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The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute


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10 minutes ago, Canuckia said:

Was he actually pushing for it though, or just using it as leverage against the men? He said some nice things but what did he actually do for the women?

Ummmmm, arent they going to be getting those nice big fat mens WC payments in a month or two??  To Davies/David etc that payment might be peanuts, but to some of the ladies, 50k, or 100k or whatever they get for the mens WC tournie they didnt qualify for will be pretty sweet.  

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just a little 1.7M of retroactive pay for w/x...he was pushing so hard for it that with the 4M to men 4M to w/x and over 2M of friends and family package the csa was losing money on prize money...so much that provinces turned and said hell no, not only are you not keeping any world cup money for the dev of the game but you will ask more money from amateur player registrations to answer demands of pros who are already making a good living...him wanting to do so much for national team players was the end for him

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46 minutes ago, Markoaleks said:

@ag futbol@InglewoodJackthread turning into a LinkedIn thread LOL
I am a soon to retire “highish” level role within various financial services firms in Canada- Equipment finance and leasing space and as I see my career in the rear view mirror, people that meant so much to me ( both in the moment and now in hindsight) are the “doers” - people that close deals, put the road miles and steps needed to engage with clients. My reflections on our strategy and business planning types over the years are the opposite - they never closed deals yet would opine on how to do business and set agendas with little to no real world interaction. Final point till I continue to bemoan why Steven V did not take the PK instead of AD19, is you both have stated very well the academic class of business people with little to no business experience. The types that have no filter accepting nor making a commercial for bespoke suits during a time when money/fairness/compensation where in the forefront. 

Congrats on what sounds like a great career. I am in a similar line of business myself (have spent most of my time in Corporate Banking). 

When seeing Bontis’s profile, it reminded me of a lot of a guy I ran into early in my career. We had similar social circles and I’d see him out all the time. He claimed to have high level experience in tech, government relations, and consulting. Very showy profile. Around the government people he’s play up his tech expertise. Around the tech people he’d play up his government contacts. But the way he conversed with people was sort of odd. Seemed like a fish out of water in either circle. Eventually asked a friend who knew him a bit better than I did what the story was. “It’s all smoke and mirrors. No substance or real expertise.” Since that time, our showy friend has landed a few high level gigs. But flames out fast and seems to get found out in a hurry.

I don’t know if the things Bontis has done outside of academia are as great as they sound or are simply marketed to death. But the boastfulness is really odd. As Canadians we tend to have a strong preference for being understated. 

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1 hour ago, InglewoodJack said:

This is super cool, thank you for sharing

No worries. I spent two weeks in Iqaluit in winter a couple years ago and was wondering myself what the football scene was like up there. I don’t think there are any outdoor football pitches anywhere in Nunavut. It’s a tough place just to survive, never mind doing something as frivolous as playing football.

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I hate this dirty Bontis character. I don't really know why but I'm pretty sure he's a piece of trash 

Beat it. We don't want your type around these parts 


Take that whole "hey look at me, I'm a business man doing business deals" persona somewhere else. Come back when you're an aly with purple hair and then we can talk


Edited by SpursFlu
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4 hours ago, Wasp said:

For what it's worth, a friend of mine did his MBA at McMaster and took a class that Bontis taught. He said that Bontis was the most pompous, arrogant, and generally slimy professor he'd ever had.

Good riddance.

The most pompous, arrogant, and generally slimy professor?  At McMaster?

Whoah.  Respect.

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59 minutes ago, Floortom said:

Is this a package deal or do we still have to keep Cochrane?

Unless he resigns or the board removes him he's still in.   He's an actual CSA employee and as their director has way more influence on most of the stuff that is brought up around here than the exiting president had.

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1 hour ago, SpursFlu said:

I hate this dirty Bontis character. I don't really know why but I'm pretty sure he's a piece of trash 

Beat it. We don't want your type around these parts 


Take that whole "hey look at me, I'm a business man doing business deals" persona somewhere else. Come back when you're an aly with purple hair and then we can talk


You need help

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6 hours ago, Gian-Luca said:

I don't know who specifically either, as it seems like such a poisoned chalice - a volunteer position that can't possibly satisfy the competing interests of so many different parties, I'm not sure who the hell would want it. But my inclination is that the CSA may want a woman so that certain outspoken women's team members can no longer publicly play the "misogyny" card. It would be ironic though if the pay equity deal that Bontis was pushing so hard for now goes south with a new President.


That's what happened in the US. The women wore their jerseys inside out. Court docs revealed some unsavoury statements. The president resigned. Then former national team player Cindy Parlow was named the president.

Even though the US women's case was dismissed by the courts, Parlow offered the 50/50 deal. 

The closest parallel to Parlow in Canada Soccer would be Breagha Carr-Harris who is head of women's pro football. Outside of Canada Soccer, former players that could be considered are Matheson or Moscato. 

