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Gold Cup 2023

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1 minute ago, PegCityCam said:

Fair enough. Canada and the US the only ones sticking the Nation's League though right? 

Well, only 4 teams participated immediately before this tournament.  I think Mexico went hard because they've been embarrassed recently and had something to prove.  Panama went hard because they viewed it (rightly) as a golden opportunity to win something and came up just short.

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47 minutes ago, Cadeau said:

Eustaquio and Johnston in the squad and wed have won this thing.

I still think it was a missed opportunity. A chance for a few of our off-season boys to step up and lead this team. We're supposed to be gearing up (yeah i know 3 years away whatever) for a World Freaking Cup on home soil. Fuck rest...many of these guys who showed up are mid-season ffs. Old and banged up dudes like Osorio, Vitoria and Borjan are the only guys who need any real rest. I dunno, I'm just pissed with all this talk about trophies, the rise of Canada soccer and the FUCKING WORLD CUP coming that I see this atmosphere tonight and I'm like, big L for Canada. Missed a chance for a trophy, missed a chance for some good and pressure filled comp and missed chance to get Canadians amped about the future...god knows we need the distraction rn. Anyways, just a rant.

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2 minutes ago, PegCityCam said:

I still think it was a missed opportunity. A chance for a few of our off-season boys to step up and lead this team. We're supposed to be gearing up (yeah i know 3 years away whatever) for a World Freaking Cup on home soil. Fuck rest...many of these guys who showed up are mid-season ffs. Old and banged up dudes like Osorio, Vitoria and Borjan are the only guys who need any real rest. I dunno, I'm just pissed with all this talk about trophies, the rise of Canada soccer and the FUCKING WORLD CUP coming that I see this atmosphere tonight and I'm like, big L for Canada. Missed a chance for a trophy, missed a chance for some good and pressure filled comp and missed chance to get Canadians amped about the future...god knows we need the distraction rn. Anyways, just a rant.

I'm not sure but did squad announcements happen after nations league? Did USA get their trophy then throw in the towel for Gold Cup while Mexico was desperate for a win?

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7 hours ago, PegCityCam said:

I still think it was a missed opportunity. A chance for a few of our off-season boys to step up and lead this team. We're supposed to be gearing up (yeah i know 3 years away whatever) for a World Freaking Cup on home soil. Fuck rest...many of these guys who showed up are mid-season ffs. Old and banged up dudes like Osorio, Vitoria and Borjan are the only guys who need any real rest. I dunno, I'm just pissed with all this talk about trophies, the rise of Canada soccer and the FUCKING WORLD CUP coming that I see this atmosphere tonight and I'm like, big L for Canada. Missed a chance for a trophy, missed a chance for some good and pressure filled comp and missed chance to get Canadians amped about the future...god knows we need the distraction rn. Anyways, just a rant.

Yeah for sure...Seeing Panama instead of us in the final made me a little sick.

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9 hours ago, Watchmen said:

I mean...is it?  When the tournament is held every two years, the schedule is fixed in your favour, and you routinely just swap it back and forth between one other country, you're going to win it a lot.

Yeah, it's a ridiculous format.   Has Mexico ever played an away match at the Gold Cup?  Still, they deliver.  And they've done it with while under the pressure of playing at home (as it were).

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3 hours ago, RJB said:

Does anyone know what revenue is generated for CONCACAF by the Gold Cup, and what profit they make from each tournament?

I don’t think that they would ever share that info.  And,  I would think that they guard against that very closely.  What i wonder is:  how much do each the national federations get as a share of that?  And how much of that goes to players?  We seem to have a little more clarity on this with respect to the WC,  but as far as the Gold cup,  its NADA.   The answer to these questions,  might also go a long to ways to explaining why so many top talents in the region skip the Gold Cup.

But,  it is pretty obvious that to me that (with the massive influx of Americans with ties to central america in the US) the US is the only place where you can sell out a 40-50k seat venue to see a team like Guatemala and El Salvador.  So, where else can you play.   Even in central america, you wouldn’t get those kind of numbers and at the same price point for the home side.

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12 hours ago, MauditYvon said:

Honestly our real B squad should have feature Choinière Arfield and Ugbo instead of Fraser Wotherspoon and Brym (+ Cornelius).

Chouniere should have been there. 

Ugbo has a transfer to sort out. He would have helped but its was a career decision like the rest of our guys who didnt go to the GC. 

Cornelius was injured obviously. 

