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At a minimum, sponsorship revenues relating to the women's national team should absolutely not be going to the owners of a men's league.

If they want ownership of those funds, then they should have to actually start a women's league.

You can argue whether or not creating a men's league is a worthy use of sponsorship funds earned by the men's team, but that's at least a fair case. It makes no sense for the women to be giving the fruits of their labour to a men's league.

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All those calls to cancel the CSB deal - ok... and then what?

We aren't entitled to CPL/CSB money - because if something like that happened (it won't), you'd have to be delusional to think that they'd keep going with everything they are doing.

Then what?

You trust the CSA to do better? What have they done in the past few decades? NADA

By all mean, renegotiate after the initial 10 years has expired if you can - but shocking news... Business people got the better in a negotiation than the clowns at the CSA who are butthurt that they can't fully ride this success on the back of the players who did all the heavy lifting. The CSA are the one who need to get their act together and appoint people who actually know what the F they are doing - not clowns like Bontis.

Also, connect the dot - what incentive would TSN have taking aim at CSB? I wonder why...

CSB ain't the problem here, the deal might be one sided but they are still providing value and ACTUALLY have "skin in the game" and taking all the risks.

High risks = high rewards --> That's business

Canada needs to grow up... seriously stop being outraged without understanding "context"

Edited by Ansem
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18 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

Some good questions from this poster, and a reminder not to accept everything at face value:


You're right. Always good to ask some questions. Especially when the person you're quote tweeting here is factually wrong. Former board members Gerald MacDonald and Leanne Nicolle are also quoted in the article, and even Cochrane confirms part of it (regarding the lack of an RFP). And current women's team players are on the record in the article saying they've repeatedly requested information on how some of the money is accounted from the Own the Podium program is accounted for and the CSA has been silent. So, I'd say it's more than Fequet.

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2 minutes ago, phil03 said:

Of course, but Id argue there is still a great deal of middle ground between that and the deal as it exist. That the CPL get some help to start is perfectly fair. Signing away most of the revenues for 10 years, 20 if the CSB want, not so much.

Which is fine and reasonable to suggest a re-negotiation of certain terms is warranted, but the players' statement doesn't come across that way. As others point out, it comes across as vilifying the CPL, which looks naive (to say the least) in light of the same people demanding the CSA set up a women's professional league. And despite numerous Canadian national team players, especially those on MLS teams, talking in the past about how important the CPL is and how it is such a great and essential thing that we have it. Now its dismissed as a "for-profit professional men's league" that exists solely for the investors' benefit.

I'm assuming Joel Waterman was not briefed on this statement, if you catch my drift...

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8 minutes ago, SpecialK said:

I know we have some professional people on this chat. People that run businesses, lawyers etc etc. If I was Bontis , Earl and the rest of board I would be just resigning. Seriously, the players on both team hate you all , the fans hate you all and your getting slammed in the media on all fronts. Your one shield is Gareth Wheeler and he’s getting slammed( if I was a player I would go tell him to fuck off and your not interviewing me) after his BS. Please professional people on here tell me why these people haven’t left yet? Do they think they can just ride the storm out? 

Because there's a free trip to Qatar and the chance to hang out with some of the greats in world football coming up.

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I can definitely see the women's team point of view. There are no women professional teams in Canada in which the money from the CSB is being diverted too.

That being said I still hesitant about the mens argument. Yes none of the current players have played in the CPL but what about the future?

I guess if you think CPL is a waste of time then sure. 

I mean this whole debate took place years ago. Funny enough if even a minority suggested that the MLS would be good enough to develop Canadian players they were basically shouted down and said no we can depend on an America league. Now it's "what's the point of the CPL? we just had 1 year of success" 


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44 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

I think its because an article with a clear agenda has very much made CSB/the CPL owners look like the bad guys,

I don't think this is the case.  It is all about how the CSA is dysfunctional.  The players statement is also clearly focused on the CSA dysfunction.  At least that's how I interpret it.

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4 minutes ago, Watchmen said:

Because there's a free trip to Qatar and the chance to hang out with some of the greats in world football coming up.

I bet your right, but after this people are gonna loose their Careers. Rick doesn’t give up as well. He Tore up the nhl and the Chicago for months. Also if the government gets involved  and starts doing some massive audits. Things are gonna get worse 

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Just now, Colonel Green said:

Nor does it really make any sense to imagine that TSN wants to destroy the CSB.

