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CPL 2023 Season Attendance

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I'm interested to see what Vancouver's attendance is for this Friday night. Despite the "average", they've only actually cracked the 3000 mark twice, and once was the opener. The other was the Friday night game against Pacific. So I'm interested to see if maybe Friday is actually a better night for them (the kick off to the weekend) or if Pacific was a bit more of a "draw".

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There was info on reddit about a special ticket offer being circulated for that Friday game against Pacific. There was a sudden major surge in apparent sales on the Showpass seat map a couple of days before the game. No sign of that happening so far for Friday's game and sales if anything appear slower than they were for the game on the weekend.

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6 hours ago, Watchmen said:

I'm interested to see what Vancouver's attendance is for this Friday night. Despite the "average", they've only actually cracked the 3000 mark twice, and once was the opener. The other was the Friday night game against Pacific. So I'm interested to see if maybe Friday is actually a better night for them (the kick off to the weekend) or if Pacific was a bit more of a "draw".

Its "Country Night" for this Fridays match, so not sure if that will draw or scare fans away;)

Previous to that Friday Pacific game that drew over 3400, they had drawn 2800 and 2200 after the home opener so that one was a bit of a surprise boost for me. If they can draw 3000 for this one I'd be happy.

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Drawing people to the game and the announced tickets distributed number are not one and the same thing. Sales look sluggish so far compared to last weekend where the Showpass seat map is concerned but I guess the Stetson wearing yokels might wind up on the far side that isn't opened up to public sale where single tickets are concerned.

Maybe lower mainland BC is different from southern Ontario on this but if you wanted to specifically target the cranky soccer hater demographic who think our sport should be banned as a dangerous subversive unCanadian activity this would probably be the best way to go about it in a London, Ont context:


Edited by Ozzie_the_parrot
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2 hours ago, johnyb said:

Can't speak to Country night in Vancouver or Southern Ontario, but $5 Beer would go over very well in Winnipeg!!

York United had a cheap beer before kick off promo earlier this season. The gates were scheduled to open an hour before kick off, but for some unexplained reason it was delayed by half an hour. So instead of an hour of cheaper beer it was half an hour of cheaper beer, and that was if you were at the front of the line to get in. While there were just a handful of people at the gate when it was supposed to open, by the time it actually opened there was a large backlog, so some people probably only got in 5 or 10 minutes before kickoff even if they were in line before the gate opened. They were also promising T-shirts to the first x amount of fans in the stadium, only to then at the gate inform people that kids don't get the T-shirts (I think because they were Carlsberg branded?) which wasn't mentioned in the advertisement. Those promotions were so poorly executed.

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8 hours ago, johnyb said:

Coincidently, tonight is Country Night at the Bomber Game. Even the ad looks similar.


It's a better fit for the CFL's fan demographics that skew heavily towards people who grew up watching the Tommy Hunter Show on CBC. Soccer's core demographics not so much but the people who run soccer in Canada often seem to crave acceptance from the demographics that are least likely to show up regularly when they really need to find a way to cater to their core base first.

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1 hour ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

They announced 2300 or so at the VFC-HFX match, did not hear clearly but I think that was what it was.

It was 2321, guess country doesn't draw so well;)

Guess you went to the game then, what were your thoughts on the stadium and experience if this was your first time?

I thought even for the smaller crowd the atmosphere was still good, a fun game and nice to see the team playing better and getting the win.

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On 7/7/2023 at 3:41 AM, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

Drawing people to the game and the announced tickets distributed number are not one and the same thing. Sales look sluggish so far compared to last weekend where the Showpass seat map is concerned but I guess the Stetson wearing yokels might wind up on the far side that isn't opened up to public sale where single tickets are concerned.

Maybe lower mainland BC is different from southern Ontario on this but if you wanted to specifically target the cranky soccer hater demographic who think our sport should be banned as a dangerous subversive unCanadian activity this would probably be the best way to go about it in a London, Ont context:


I dont think too many people pay too much attention to those theme nights. It will bring in a few extra people here and there but I will say some of these stereotypes of soccer haters seems a bit dated. I think its more people who aren't familiar with the sport so why not bring em in with their family and they're likely to enjoy. Anyone who was at the game would have to have had a good time. Fanatics were doing their thing it was a great environment 

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7 hours ago, Kent said:

Updated my week to week chart. I set the top of the y-axis to 6000 so the final from last year is way off the chart, but you can better see the rest of the graph. 2023 is ahead on 10 of the weeks, and 2022 is ahead on 3 of the weeks so far. I'm missing data for 2 Forge games (June 25th and May 31st).


@jonovisionseems to have one of the missing Forge numbers, his post above said he's only missing one.

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