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The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute


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2 minutes ago, Obinna said:

Seems to be true from everyone's perspective except CSB, right? I mean, it would be less damaging to Canadian soccer overall if they sat down and negotiated to figure this thing out, but Canadian soccer in general is not their first priority (I assume?). Their first priority is Canadian Soccer Business - and their goal (I like to think) is the eventual improvement of Canadian soccer in general through the success of Canadian Soccer Business. 

Well CSB should be interested too.

Being vilified can't be good for business.

And what if the advertisers start pulling out?

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9 minutes ago, Obinna said:

Take this with a grain of salt, because I haven't been following this saga as closely as others, but isn't this simply the case of not enough money to go around?

I get the ideals of pay equity between the men and women and I understand the CSB deal is what it is, we cannot go back in time to undo that. Therefore, isn't this just the logical conclusion of everyone wanting their share of the pie and nobody backing down? You cannot squeeze blood from a turnip, or something. With CSB in the picture, there simply isn't enough money in the budget to achieve pay equity and "properly" fund both national teams, right? Am I missing something?

Disclaimer: This statement is not intended to support, defend, or criticize the CSA, the CMNT, CWNT or CSB. I just wanted to state what seems to be the obvious reality. Am I off base or oversimplifying this? Just looking for a short reply, as I am not interested in the nuance. I am just concerned at the idea of players not showing up to nations league because of these off-field issues. 


I suspect you are right.  Which begs the question: Who will back down and agree to take less?  My guess is that the players will NOT back down at all. And, maybe they shouldn't.  I don't have enough information to pass judgement.  So that leaves the CSA and CSB in a knife fight, and without government mediation of some sort, I can't help but think that both parties are going to blow a ton of cash on lawyers only to find that the CSB might be greedy-as-fuck, but they've done nothing wrong. Which leaves the CSA with the thin purse.  Now, the CSA should have sufficient funds from regular sources to run their baseline programs etc., but what this means is that any larger plans they wanted to expedite will need to be set aside until they've the cash.

For the advancement of the sport in our country, I'd suggest all parties take a little bit less, but they ain't going to happen.

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51 minutes ago, Cblake said:

Unless there is some sort of clause in the deal, there really is nothing the CSA can do.

The men's statement says there was an opportunity:

"despite having an opportunity to annul or terminate the agreement when it's terms were breached by Canada Soccer Business, Canada Soccer did not do so."

So they could have terminated it, but Bontis chose not to do so.

Edited by Watchmen
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Just now, Cblake said:

Sinclair just said on Sportscentre that the women's team is not taking part in any training or the Cup next week unless there demands are met by next Thursday. 

This explains why this is happening now.

They have a match on February 16 in the She Believes friendly tournament 

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I'm not going to say that the CanPL has been an unmitigated disaster thus far, but it has fallen below expectations every step of the way to the point my interest level is presently at an all time low. 

I have no issue with the general idea of syphoning funds and revenue from the national teams to support a domestic league.  But when that domestic league is so far below the standard of where a proper domestic pro league should be at in terms of player compensation and player development and overall professionalism, you just have to wonder what the hell is going on.  


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11 minutes ago, The Beaver 2.0 said:

For the advancement of the sport in our country, I'd suggest all parties take a little bit less, but they ain't going to happen.

I agree with you. What seems to be happening is that players are now taking less indirectly via less games, less camps, etc. The CSA is going to taking less indirectly via their product (CMNT & CMNT) being hampered from a lack of money. The CSB is taking a hit indirectly via their reputation being repeatedly damaged (maybe quite fairly, but I also don't know all the ins and outs).  

Again though, wasn't the writing on the wall the moment the players pushed for pay equity? Or if we want to treat pay equity as an eventuality that was always going to happen, couldn't we say the writing on the wall the moment Bontis/CSA struck the deal with CSB? Maybe it's unfair to blame the CSA/Bontis for not factoring in pay equity before it became an actuality? I don't exactly have a soft spot for Bontis, but I do go back and forth on that. 