Arfield has been gone forever, has issues with the squad/herdman, and is not the player he used to be. Theres literally zero reason for him to be part of our GC squad and take away a spot from a younger player. 

Fraser deserved to be on the squad based on his GC performances. Hes still only 25. 
Wotherspoon couldve been dropped. For sure. However, he was never going to be the reason we win or lose. Giving an experienced loyal player the 20thish spot on the roster is not horrible IMO, even tho I'd be fine dropping him.

Brym is bad and I think JRR looked better. Hes still got time on his side but who else could we call?
ugbo, david, Jebbo and larin have other things so were unavailble. So the options are akinola? Cambridge? Kerr? 
Surely the most deserving call up of the lower depth chart strikers is Brym. 

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6 hours ago, Bigandy said:

Fraser deserved to be on the squad based on his GC performances. Hes still only 25. 

Outside of England and some clubs in Italy Germany France, 25 is old to play D2. Same for Brym btw (but at least he belongs to a D1 club in a better country than Belgium).

6 hours ago, Bigandy said:

Wotherspoon couldve been dropped. For sure. However, he was never going to be the reason we win or lose.

No, but his substitute could have been a game changer. Of course Spoony isn’t one, that’s the point. 

Anyway, I just don’t think it’s our real B squad. 6-7 pieces missing.

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13 hours ago, RJB said:

Does anyone know what revenue is generated for CONCACAF by the Gold Cup, and what profit they make from each tournament?

It has been reported that in Gold Cup years, Concacaf revenue is about US$100 million. In non Gold Cup years, it is US$25 million. So, we can say US$75 million of revenue generated from the Gold Cup.

UEFA 2021-22 season revenues were over US$4 billion with no men Euros.


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15 hours ago, MauditYvon said:

Outside of England and some clubs in Italy Germany France, 25 is old to play D2. Same for Brym btw (but at least he belongs to a D1 club in a better country than Belgium).

No, but his substitute could have been a game changer. Of course Spoony isn’t one, that’s the point. 

Anyway, I just don’t think it’s our real B squad. 6-7 pieces missing.

I do totally agree with everything youre saying above. I guess my point is that the 6-7 missing pieces were not on herdman for the most part. Like the example of ugbo, cornelius and arfield.  

Then when you look at the options left over, fraser and spoony are not that absurd squad choices. Who else would replace them who was available. Choiniere is the only one. 

Of course, choiniere's ommision is questionable but that is the only omission I can think of where there isnt a justifiable excuse. 

Sirios is debatable but I prefer him playin in montreal compared to sitting as a 3rd string. We also get to give mcgill a stronger bond to canada. 

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On 7/16/2023 at 10:25 PM, Cadeau said:

Eustaquio and Johnston in the squad and wed have won this thing.

With due respect, those two weren’t enough to win!  We had how many guys on cards going into the semis against Panama?  I think the problem was the round robin debacle which we never sorted out fast enough.   One closed door friendly might have helped also. 

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On 7/17/2023 at 11:56 AM, Free kick said:

But,  it is pretty obvious that to me that (with the massive influx of Americans with ties to central america in the US) the US is the only place where you can sell out a 40-50k seat venue to see a team like Guatemala and El Salvador.  So, where else can you play.   Even in central america, you wouldn’t get those kind of numbers and at the same price point for the home side.

You got me curious!

I just looked up the attendence of all games/double headers in the last 5 editions of the Gold Cup, that DIDN'T involve USA or Mexico. Here are all the games that drew 15k or more.


Note that the 4 at the bottom are all outside the USA. So not drawing as well as the highest attended USA games, but no games of 30k or 40k in the USA outside of the games involving USA or Mexico.

P.S. Why does Frisco keep getting games? I guess they didn't get any in 2023, maybe they are done.


I guess for completeness, below are all the sub 15k crowds, including the Frisco ones above again (and there are none from outside USA). A lot of them are from 2021, I can't remember there might have been some COVID restrictions, but Arlington drew a crowd of over 40k on the first day of the tournament, so at least in Texas terms it would be half capacity worst case, which doesn't explain the Frisco numbers. There weren't any other games in Florida that year. Houston had a game (Canada vs Mexico semi final) later on in the tournament with over 70k, but restrictions might have been lifted by then?


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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems like the FIFA mandatory release only applies to FIFA members.

Jordan Tell of Guadeloupe was fired from his club for playing in the Group Stage instead of going back to his club for pre-season training.


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