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The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute


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48 minutes ago, phil03 said:

But yeah, on a human level he basically scream ''guy who has a manager would try to drag his employee back to the office even if they are three times as productive at home because he want the control, doesn't have a life outside of professional stuff and doesn't care about their well being''.

3 hours ago, Stryker911 said:

Honestly, he has a punch able face anytime he shows up on TV, but now also has a punch able voice just from a podcast.

I wasn't going to get into this, but I am not a fan of the way many people here attack Bontis on a personal level. He was one of my professors at McMaster and I found him to be an excellent teacher, and the only professor who even bothered to give his condolences when my grandma died and I had to miss his class. That may not seem like much, but as an engineer in the Eng & Mgmt program I dealt with basically every business professor hating us. Not even my own department cared to accommodate me when I had to fly to Winnipeg for the funeral. His mannerisms may rub you the wrong way, but he is a good man in my books.

You can dislike the job he has done as the CSA president (I, myself, am not a fan) without resorting to personal attacks and insinuations about his character.

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3 minutes ago, VinceA said:

Men will be issuing their own statement as well.

Have to think at least some if not many may sit out the March Nation's League matches to make a statement. Would the team falling to the B League really show the CSA what they need to do? There is no National team without the players.

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5 minutes ago, Big_M said:

(time for ppl who dont understand the csb deal to come back out again and blame everything on this)

Absolutely , CSB threw the CSA a lifeline when they really needed it. It was not until they caught fire during the WCQ campaign did things really take off in terms of exposure and interest both from the general public and corporate partners. It is a double edged sword. If the CMNT do not qualify for Qatar there is nothing to see here. A smart business person would have had some escape clauses in any deal like this but maybe it was a non-starter for CSB. Why throw a lifeline like they did if CSA can just bolt for the best deal two-three years down the line if things get good. It is unfortunate where things are now, but reality is up to the last year or two things were not going in the right direction. 

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34 minutes ago, Cblake said:

Have to think at least some if not many may sit out the March Nation's League matches to make a statement. Would the team falling to the B League really show the CSA what they need to do? There is no National team without the players.

This could be catastrophic or make the CSB that much stronger lol.

We lose it’s a tragedy.
We get the results we need “the plan is working”.

Anyways I’m disappointed, but nevertheless not surprised that this is still an issue months on from the initial. 

….here we go again 😮💨 

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Just now, Shway said:

This could be catastrophic or make the CSB that much stronger lol.

We lose it’s a tragedy.
We get the results we need “the plan is working”.

Anyways I’m disappointed, but nevertheless not surprised that this is still an issue months on from the initial. 

….here we go again 😮💨 

And now this...

Women’s national team says new leadership may be needed at Canada Soccer


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1 minute ago, Shway said:

The thing is, new leadership could come in….and do what exactly?

The CSB deal can’t be randomly annulled, can it? They haven’t breached anything in their contract for such thing to happen.

Looks like the CSA will have to tap into Barcas way of life, and activate whatever levers they have 🤣

Probably true but we should still get rid of Cochrane and Bontis just on principle 

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3 minutes ago, Shway said:

The thing is, new leadership could come in….and do what exactly?

The CSB deal can’t be randomly annulled, can it? They haven’t breached anything in their contract for such thing to happen.

Looks like the CSA will have to tap into Barcas way of life, and activate whatever levers they have 🤣

It needs to be renegotiated.

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6 minutes ago, narduch said:

It needs to be renegotiated.

Unless there is some sort of clause in the deal, there really is nothing the CSA can do. It is a legally binding contract between two parties. What it speaks to is the CSA did not believe itself that they could do better on their own. It is not likely Canadian soccer was a darling of the Canadian business world when it came to sponsorship dollars until that all changed in the last year or so with the success of the team and the emergences of some key players on the World scene led by Phonzie etc. 

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Just now, Cblake said:

Unless there is some sort of clause in the deal, there really is nothing the CSA can do. It is a legally binding contract between two parties. What it speaks to is the CSA did not believe itself that they could do better on their own. It is not likely Canadian soccer was a darling of the Canadian business world when it came to sponsorship dollars until that all changed in the last year or so with the success of the team and the emergences of some key players on the World scene led by Phonzie etc. 

Contracts get renegotiated all the time.

Can't just throw your hands in the air and say it can't be done.

Pretty obvious the current situation is untenable 

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Just now, narduch said:

Contracts get renegotiated all the time.

Can't just throw your hands in the air and say it can't be done.

Pretty obvious the current situation is untenable 

I agree with that, it is just that unless there is something specific regarding it in the deal, it would take CSB willingness to step to the table to look at this. Now they very well could , knowing if they do not, bridges could be burned and potential deals could be lost because of what is going on now. 

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You can set the CSB aside, for all it's pros or cons. We have both the men's and women's programmes demanding transparency and accountability from the CSA and expressing the continued lack of trust. 

The fact that it has gotten to this point is a serious indictment of the CSA leadership and if the individual leaders and directors had any integrity they would resign. 

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Take this with a grain of salt, because I haven't been following this saga as closely as others, but isn't this simply the case of not enough money to go around?

I get the ideals of pay equity between the men and women and I understand the CSB deal is what it is, we cannot go back in time to undo that. Therefore, isn't this just the logical conclusion of everyone wanting their share of the pie and nobody backing down? You cannot squeeze blood from a turnip, or something. With CSB in the picture, there simply isn't enough money in the budget to achieve pay equity and "properly" fund both national teams, right? Am I missing something?

Disclaimer: This statement is not intended to support, defend, or criticize the CSA, the CMNT, CWNT or CSB. I just wanted to state what seems to be the obvious reality. Am I off base or oversimplifying this? Just looking for a short reply, as I am not interested in the nuance. I am just concerned at the idea of players not showing up to nations league because of these off-field issues. 


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20 minutes ago, narduch said:

It needs to be renegotiated.

Seems to be true from everyone's perspective except CSB, right? I mean, it would be less damaging to Canadian soccer overall if they sat down and negotiated to figure this thing out, but Canadian soccer in general is not their first priority (I assume?). Their first priority is Canadian Soccer Business - and their goal (I like to think) is the eventual improvement of Canadian soccer in general through the success of Canadian Soccer Business. 

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