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CPL 2023 Season Attendance

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1 hour ago, SoccMan said:

Have not heard of any prospective owners for this club , does the league continue running this team next season and hope for an owner to appear or is this season it for this club ? Does the league want to go down to 7 teams ? Will be interesting to see what happens in the off season.

777 Partners out of Florida apparently. I guess they own teams all over the place 

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7 minutes ago, narduch said:

Recently purchased Everton

Vasco, Stadard Liege, Sevilla

They just brought in Payet at Vasco and after a disaster start might now avoid relegation

They also own a few other smaller teams 


Honestly if I'm looking at the landscape in the GTA and what a joke TFC are I'm licking my chops and thinking it's like candy from a baby 

Edited by SpursFlu
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People talk about York but IMO Vancouver FC being second last by a descent margin despite having the power of novelty behind them is also worrisome, and they have been somewhat declining during the season too.

Overall we have five teams making progress, and we have jumped from one having reached the 5K threshold to three who will end up the season either being there or close to it, that's great progress. Pacific slight decline is a bit worrisome, sure, but the damage is fairly limited and I have faith they can find a way back to attendance increase.

York and VFC are a very bad look though, and IMO the league ought to come up with either a solid and realistic plan to try to right the ship with them, combined with a clear limit in mind in term of how much money is going to be throw at them to try, or a serious conversation about swallowing its pride and stop trying in MLS markers for at least a little while.

Edited by phil03
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No amount of money will fix York at this point. They should save the cash injection (if there is any at league level to inject) for front-end promotions when they move this club to a more viable Ontario location. I actually hope they can port most of the squad and staff which should give some semblance of continuity and overall stability.

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1 hour ago, Aird25 said:

Give up on nearly half the country’s population? They’ve both been pathetic attempts at projects, but surely it could work if done properly 

Giving up on areas with already established teams that would make it very hard to get a fanbase to make them sustainable, yes. Like, we aren't in Europe: outside of NY and LA one major professional team per sport and per city tend to be the norm rather then the exception in North America (except for farm teams whose mother organization are willing to subvention).

Basically, my take on new franchises there is the same then my take on continuing to help the existing one: if the league is going to continue to try in those areas then there does need to be a solid and realistic plan that does some soul searching as to why it didn't work out the first time around and solutions for these issues. Just going ''these were bad attempts, we are going to do better this time!'' isn't enough (and lets not relitigate simply forcing the MLS teams in. IMO the forum has debated that one ad nauseam already).

Like, its pretty simple for me: we can point at theoritical numbers of fans all we want but ultimately the first five years of the league have shown that there is stuff that work better then others, including markets. Lets hope they take lessons from their own experience.

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1 hour ago, nolando said:

No amount of money will fix York at this point. They should save the cash injection (if there is any at league level to inject) for front-end promotions when they move this club to a more viable Ontario location. I actually hope they can port most of the squad and staff which should give some semblance of continuity and overall stability.

No please in terms of on field performance this club has been terrible from the start , keep a few players but start from scratch when it comes to front office and coaching staff, if this club is moved .

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in regards to 777 partners




Even if 777 co-founder Josh Wander’s 20-year-old conviction for drug trafficking is not an issue, the authorities will want reassurances over the various court cases the company has faced in the U.S., where it has been accused of fraud and racketeering. The various claims have been denied by 777, who are contesting them in court.


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I'd say there would have been more people show up for the York vs Cavalry game if the game was played on the Friday night for when it was originally scheduled.  One Soccer forced them to 'bump' their game to Saturday afternoon with less than two weeks notice so they could broadcast the Women's Olympic qualifier in Jamaica vs Canada in Kingston Jamaica.  

Even the supporters' section had 2/3s of their member's not there as one of the guys was getting married. 

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2099 for VFC at the LEC.

Was guessing Vancouver FC's game yesterday would be there lowest attended, rain and cooler temps were in the forecast which came true as it started raining on my way to the game. Fun game though with the fans sent home happy with the extra time winner.

Vancouver FC's base seems to be 2200-2400, which while not good isn't terrible either imo for the first year team all considering, with barely any marketing or awareness in the area. Fixing that lack of awareness and a concerted marketing effort will be needed for year two (and hopefully a roof over at least part of the stadium as well for the very hot or rainy game days).

They will likely have a bigger crowd for the season ender coming up Oct.6th as long as the weather isn't wet.

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54 minutes ago, CDNFootballer said:

2099 for VFC at the LEC.

Was guessing Vancouver FC's game yesterday would be there lowest attended, rain and cooler temps were in the forecast which came true as it started raining on my way to the game. Fun game though with the fans sent home happy with the extra time winner.

Vancouver FC's base seems to be 2200-2400, which while not good isn't terrible either imo for the first year team all considering, with barely any marketing or awareness in the area. Fixing that lack of awareness and a concerted marketing effort will be needed for year two (and hopefully a roof over at least part of the stadium as well for the very hot or rainy game days).

They will likely have a bigger crowd for the season ender coming up Oct.6th as long as the weather isn't wet.

I do not think the fanbase is 2200-2400.  That's been the announced attendance for the last few months, not the numbers actually there.

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6 hours ago, Watchmen said:

I do not think the fanbase is 2200-2400.  That's been the announced attendance for the last few months, not the numbers actually there.

There are ways a tickets distributed number can be boosted for PR reasons. The difference between Vancouver and Ottawa right now is that Atletico can get lots of people to actually show up whenever they do special promotions. In Vancouver that only seems to have worked for the home opener. That places things in FCE and York sort of territory.

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Sounds about right to me. Moving Vancouver to Kelowna would be the other possibility they could examine a little bit further down the road if things don't pick up in year two. It's only the Cavalry where things are moving in the right direction out west so that's the more difficult part of the equation to fix given there are fewer obvious immediate expansion possibilities right now given the way Saskatchewan appears to have just dropped off the radar and FC Edmonton have probably poisoned the well in northern Alberta terms at least in the short to medium term. Definitely still plenty of possibilities to explore in the east though.

Edited by Ozzie_the_parrot
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3 hours ago, Haligonian#1 said:

The league needs to work on bringing Quebec City and London onboard, move York to KW, and look for a more central location for a stadium in the Victoria CMA. That would strengthen the league with Vancouver and maybe Valour as the only 2 struggling teams.

Starlight is a great location, and it will continue to improve as the city grows 

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On 9/23/2023 at 5:56 PM, Aird25 said:

Give up on nearly half the country’s population? They’ve both been pathetic attempts at projects, but surely it could work if done properly 

Honest question:  What would doing it properly look like?  York is York, but Vancouver came in building their own stadium and trying to generate buzz from the beginning as evidenced by their 6000+ initial game crowd.  How much more do you expect a CPL team to do?

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