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Next CanMNT manager (Herdman to TFC)


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Who knows what the CSA has in mind , not that they care to be honest , I honestly believe they want us to be embarrassed,  I understand  they have had financial issues through the years, to me that is not a excuse, ... I am just getting tired of us taking one step forward  and two steps back 

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Does anyone think CSA was interviewing candidates for the job in recent weeks, or would they have waited until Tuesday's result before starting the process to give Biello a shot?

From a PR perspective, it would make sense to announce a new manager before the holidays kick in?  Turning a new page, new narrative...

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9 minutes ago, cornerkick said:

Does anyone think CSA was interviewing candidates for the job in recent weeks, or would they have waited until Tuesday's result before starting the process to give Biello a shot?

From a PR perspective, it would make sense to announce a new manager before the holidays kick in?  Turning a new page, new narrative...

You are aware that the vast majority of countries don't interview in any conventional sense. They have someone in mind, after internal deliberation at the federation, and they have a talk. If it works out, they hire him.

The vast majority move quickly as well, because the same as clubs who lose a player to serious injury, they already have a list of prospects ready.

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6 hours ago, cornerkick said:

Does anyone think CSA was interviewing candidates for the job in recent weeks, or would they have waited until Tuesday's result before starting the process to give Biello a shot?

From a PR perspective, it would make sense to announce a new manager before the holidays kick in?  Turning a new page, new narrative...

There will be no decision on a new coach until a new general secretary has been hired.  They have had a headhunter looking for candidates for the last 1 to 2 months.  On this timeline, I don't see a new coach being hired until at least mid to late February.  And that's only if they stick to their original timeline of having a new GS before the end of the year.

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8 minutes ago, El Hombre said:

There will be no decision on a new coach until a new general secretary has been hired.  They have had a headhunter looking for candidates for the last 1 to 2 months.  On this timeline, I don't see a new coach being hired until at least mid to late February.  And that's only if they stick to their original timeline of having a new GS before the end of the year.

Wanted:  Experienced manager with a track record of success in top professional leagues willing to assume an 80% pay cut to work with fine young men.

Do they just post this in print, or has the CSA evolved to throwing this online on zip recruiter etc.

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About the triple sub, that happened when the game was 2-2 in the 74th minute. And as it relates to spreading the subs out, remember that these days you can make 5 subs, but you can only stop the game for a sub 3 different times. So if you want to make all 5 subs (which we did), and none of them are at half-time, you have to either do 3 together and 1 the other 2 times, or you have to do 2 together twice.

I'm not trying to argue that we should keep Biello, his subs obviously didn't work since we lost 1-0 in the portion of the game after he started making subs, despite being up a man for more than half of that time.

The penalty was hard luck. I don't think the call was wrong with the way the game is usually called, but I kind of hate how penalties are called for hand balls. I wouldn't be against there being 2 different severities of hand balls in the box. Deliberate hand ball and/or obviously making your body bigger with the intent of potentially blocking the ball, or you accidentally stopped a goal, penalty. Accidental hand ball where your hands are in a natural position (where "natural" doesn't mean handcuffed behind your back) but the handball still affects the offensive team negatively, indirect free kick.

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To be fair to Mitchell, we actually qualified for both the 2003 and 2005 U20 World Cups while he was manager of that team. That was basically what won him the job.

Those are actually pretty significant accomplishments considering we have not returned to the U20 World Cup since 2007!

He was already hired before the 2007 U20 World Cup collapse.

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52 minutes ago, narduch said:

To be fair to Mitchell, we actually qualified for both the 2003 and 2005 U20 World Cups while he was manager of that team. That was basically what won him the job.

Those are actually pretty significant accomplishments considering we have not returned to the U20 World Cup since 2007!

He was already hired before the 2007 U20 World Cup collapse.

The game at Commonwealth against Austria was just one of the thousand cuts that allows me now to move on from results like Tuesday. Interesting to think about the opening match against Chile were we didn't touch the ball more than 5 times in 90 minutes. Phonzie should definitely play the ball more quickly, but at least we have the ball once in awhile kids!

