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Gameday prediction contest

dyslexic nam

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Resurrecting this one and carrying it over into tomorrow’s game.  At this point I am treating @superstarsslike he has a bit of a head start given the nice nutmeg prediction.   @SthMelbRed also has some starting points for making me damn near cry reading his post.  

Due to the carry over, the prize will be a Kone card and a Jonathan David card to keep the pot building.   

And I warned you it was a dictatorship  so there is no ombudsman you can complain to.  

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6 minutes ago, dyslexic nam said:

Resurrecting this one and carrying it over into tomorrow’s game.  At this point I am treating @superstarsslike he has a bit of a head start given the nice nutmeg prediction.   @SthMelbRed also has some starting points for making me damn near cry reading his post.  

Due to the carry over, the prize will be a Kone card and a Jonathan David card to keep the pot building.   

And I warned you it was a dictatorship  so there is no ombudsman you can complain to.  

A lead! Hopefully I can hold onto it unlike Germany and Argentina.

Predictions against Croatia:

  • Canada wins 2-0. Goals from David and Buchanan. 
  • 88" scuffle due to a hard tackle from a Croatian defender on Laryea.
  • Dalic (Croatia coach) refuses to shake Herdman's hand after the game.
  • Hoillet sends Perisic to the shadow realm with a move that drops the Croatian and makes him stay on the ground
  • Borjan is booed every time he touches the ball, but smiles while waving to the crowd


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1 hour ago, superstarss said:

Predictions against Croatia

Those are some good ones.

I will go with similar predictions as last time.

- A member of staff ( a non-player ) will get a yellow card. Either Canada or Croatia

- A post or crossbar will be hit

- Sam Adekugbe will get a yellow

- No player will cry during the anthem this time

- All things considered, we had very little CONCACAFing against Belgium. There will be WAY more CONCACAFing in the Croatia match and Borjan will go down for something suspect.

- Someone will get a red card ( player or staff ) from either Canada or Croatia

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My (crystal ball) original prediction was a 2-0 defeat to Croatia BUT now I see a 3-1 win. Vitoria with our first W/C goal off a corner and J. David scores 2. Also a couple of red cards late in the game, one to each team. I better be right because I'm having 16 people at the house watching the game (12 for the Belgium game) and I'll be telling them the same thing. 😀.....and I'd rather be happy and drunk and not sad and drunk.🍸🍷

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My predictions.....

  1. We win 2-1. One goal each from the Super Daves, each redeeming themselves somewhat for the Belgium match.
  2. Modric will get sent off for a second booking mid-way through the second half.
  3. There will be an altercation between the two benches late in the game.
  4. Everybody on this board will have at least one Croat-Canadian friend or acquaintance who still refuses to give Canada any respect, despite winning on the pitch. Some of the excuses will be Trumpian in their audacity.
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I'm going to recycle my predictions:

On 11/26/2022 at 2:57 PM, Olympique_de_Marseille said:

- A member of staff ( a non-player ) will get a yellow card. Either Canada or Morocco

- A post or crossbar will be hit

- Sam Adekugbe will get a yellow

- No player will cry during the anthem this time

- There will be WAY more CONCACAFing and Borjan will go down for something suspect.

- Someone will get a red card ( player or staff ) from either Canada or Morocco


Edited by Olympique_de_Marseille
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