I said that? huh...

I find the CSB part lacking in context and being oversimplified but hey, I know Bell are thrilled that CSB invited a foreign media entity to play in their backyard because (Telecoms in this country just loves competition)

What am I saying - carry on

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4 minutes ago, Watchmen said:

You're right. Always good to ask some questions. Especially when the person you're quote tweeting here is factually wrong. Former board members Gerald MacDonald and Leanne Nicolle are also quoted in the article, and even Cochrane confirms part of it (regarding the lack of an RFP). And current women's team players are on the record in the article saying they've repeatedly requested information on how some of the money is accounted from the Own the Podium program is accounted for and the CSA has been silent. So, I'd say it's more than Fequet.

He is referring to the fact that neither MacDonald or Nicolle provide allegations about CSB in the article though ("We jumped off a pier into the unknown" is not an allegation but a quote that could be applied to anything), and its the CSB allegations that the players statement is overwhelmingly concerned about - the players' don't say anything about the hiring of Priestman or this Vaughan training centre investigation that is Nicolle's beef. This was not something I had noticed until that poster on twitter pointed it out, but there is only one person on record saying anything about CSB. So he is actually factually correct on that. Were neither MacDonald or Nicolle willing to corroborate/confirm Fequet's allegations about the CSB?

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5 minutes ago, Colonel Green said:

Again, nonsense. This controversy did not start with TSN, and Westhead is a respected investigative reporter.

Nor does it really make any sense to imagine that TSN wants to destroy the CSB.

It possible that TSN doesn't like the fact that they have to buy the rights of a hot commodity from OneSoccer...

Maybe they preferred the old days were they had the honor of the CSA paying them to show the games...

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1 minute ago, Ansem said:

I said that? huh...

I find the CSB part lacking in context and being oversimplified but hey, I know Bell are thrilled that CSB invited a foreign media entity to play in their backyard because (Telecoms in this country just loves competition)

What am I saying - carry on

LOL, I would say that this is an accurate depiction of Bell's thoughts about OneSoccer.

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Just now, mpg_29 said:

It possible that TSN doesn't like the fact that they have to buy rights of a hot commodity from OneSoccer...

Maybe they preferred the old days were they had the honor of the CSA paying them to show the games...

If the rights are a "hot commodity", they would have to pay for them regardless. They only got paid to show games when they weren't worth anything.

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The CSB/CPL basically scammed the idiots of the CSA. They took advance of the clowns. Do I blame them …. No because they are business men vs amateurs and University professors who were treating the CSA has their football social club. 

Victor - I want a World Cup - I need it for my legacy

FIFA- Canada needs a league to be welcomed into the three way deal for 2026

CSB - hey Victor you want the World Cup eh for your legacy and to move on to FIFA and maybe one day become the next FIFA President. Victor oh ya I want that give me give me give me

CSB - ok little Victor - you give us everything and sign your soul away and we will give the CSA 3millions dollars and we make some serious money with it but don’t worry CSA and little Victor you get your World Cup and 3 million a year for your trips and social meetings and tell the world it was you who created davies and the ride the brozen medals train 
Victor - YAHOO I love it! - I got World Cup ! - BYE CSA loser !!! Hello FIFA!!! 

CSA- is standing there with little Nicky looking like a homeless divorce man after the wife took everything and ran off with an old sugar daddy

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22 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

Which is fine and reasonable to suggest a re-negotiation of certain terms is warranted, but the players' statement doesn't come across that way. As others point out, it comes across as vilifying the CPL, which looks naive (to say the least) in light of the same people demanding the CSA set up a women's professional league. And despite numerous Canadian national team players, especially those on MLS teams, talking in the past about how important the CPL is and how it is such a great and essential thing that we have it. Now its dismissed as a "for-profit professional men's league" that exists solely for the investors' benefit.

I'm assuming Joel Waterman was not briefed on this statement, if you catch my drift...

Oh, it isnt fully logical but it is emotionally understandable, and probably unavoidable, which is my point. All the more reasons to get the lawyers in...

But more broadly, the issue is that the CSA sees the CPL as the number one priority, which very few people in the wider Canadian soccer community does. At some point the former leaning too much on their take was bound to clash with the later, and thats bad for the CPL in the long run. Their greatest asset is likability, the fact everyone want them to work, and to succeed they have to get people who have a team in another league as their first club to still follow them. The whole mess is costing them much for the former and making the latter more difficult (And I say that as a guy who has both an MLS and a CPL team).