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15 minutes ago, Obinna said:

What am I looking at? Is this the league putting out ads for clubs through "Futbol Jobs"(...whoever or whatever that is)?

Ya. It's seems to be some Soccer specific recruiter site.

But for me the hilarious part is the league helping out 2 teams looking for a new coach by combining the ad.

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19 minutes ago, youllneverwalkalone said:

The game at Commonwealth against Austria was just one of the thousand cuts that allows me now to move on from results like Tuesday. Interesting to think about the opening match against Chile were we didn't touch the ball more than 5 times in 90 minutes. Phonzie should definitely play the ball more quickly, but at least we have the ball once in awhile kids!

All In The Family Singing GIF by Sony Pictures Television

I honestly only remember the Chile game now from that tournament. Having witnessed that one in person 

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Hear me out....

If we don't have a new coach before the hopeful camp Poutine. I don't want to see a new manager for the play-in game. I was hoping the coach would've been in for these two games because if the results didn't go their way (as it ended up) the their would've been a total of 3-4 games before the play-in game. But hindsight is the CSA. 

I don't want Biello....God knows I don't, but I don't think bringing in someone new after January would better help us in qualifying. Knowing that, any new coach that comes in will most definitely ruffle the brotherhood (I'm sick of it now, but it might not be good timing for that)

If it's motivation the team needs, I'm sure Herdman can come in a give a hoopla speech before they leave for Dallas. 

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28 minutes ago, Shway said:

Hear me out....

If we don't have a new coach before the hopeful camp Poutine. I don't want to see a new manager for the play-in game. I was hoping the coach would've been in for these two games because if the results didn't go their way (as it ended up) the their would've been a total of 3-4 games before the play-in game. But hindsight is the CSA. 

I don't want Biello....God knows I don't, but I don't think bringing in someone new after January would better help us in qualifying. Knowing that, any new coach that comes in will most definitely ruffle the brotherhood (I'm sick of it now, but it might not be good timing for that)

If it's motivation the team needs, I'm sure Herdman can come in a give a hoopla speech before they leave for Dallas. 

So when then would we hire a new coach? If not right before a game with T&T, would we hire one right before the Copa America if we were to qualify? So instead of him starting with an important qualifying match against T&T, he starts with an important tournament match against Brazil or Colombia or something? Personally I think the sooner the better, and we are already too late. We should have had a new manager for the Japan game.

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If anyone doesn't think a good manager can make a diff, take a look at Panama. They are very well  coached and their collective play is greater than the sum of their individual talents. The tactical guy behind Herdman was Tenllado. He was always conveying info to JH on the sidelines vs Biello who was generally stuck to the bench. Don't think there's anyone on Biello's staff that has that ability and it showed big time on Tuesday. The deadline for the search re CSA GS is Nov 30th. I assume the agency hired has already assessed candidates to date with feedback to CSA, so it shouldn't take much longer for the short list to be finalized. We need the new coach in place by the end of this year  or certainly a few weeks before camp poutine. 

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9 hours ago, Kent said:

So when then would we hire a new coach? If not right before a game with T&T, would we hire one right before the Copa America if we were to qualify? So instead of him starting with an important qualifying match against T&T, he starts with an important tournament match against Brazil or Colombia or something? Personally I think the sooner the better, and we are already too late. We should have had a new manager for the Japan game.

I go back and forth on this.  I guess it depends on which managers are available.  And as massive as I think qualifying for the Copa is, I'm not really expecting them to do much at the tournament regardless of who the manager is or when they arrive.  So the question is: who's best to manage them for the T&T game - a new manager trying to implement new ideas in a "winner take all" game or the old manager who isn't good enough but might have at least learned something from the Jamaica game?  I guess the secondary part to that is - what do the players think of Biello.  If they at least partially think they're to blame (and they should), then maybe Biello can still get the job done.  If they've lost total faith in him, then move on ASAP.

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4 hours ago, Kadenge said:

If anyone doesn't think a good manager can make a diff, take a look at Panama....