Edited by red card
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4 hours ago, Big_M said:

just a little 1.7M of retroactive pay for w/x...he was pushing so hard for it that with the 4M to men 4M to w/x and over 2M of friends and family package the csa was losing money on prize money...so much that provinces turned and said hell no, not only are you not keeping any world cup money for the dev of the game but you will ask more money from amateur player registrations to answer demands of pros who are already making a good living...him wanting to do so much for national team players was the end for him

I actually think it’s the opposite. He wanted to keep more money for development and that was creating a situation where a deal couldn’t be agreed.  Provinces stepped in to put a new face in charge in the hopes of getting a deal. Not sure it will work but sometimes just having a new face makes the difference 

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his offer 3-4M to each team + friends and family package to mens for 2022 wc and same friends and family package to w/x for upcoming world cup is info that was confirmed multiple times...the total of that greatly exceeds the total of prize money to be received so not only no one else was gonna see that money but the csa would lose money or pay out of its pocket for that...thats where his plan for getting more from registrations came in and provinces then asked for his resignation...if he didnt bend to players demands they would want him out and once he did bend to those demands, provinces wanted him out...he paid for reed signing a 10+10 deal instead of a shorter one and paid for reed and montagliani doing nothing in the direction of equity

if you dont give in to players demands they will be very unhappy with a world cup and gold cup coming up and if you do give in then provinces and others will be unhappy...the problems remain and the situation could get worse before it gets better...clock is ticking with big competitions coming

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Not really sure people are grasping the realities of this but Bontis being replaced doesn’t really change anything. This will be the third time I’ve listed the below but the CSA president is just a figurehead with no individual power to make any changes or impact the day to day operations. Have a look at the defined roles below. All this does is improves the optics for the ignorant. Unless there is a full board clear out and a replacement of General Secretary, I don’t think there will be any change. 

For reference, the duties of President (Bontis) and General Secretary (Cochrane).


A. President
i. The President represents Canada Soccer and speaks for the Board, ensuring that Canada Soccer’s mission, strategic direction, policies and values, as defined by the Board, are protected and advanced.
ii. The President:
a) chairs meetings of the Board and Meetings of the Members of Canada Soccer;
b) ensures that decisions by the Board are implemented; and
c) represents Canada Soccer at meetings of FIFA, CONCACAF, other Confederations, and other international organizations, and seeks to maintain and develop good relations with these Associations/organizations and its Member organizations and government bodies.


10.01 General Secretary
i. The General Secretary is the chief executive of Canada Soccer and shall be appointed by the Board.
ii. The General Secretary shall be responsible for:
a) the implementation of decisions and policies approved by the Board and by the Membership at Meetings of the Members;
b) the appointment, evaluation and dismissal of all staff of Canada Soccer, with the exception of the Head Coaches of the senior National Teams;
c) recommendations to the Board on the appointment and dismissal of the Head Coaches of the senior National Teams;
d) leadership, coordination and oversight of the work of the General Secretariat;
e) staff support for meetings of the Board and its committees and Meetings of the Members;
f) managing and keeping the accounts of Canada Soccer;
g) ensuring that the minutes for the meetings of the Board and its committees, and of Meetings of the Members are compiled and kept;
h) the corporate affairs of Canada Soccer;
i) correspondence pertaining to administration of Canada Soccer; and
Canada Soccer By-Laws 
j) communications and relationships with Members, FIFA, the Confederations, government agencies, partners and other stakeholders of Canada Soccer, external agencies, and the media.


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16 hours ago, InglewoodJack said:

It's funny, because I'm one of those former business school students, and I'm at the age where I'm starting to see some of my old classmates turn into these guys. Type of person who's always talking about the "events" they're at, has a job they are completely unable to explain to you, still fully in the academic world because the real world would give them a serious reality check. Guarantee you he's going to be the dean at some B school within the next 5 years.

Bontis for me epitomizes Bernard Shaw's' quib. Those we know do. Those who don't know teach.

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I’m actually really disappointed that Bontis didn’t try to damage control this before resigning. My fear is this is a case of the “loudest voices”.


Again, Canada soccer is in the best place it’s ever been. Now we have people screaming about change and how we need to can the CPL? What the actual fuck. How can anyone be behind that? 

I don’t trust Bontis but I don’t trust Westwood even more. Also funny how TSN has gone out of their way to ignore our teams for years but now suddenly it’s a moneymaker and they’re essentially attacking the rights holders. Why? Because they didn’t get offered the rights at their usual rate of free? TSN is probably realizing that they’ve forked out a truckload for MLS rights only to be the second biggest soccer channel because let’s face it - national teams/CPL > MLS. 

If our teams are so aggrieved where are the numbers to back it up? So far all we’ve had is Christine Sinclair throw out a balance sheet that has been debunked. 

Edited by CanadaFan123
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11 hours ago, red card said:

That's what happened in the US. The women wore their jerseys inside out. Court docs revealed some unsavoury statements. The president resigned. Then former national team player Cindy Parlow was named the president.

Even though the US women's case was dismissed by the courts, Parlow offered the 50/50 deal. 

The closest parallel to Parlow in Canada Soccer would be Breagha Carr-Harris who is head of women's pro football. Outside of Canada Soccer, former players that could be considered are Matheson or Moscato. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Eva Havaris' name is mentioned.  Executive experience with Tennis Canada at a time when the sport gained great popularity here, and has ties to Canadian soccer.

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