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CNL Play-In for Copa America: Canada vs Trinidad & Tobago - Saturday, March 23, 2024 - Frisco (greater Dallas), Texas

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i dont follow out of town MLS enough but no ahmed, and yes piette is a little surprising to me?  Larryea and Adekugbe would really fill out this roster a bit.  Hopefully dont miss Juniors service.  Maybe the future can take set pieces.


Im guessing Borjan wasnt promised the start and passed.

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What a squad, well done Biello. Only things that I would change would be Shaffelburg for JRR. I think 5 strikers is excessive and we’re gonna lack depth out wide, I would take Corbeanu over Shaf but he needs to settle into a club for once. I would also take Ahmed for Piette because I belive he is better and can give hep out wide as well as in the middle.

Edit: Sorry I’m blind and didn’t see Shaf on the list, if that’s the case I would take Ahmed over JRR and keep Piette.

Edited by Jack1997
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1 minute ago, Obinna said:

I see no Ahmed. Too soon given his injury return was like a weak ago. I would have thought he'd be a shoe-in given the absence of Laryea and Adekugbe. 

Yea he probably was short on time. The squad was probably made before his weekend showout. 
However, in the absence of Adekugbe and Laryea, (in the WB roles) we Davies, and Millar for the LWB and Buchanan, Johnston, and Corbeanu. So we aren't thin or short at all IMO.

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2 minutes ago, Shway said:

This will be the starting.....

However I could see Biello putitng Bombito in the Piette holding role. 
The backline could be any of these combinations.



 i think waterman is called up to be a central CB. Bombito is better at running channels as an outside CB. Miller is lock at LCB so its cornelius or waterman in the middle. AJ is likely starting RB. Davies, buchanan, david, larin, kone, staq are for sure starting. So its either piette/bombito/choiniere/oso to take his spot. My guess is we go with oso due to anticipating a low block. 

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27 minutes ago, Shway said:

That would imply we are playing with a back 4. Which would make sense in that case. 
If it's a back 3, I'm picking Tajon 9/10 times over Allistair in the RWB position. 

Agree to all of this, but apparently I was wrong. I’m actually surprised. I thought everyone reporting on Pos who is relatively obscure, getting his citizenship was a subtle leak that he was gonna get called. 

Couple surprises, too bad no Ahmed and I wish they would’ve surprised us and included Corbeanu, but this is a pretty bold selection. I like the ambition of calling in 5 strikers just because they’re all in form, interesting that they’re still trying to make Bombito happen, and very happy that Sirois gets a nod. I’m surprised that JRR was called in as the 3rd striker off the bench instead of someone more positionally useful but any complaints I have about this roster are pretty minor. Good job Biello.


Montreal never played him as a CB but I wonder if there’s a chance they go with Waterman/Miller/AJ as starters because they have some level of chemistry. 

Edited by InglewoodJack
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1 minute ago, Shway said:

Yea he probably was short on time. The squad was probably made before his weekend showout. 
However, in the absence of Adekugbe and Laryea, (in the WB roles) we Davies, and Millar for the LWB and Buchanan, Johnston, and Corbeanu. So we aren't thin or short at all IMO.

No Corbeanu but point taken. We have plenty of wide depth and Tajon and Davies can and have played fullback, if we need to go into that shape. Probably we are going to go with wingbacks though, I am guessing. Davies, Millar, Buchanan the most likely to start. Johnston will play RCB once again? 

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4 minutes ago, Shway said:

Exactly. As much as I don't want to see this.
I would take Waterman out and put Bombito to pair with a slow Miller.

Cornelius needs way more love.  Him left and Bombito right is natural, pacey and not small.  Whether them together is enough positional, I guess would remain to be seen.

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2 minutes ago, Bigandy said:

 i think waterman is called up to be a central CB. Bombito is better at running channels as an outside CB. Miller is lock at LCB so its cornelius or waterman in the middle. AJ is likely starting RB. Davies, buchanan, david, larin, kone, staq are for sure starting. So its either piette/bombito/choiniere/oso to take his spot. My guess is we go with oso due to anticipating a low block. 

