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The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute


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It blows my mind that the women are talking about slashing budgets and improper prep for WC at the same time prob 3-4 million is coming to them from the mens WC.  I know I know its a "windfall" payment, but geeesh, if money is tight maybe they should have cut those payments to the players back a million from each side, for the good of the overall program eh?  

Oh well good luck with the new Pres....I dont know who they are going to get in there that will actually make our schizophrenic soccer community happy.  The success we have had in the last few years has seemed to make eveyone more pissed off.  

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15 minutes ago, dyslexic nam said:

I haven’t been calling for his resignation or massively critical.  As I have said recently though - I do think it is probably time he stepped aside.  Regardless of how the responsibly should ultimately be allocated, the reality is that accountability needs to end at the top of any organization.  And in this case, Bontis has overseen some pretty dysfunctional exchanges.   Though as (I think) @El Hombre has pointed out, the CEO seems to be getting completely left out of the accountability discussion and is somehow escaping criticism in all of this (when he likely has more direct agency than Bontis in many of the areas that could resolve some of the issues).  

Although with Bontis having resigned, I'm assuming that Earl Cochrane now has to handle a parliamentary inquiry all on his own, even though he wasn't with the CSA for what constititutes much the relevant time that the women are whining about (regarding the larger funding given to the men in 2021  in comparison to the women). The NDP MP never answered my question as to whether he was going to call in members of FIFA to explain why they provide more funding and prize money for the Men's World Cup vs. the Women's, unsurprisingly.

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6 minutes ago, Bison44 said:

It blows my mind that the women are talking about slashing budgets and improper prep for WC at the same time prob 3-4 million is coming to them from the mens WC.  I know I know its a "windfall" payment, but geeesh, if money is tight maybe they should have cut those payments to the players back a million from each side, for the good of the overall program eh?  

Oh well good luck with the new Pres....I dont know who they are going to get in there that will actually make our schizophrenic soccer community happy.  The success we have had in the last few years has seemed to make eveyone more pissed off.  

I don't know who specifically either, as it seems like such a poisoned chalice - a volunteer position that can't possibly satisfy the competing interests of so many different parties, I'm not sure who the hell would want it. But my inclination is that the CSA may want a woman so that certain outspoken women's team members can no longer publicly play the "misogyny" card. It would be ironic though if the pay equity deal that Bontis was pushing so hard for now goes south with a new President.


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He seems a style over substance business person

Has preferred parking at McMaster -his own stall with his name on the sign shows some vanity, then the IG posts whilst in Qatar showed lack of filter 

Nice cars too that he parked ( no judge so good on him and his his success prior to CSA) he  was able to be successful in academics and business manage over the years  with minimal level of adversity and then the media spotlight on the pay dispute and his way to managing it showed some cracks in his armour IMO

Seems like he is gone and can’t save his situation with bluster and hubris 


Edited by Markoaleks
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if the women/x side was stressed and worrying it will be 10x more now just a few months before the world cup as they could be missing out on the 3-4M of mens world cup prize money that bontis wanted to give them...an all out internal war could be coming between men, w/x, provincial associations and others as everyone wants money...one thing that wont change: contracts that are already signed and looks like some just dont wanna understand that

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9 minutes ago, SpursFlu said:

Breaking News! Breaking News! Breaking News! Breaking News! 

Rick Whitehead collects his commission 

Next up.. those bastards at the Canadian Men's Water Polo Association. Let's get someone fired ladies!

So does Westhead get paid more or less than you do to litter this forum with tripe? 


Edited by ag futbol
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You dont think 2 players strikes, cancelling friendlies, getting shit on by the PM and getting raked over the coals because the women want equality when they have been getting better treatment than the men over the last 10 years and their WC brings in 5% the cash the mens does was a dream experience for Bontis?  Taking ill informed abuse for the CSB deal which he didnt bring in and having idiots trying to get the public onboard with this CPLvsNational team horseshit must make him wonder why he ever took a volunteer  position to try and help CDN soccer??  And who in the hell is going to be stupid enough to stick their head in a noose by taking over, after Bontis got tarred and feathered for being at the helm for the best patch of onfield results we have ever had???  

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25 minutes ago, Markoaleks said:

He seems a style over substance business person

Has preferred parking at McMaster -his own stall with his name on the sign shows some vanity, then the IG posts whilst in Qatar showed lack of filter 

Nice cars too that he parked ( no judge so good on him and his his success prior to CSA) he  was able to be successful in academics and business manage over the years  with minimal level of adversity and then the media spotlight on the pay dispute and his way to managing it showed some cracks in his armour IMO

Seems like he is gone and can’t save his situation with bluster and hubris 


For what it's worth, a friend of mine did his MBA at McMaster and took a class that Bontis taught. He said that Bontis was the most pompous, arrogant, and generally slimy professor he'd ever had.

Good riddance.

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