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CNL Play-In for Copa America: Canada vs Trinidad & Tobago - Saturday, March 23, 2024 - Frisco (greater Dallas), Texas

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2 minutes ago, El Hombre said:

Love Shaffelburg.  Just not when he has defensive responsibilities in a tight game.  He should be playing the majority in the other team's half.

Ya he brings a very different skillset to Millar. Both good depending on the situation.

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Thoughts on the game. Really poor from Canada until the subs were made. Larin with a great finish but it was just dreadful in the final third. Once Trinidad had to stretch the game and eventually Canada took advantage. But they got the result and that's what matters. 

Thought David was probably the best player on the pitch. Crepeau looked good in goal and I didn't worry with him in goal like I normally do with Borjan. Shaffelburg had a big impact as he didn't fuck around and just tried to be direct. Buchanan and Eustaquio's poor play show that moves to big clubs can be a downside if there are stretches where they get so few minutes. Good to see de Fougerolles get his debut as we are desperate for CBs and he is an intriguing prospect. 

Hopefully Canada step up their game against some really good opposition in June. Netherlands and Argentina in subsequent games are two of the best tests Canada have had in decades. But those big tests are desperately needed between now and the World Cup and they are now happening.

Rick Westhead in shambles right now, if he even knows there is a game on....

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Just now, dyslexic nam said:

I always wonder why Ozzy doesn’t post in these threads.  

Here you go:

Fuck CSB.  Bus leagues are thr best!  I hate everybody and have everyone on mute but here's a detailed six paragraph rebuttal filled with nonsense and self-persecution.  Also, everyone keeps misquoting me because I ramble and say stupid shit.  I'm not defensive, you're defensive!

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