I'm starting to chuckle at the hype this guy gets... he's been at the helm for 2 years going on 3. 
His first sight of success with Panama is in the SF of NL 24".

Remember, he took over a Panama that was coming off the back of their first ever WC qualification. They finished 2nd in the GC 23 with their first team squad meanwhile Canada, USA, Mexico all brought B/C teams.

Long story short, Panama is playing well....but they haven't accomplished anything yet. They've lost who they've should've lost too, and beat who they should've beat. 


5 hours ago, Kent said:

So when then would we hire a new coach? If not right before a game with T&T, would we hire one right before the Copa America if we were to qualify? So instead of him starting with an important qualifying match against T&T, he starts with an important tournament match against Brazil or Colombia or something? Personally I think the sooner the better, and we are already too late. We should have had a new manager for the Japan game.

I don't know. But right before a massive game, with limited time to get your ideas/gameplans/know the players doesn't strike me as the best time. I agree it should've been quick, before the Japan game but such is the CSA.

For me, personally....all that matters is that we qualify. Copa is supposed to be prep for the WC on "hOmE sOiL". So at this point, I don't care if we get washed by Brazil or Colombia as you've stated because 1. it's a learning/preparation experience 2. it's an adjustment period. That's the reality...we are in an adjustment period. 

Lastly, I don't believe a month or 2 is enough time for any new coach to get their philosophy through to the players. It just won't happen. We are seeing that with the Panama coach in his year three. International coaches can't sign whatever players that fit their style of play, they have to observe and scout all players that are available to them through time. It's what you have is what you get unless they are able to quickly identify a talent that could quickly emerge. 

What I know, and what I believe is that this team isn't going to experience many player turnovers from now till the T&T game - we have a core that will experience minimal change....so what will a new manager do in a month's time? 

Fail and then have the excuse that he didn't have enough time. It's built-in.  

EDIT: I had this post pending before I saw and read @Watchmen's post, but spot on brother. 

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5 hours ago, Kent said:

So when then would we hire a new coach? If not right before a game with T&T, would we hire one right before the Copa America if we were to qualify? So instead of him starting with an important qualifying match against T&T, he starts with an important tournament match against Brazil or Colombia or something? Personally I think the sooner the better, and we are already too late. We should have had a new manager for the Japan game.

You nailed it.  That's the issue.  There will be no friendlies - maybe one camp - to ever try anything new.  So we keep playing "safe" with Borjan, Vitoria et al at repetition and no changes are made to the team in 2 years cause it's just never the "right moment".  We got a peak at the GC, but that was just too small a sample size where Herdman was more interested in playing guys out of position rather than just try a guy where he plays.  There was no time to actually gauge combinations, fit, etc....  it's a rough time for everyone.  Biello and our squad aren't really getting a fair shake either if we're being honest.  Jamaica and the rest of our opponents are playing regularly, we aren't.  A new coach will find this extremely challenging.

It's gonna be rough ride for a while.  Only solution is one of us guys winning a billion on the American PowerBall and donating a tonne of money to CSA.  I don't see where else the money will come from.

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10 minutes ago, Shway said:

Lastly, I don't believe a month or 2 is enough time for any new coach to get their philosophy through to the players. It just won't happen. We are seeing that with the Panama coach in his year three. International coaches can't sign whatever players that fit their style of play, they have to observe and scout all players that are available to them through time. It's what you have is what you get unless they are able to quickly identify a talent that could quickly emerge. 

I think a lot of what you’re saying makes sense. Where I would counter is our talent pool is a lot deeper than theirs, like Panama, which I know you’d agree on. I found Herdman was a good hire of coach to create a culture, but his tactical decisions were pretty dreadful at times in my opinion. Our young players weren’t experienced enough and our veterans dealt with a losing mentality for years. We’ve moved past that stage and need a coach with more tactical pedigree. Like I said above, with a deeper talent pool, I think a really good coach who recognizes our strengths and liabilities, with an actual ability to adjust within games (a glaring weakness) would go a long way and we could see a very quick impact

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