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Copa America Other Matches + Group A

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2 minutes ago, Watchmen said:

"That's not a straight line." is certainly a new excuse for VAR getting a call (potentially) wrong.  Just dispute the placement if you want.

LOL. I'm pretty sure he doesn't quite understand how the software works.  How it's set up and maps the venue, blah, blah, blah.

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6 minutes ago, Macksam said:

I'm not able to edit my previous post so I had to re quote this.

CONMEBOL had a tough time getting Ecuador to host so the USSF stepped up to finance this whole shindig, and a strategic partnership was formed with CONCACAF, we get the elevated level of play from South American participation while they get access to the lucrative North American marketing machine. I would be shocked if this doesn't become a permanent thing. CONMEBOL wants to compete with UEFA and they need the USA on their side to do that. I expect the CONCACAF Champions League to be the next thing to go with Copa Libertadores expanding to our region in its place. 

This is a good thing to. Clearly the officiating needs improve a little bit after what we're seeing in this USA Uruguay game, but that'll come with time. 

If this is going to happen I want, at the very least four things:

I. Concacaf getting equal power to Conmebol in organization and ESPECIALLY anything refs related. The bias against Concacaf teams was sickening. They need our money for Copa America and when it come to Copa Libertadores we both have more money and the two best leagues, so it's noting more than what the cards we have should give us.

II. I want Conmebol to commit to help stamp out both the disrespect against CONCACAF teams in general and in particular the racist insults against black players from (small minorities of) fans of some Conmebol team.

III. For Copa everyone needs to qualify, simple as that. No more automatic qualification for Conmebol teams. Honestly, if we had, say Curacao, Haiti or Suriname instead of Bolivia and Paraguay the level of the tournament would be higher.

IV. No more rotation of hosts in South America, and instead a normal bidding process. This way we won't have to be subjected to Bolivia weaponizing altitude, for example.

If any of those won't happen then we should say thanks but no thanks to any deeper partnership with Conmebol.

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Before we clown the American I do believe its worth remembering that the final nail in their coffin was another pro-Conmebol team decision by the refs. Between seeing that trend continue tonight and Conmebol making a point of publicly saying Bombito should have been sent off I get the nagging feeling the refs in the game against Venezuela would hinder us even more then during the group stage...

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