Good observation/breakdown. But putting Oso behind Kone or Staq, or putting him in front in anticipation of a low block is a recipe for disisaster considering that same low block got us caught out several times against Jamaica. Now Trinidad isn't Jamaica, but they do have the speed to work on the counter. Reason why I didn't have waterman in a lineup with Miller as they are both slow. Miller with Bombito might be the pairing we've needed. 

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6 minutes ago, Shway said:

It's a fair point. But to say there aren't ANY LB when Davies plays there game in and out for his club is a bit egregious no?

Not when we add "actual".  It looks made for three at the back. It would be pretty wild to think we are going to play Davies as an actual fullback against T&T.

Edited by WestHamCanadianinOxford
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Just now, WestHamCanadianinOxford said:

Cornelius needs way more love. 

Johnston - Waterman - Miller* all played together for some time with Montréal, that's nice to have. Also, Cornelius just started his season not sure about his fitness. 

*You can add Koné to that list.

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Theo Corbeanu wondering what he has to do to get a recall.  Tough spot though - so deep on wide attacking players.   Recognizing that we simply can’t fit everyone in I love the inclusions. And with no disrespect intended, I love the exclusions.  Biello trying to put his own stamp on things.   Good on him.  We tried the old approach against Jamaica and it didn’t work.  Something something definition of insanity.  Glad to see he had the testicular fortitude to mix it up.    Win or lose I support this squad selection.   

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1 minute ago, WestHamCanadianinOxford said:

Cornelius needs way more love.  Him left and Bombito right is natural, pacey and not small.  Whether them together is enough positional, I guess would remain to be seen.

Trust me I would love that for the future too. 
Corneilius-Miller-Bombito would be my ideal lineup. 

I'm not sold on Johnston at RCB anymore, and I do wonder if could play in front of them. 

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Just now, Shway said:

Good observation/breakdown. But putting Oso behind Kone or Staq, or putting him in front in anticipation of a low block is a recipe for disisaster considering that same low block got us caught out several times against Jamaica. Now Trinidad isn't Jamaica, but they do have the speed to work on the counter. Reason why I didn't have waterman in a lineup with Miller as they are both slow. Miller with Bombito might be the pairing we've needed. 

for sure. I think oso plays at cam (never behind kone and staq) to break down the low block. Theoretically a cam is not responsible for dealing with counter attacks. The issue is that kone and staq will roam and get caught out which is why piette/bombito could get the call instead. 

I defo agree with your point personally but predict biello goes with oso. 

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What I expect:



Davies--------------------------Buchanan (like him better on the left....)





- Bombito and LDF cover for Johnston

- Cornelius cover for Miller or Waterman

- Millar cover for Davies or Buchanan

- Ugbo and/or Bair for the two forwards

- Choniere, Piette, are the midfield options


Edited by Obinna
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1 minute ago, Colonel Green said:

No Borjan! 🥳

Jokes aside, he will always have the brilliance of the World Cup qualification run, but everything since has just made him look well past his prime.

We'll always have Borjan's pants...

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1 minute ago, Shway said:

Good observation/breakdown. But putting Oso behind Kone or Staq, or putting him in front in anticipation of a low block is a recipe for disisaster considering that same low block got us caught out several times against Jamaica. Now Trinidad isn't Jamaica, but they do have the speed to work on the counter. Reason why I didn't have waterman in a lineup with Miller as they are both slow. Miller with Bombito might be the pairing we've needed. 

I wonder if Biello sees Bombito more as cover for the d-mid spot behind Kone and Eustaquio?

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4 minutes ago, WestHamCanadianinOxford said:

Cornelius needs way more love.  Him left and Bombito right is natural, pacey and not small.  Whether them together is enough positional, I guess would remain to be seen.

I like that long term, or even medium term, but right now Miller is into the flow of MLS and Cornelius has only played cup matches in Sweden. I think Miller probably has the edge at the moment. 

That said, we've used Cornelius in the middle under Biello, maybe that's what happens and Waterman is the depth piece. 

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