14 minutes ago, Colonel Green said:

Again, nonsense. This controversy did not start with TSN, and Westhead is a respected investigative reporter.

Nor does it really make any sense to imagine that TSN wants to destroy the CSB.

Exactly, like if the guy had been American and worked for ESPN he might have gotten a Pulitzer for his work during the Blackhawks scandal. He can pretty much work for any Canadian media je wants if they cover sports.

The idea that Westhead would be willing, or could get his arm twisted, to write an hatched piece and jeopardise his professional reputation by doing so simply dont hold up.

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If people cannot see a connection between TSN MLSE and their interests in shutting down CPL and by extension Onesoccer and competitive bidding for CSA properties. You are extremely naive 

Johnston even said in that clip.. wow we knew nothing until this reporter came along and told us everything 

Johnston might as well have had peanut butter on his gums and someone's hand up his ass

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13 minutes ago, kacbru said:

I don't think this is the case.  It is all about how the CSA is dysfunctional.  The players statement is also clearly focused on the CSA dysfunction.  At least that's how I interpret it.

I don't disagree, but the question I was responding to was about why the players (or at least Sinclair) is vilifying the CSB/CPL owners. The CSA already were viewed as the bad guys, but the Westhead articles continue to paint the CSB as being evil bad guys as well. I mean that article started off with an alleged quote from Bontis (though not put in quotes) that the CSB was "leeching" money away from the players. That's fairly pointed, don't you think?

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Just now, SpursFlu said:

If people cannot see a connection between TSN MLSE and their interests in shutting down CPL and by extension Onesoccer and competitive bidding for CSA properties. You are extremely naive 

Johnston even said in that clip.. wow we knew nothing until this reporter came along and told us everything 

But why would the players know??? They come in for 10 days every month play two games and leave. Your pay is in your account. Now the CSA is screwing them out of money of course they are gonna care. The CSA is now no better than the JFF idiots 

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1 minute ago, Gian-Luca said:

I don't disagree, but the question I was responding to was about why the players (or at least Sinclair) is vilifying the CSB/CPL owners. The CSA already were viewed as the bad guys, but the Westhead articles continue to paint the CSB as being evil bad guys as well. I mean that article started off with an alleged quote from Bontis (though not put in quotes) that the CSB was "leeching" money away from the players. That's fairly pointed, don't you think?

I read the players statement again.  It is all about dysfunctional governance at the CSA and lack of transparency about decisions.  I don't see any vilifying of the CSB/CPL (at least in the players statement).  They are questioning how decisions were made.

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6 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

I don't disagree, but the question I was responding to was about why the players (or at least Sinclair) is vilifying the CSB/CPL owners. The CSA already were viewed as the bad guys, but the Westhead articles continue to paint the CSB as being evil bad guys as well. I mean that article started off with an alleged quote from Bontis (though not put in quotes) that the CSB was "leeching" money away from the players. That's fairly pointed, don't you think?

Unpopular opinion -

The NTs are at their highest in term of interest and marketability so they rightfully expected higher revenues. It's telling that it took them 3 years to get wind of CSB, I'm not sure they get the full picture of the CSB deal - they want to get paid but the CSA made that difficult for themselves.

When negotiating with successful millionaires/billionaires - you don't send amateurs to do the job. CSB clearly won that deal. That's on the CSA not CSB

Not sure it's been explained to them that no CSB = no CPL, Women's league, Canada League 1, Media deal etc... If they think that the CSA can do better - clearly they don't understand that they have unrealistic expectations of the CSA

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Think the consensus here is for the CSA/CSB deal to be renegotiated not cancelled. We all want the CPL to succeed and grow, unfortunately there is a lack of financial balance in the deal as it currently exists. The CSA may not have know the trajectory of the CMNT but most agreements have some sort of escalation/claw back clauses with respect to revenues etc, especially given the term duration and CSB (one sided) option to renew. I don't want to get into gender equality discussions but the tremendous success of the CWNT over the years, culminating in an Olympic Gold Medal, did not move the needle with respect to sponsorship revenue in the past. It's clear that the sudden rush of corporate sponsorship has been triggered by the success of the men's team, their run in WCQ and qualification for Qatar. Rightly or wrongly, the money is in the Men's game and that is why this whole CSA/CSB deal has now become contentious.

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