the ref and VAR . Is it right? you could argue that it is a bit ch move but thats the way bigger teams play in these situations. If we want to compete against these bigger teams we need to learn some of the antics too , specially in this situation where it was clearly a red card , I'm convince the ref didnt give them a red card because we didnt put pressure on him.. its still unfortunate a team needs to put pressure on refs to make the right calls but its been a part of the game forever and the bigger/better teams are very good at managing these type of situations. 


One of the commentators, can't remember which one, actually said the only reason possible for not giving that red was instigation on AJ's part.  I've never even heard the term used in soccer.  But if so, had he gone down or not, he probably still wouldn't have gotten it.  

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4 hours ago, Kingston said:

I say no.

Play honourably and beat them.

Like we did.

Yes!  Best case scenario. 

At least we don't walk through life like Rivaldo.  Sure, he's got millions but it's gotta be embarrassing and soul sucking walking through life knowing everyone has seen how pathetic and low you can go.

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10 hours ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Probably the main problem is that it did not hurt him too much. 

And that he knew he'd also gotten into his face, so it was part of the deal.

If you are not used to embellishment it is not easy to learn.

Edited by Unnamed Trialist
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11 hours ago, rick10 said:

the main problem with the h

7 hours ago, Kingston said:

I say no.

Play honourably and beat them.

Like we did.

Headbutt is that alistair didn't sell it ,  he didn't even go on the ground ...

Any other player with more experience would've gone to the ground , the teammates would've come and start a argument with the ref or the player who headbutt AJ ... Its call putting pressure on the ref and VAR . Is it right? you could argue that it is a bit ch move but thats the way bigger teams play in these situations. If we want to compete against these bigger teams we need to learn some of the antics too , specially in this situation where it was clearly a red card , I'm convince the ref didnt give them a red card because we didnt put pressure on him.. its still unfortunate a team needs to put pressure on refs to make the right calls but its been a part of the game forever and the bigger/better teams are very good at managing these type of situations. 


I can see both sides of this argument, yes you can and maybe should sell it better and play the psychological game with the ref.  Even have many players surround the ref  There is a ton of that stuff in this tournament, just look at Panama.  But I can also see the "Play Honorable" argument for the following reasons:   

In this tournament, look at who are the worst culprits for  playing mind games and the dark arts.   Its mostly the teams are evidently inferior and that clearly don't have the talent of their opponents and this kind of gamesmanship is the only way to try and level the playing field.   Its kind of saying, we are not good enough to beat you and we know that were are not good enough.  Is this the message you want to send?

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3 hours ago, costarg said:

One of the commentators, can't remember which one, actually said the only reason possible for not giving that red was instigation on AJ's part.  I've never even heard the term used in soccer.  But if so, had he gone down or not, he probably still wouldn't have gotten it.  

The are both drifting over to each.  They're both in sausage-measuring posture wanting to get in each other's grill, except that Lopez goes one step further and moves his head forward and downward onto the side of Johnston's forehead.  He's not retaliating:  he's initiating the contact action.

I think VAR was just too chicken shit, for whatever reason, to have the ref review it himself.



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On 6/27/2024 at 1:22 PM, Ottawafan said:

What a great experience.  From the win, to the Peru fans being gracious, to the Canadian fans who were in 130 and stood the whole game cheering in that heat... was something special.

Pro tip... bring Liquid IV packets, dump them in your water.  Saved us on Tuesday!!

Found this on clearance in Nepean at a rexall 15 mins after this post, bought the store out.

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