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13 minutes ago, BrennanFan said:

I'm not going to say that the CanPL has been an unmitigated disaster thus far, but it has fallen below expectations every step of the way to the point my interest level is presently at an all time low. 

I have no issue with the general idea of syphoning funds and revenue from the national teams to support a domestic league.  But when that domestic league is so far below the standard of where a proper domestic pro league should be at in terms of player compensation and player development and overall professionalism, you just have to wonder what the hell is going on.  


I don't think the standard is the issue. In fact, the standard only seems to be getting better, not worse.

I think the issue is lack of transparency. I agree that diverting funds is no issue as a concept, but when you don't consult the stakeholders from whom funds are going to be diverted, that's pure slime.  

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14 minutes ago, BrennanFan said:

I'm not going to say that the CanPL has been an unmitigated disaster thus far, but it has fallen below expectations every step of the way to the point my interest level is presently at an all time low. 

I have no issue with the general idea of syphoning funds and revenue from the national teams to support a domestic league.  But when that domestic league is so far below the standard of where a proper domestic pro league should be at in terms of player compensation and player development and overall professionalism, you just have to wonder what the hell is going on.  


What exactly were you expecting lmao? MLS level straight from year 1?

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22 hours ago, Stryker911 said:

Just listened to the podcast. Bontis gave himself a pat on the back for getting Copa America together. He also said that he knew that Copa was a possibility, but didn't tell Herdman. So Herdman didn't know that Nations League would be part of qualifying while Bontis knew much earlier. Actually blew my mind and can't believe it!!

Honestly, he has a punch able face anytime he shows up on TV, but now also has a punch able voice just from a podcast.

I haven't heard the pod, but if that's accurate (and I have no reason to believe it isn't) you just have to assume the problem from day one is Bontis. I try to be even keeled and open minded on this topic, but from what I understand he negotiated the deal without communicating to the teams. He then worked on securing Copa America without communicating to the coach.

I mean, what is it with this guy? Why is he treating people to information on a "need-to-know" basis? He's the head of the CSA, not the CIA. Maybe he just doesn't think they are important enough to inform them of what's going on, or he has too much ego or something to let them into his little inner workings. I don't know...

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46 minutes ago, VinceA said:

I am on the player's side of this of course, but calling the CPL "minor league" is a shitty thing to do and only hurts our own professional league we are trying to grow that has given opportunities to many young Canadians, including World Cup member Joel Waterman. What poor wording.

Unprofessional and disappointing to take shots at the league. TSN and Sportsnet are going to have a field day with this.

Keep your cannons aimed at CSB and CSA

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3 minutes ago, Ansem said:

Unprofessional and disappointing to take shots at the league. TSN and Sportsnet are going to have a field day with this.

Keep your cannons aimed at CSB and CSA

This is going to end with death by a thousand cuts for everyone involved unless the CSB and CSA come to the table. The problem is that the CSA doesn't seem to have any leverage here. The CSB can argue that renegotiating a worse deal for themselves hurts the development of the CanPL and therefore Canadian Soccer. Sadly, that's hard to argue against. 

I think we are stuck in this situation until the current deal expires (6 years from now?)

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10 minutes ago, PastPros said:

So, so disappointing. All of it.

If I was in a job and people (media, outside observers, my employees) were screaming for me to resign ... I am pretty sure I would resign.

What does Bontis get out of this? It certainly doesn't boost his image.

The only pressure to fire Bontis is on this board really.

What passes for soccer media treats him with kids gloves

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32 minutes ago, narduch said:

This explains why this is happening now.

They have a match on February 16 in the She Believes friendly tournament 

Absolutely , the women know what they are doing. The She Believes Cup is a USSF property and if they women were not to play, it would be a strain on the CSA's relationship with their counterparts to the south. Tickets have been sold, TV slots are booked, the other three teams are set to go. It would not look good to have this happen so close to it all starting. 

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