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The Importance of the Players vs CSA Pay Dispute


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I helped Dino Rossi with the black t-shirt campaign against the then CSA leadership back in 2007. Duane Rollins was also around when a large hold all of them that Dino R. had supplied was being sold at Shoeless Joe's mainly to TFC fans aligned with RPB. Still have one in a storage locker in London, Ont. In a similar sort of way it's time to clean house where the CSA is concerned again and bring new people in rather than more of the same old clique.

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8 hours ago, CanadaFan123 said:

He is not CSB commissioner, he is commissioner of League 1 Ontario, which is CSB owned. 

The comments coming from one side of this (I.e. Stephanie Labbe) are so disingenuous, it’s hard to even take them seriously at this stage. 

The point is that he is a senior employee of an organization that has a material (perhaps the most material) contract with the organization of which he is proposed to assume the Presidency.  This is a CLEAR conflict of interest - it's a rudimentary governance concept.

Frankly, it would open the CSA to even more criticism that it is currently receiving, if that's possible. Can you imagine how the national team players - who have consistently cited the CSB deal as an issue - would react if a CSB employee became the new boss?

When we're desperately trying to sort out the governance of a poorly governed organization, replacing one problem for another would be ill advised in the extreme.

Now, he does sound like a great candidate to lead the CSA and the personal accounts of him here are encouraging. If he did resign the CSB employment, I think that would solve the problem (though I suspect he wants/needs a paying job?). Or you could have all stakeholders sign off on his conflict (really, really hard to do - essentially impractical). 

Or, what seems to me the best scenario - if he is as talented as people say - have him leave CSB and assume CEO role at CSA. No conflict there and it sounds like that job may also come open sooner or later.

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4 minutes ago, SF said:

The point is that he is a senior employee of an organization that has a material (perhaps the most material) contract with the organization of which he is proposed to assume the Presidency.  This is a CLEAR conflict of interest - it's a rudimentary governance concept.

Frankly, it would open the CSA to even more criticism that it is currently receiving, if that's possible. Can you imagine how the national team players - who have consistently cited the CSB deal as an issue - would react if a CSB employee became the new boss?

When we're desperately trying to sort out the governance of a poorly governed organization, replacing one problem for another would be ill advised in the extreme.

Now, he does sound like a great candidate to lead the CSA and the personal accounts of him here are encouraging. If he did resign the CSB employment, I think that would solve the problem (though I suspect he wants/needs a paying job?). Or you could have all stakeholders sign off on his conflict (really, really hard to do - essentially impractical). 

Or, what seems to me the best scenario - if he is as talented as people say - have him leave CSB and assume CEO role at CSA. No conflict there and it sounds like that job may also come open sooner or later.

I think your post is very reasonable. Some of us just got our backs up with Labbé posting that, which is so ignorant: she is supposed to be leading women's football at Whitecaps, and the highest level team they have is in League One BC, a league where every team has a men's and women's side, as a condition of participation. 

So basically, League One, and Rossi, are doing her job, and she thinks her job is to support Matheson's imaginary league and take pot shots at others providing opportunities in Canada for women to play.

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11 hours ago, shermanator said:

Looks like Dino Rossi is running for the Board of Directors. One of the few people in this country who is worthy of the role IMO.

Of course, his decade of building up both men's and women's high level amateur leagues is ignored and rather he is portrayed as "commissioner of CSB-owned League1 Canada" by Westhead, and smeared by Steph Labbe, who oddly enough runs a club in one of the league Rossi oversees.

If I were Rossi I would rip up my application right now. It doesn't matter what he's done for the game in this country he's got the "CSB" tag and that will make him a villain in the eyes of many. 


What exactly is portrayed as?  Is he or isn’t he the commissioner of a league run by CSB?  The players and former players don’t trust the CSA or some of the aspects of the deal with CSB. Now they aren’t allowed to voice their opinions on the matter?

Really wonder who some of the posters in this thread were cheering for in Qatar. Doesn’t seem like Canada. 

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Since we’ve established that conflicts matter, I guess we can all stop taking Rick Westhead seriously. Or do conflicts only work one way?

Dino Rossi has been a key figure in soccer here for decades. Rick Westhead is…?  

@SFTo be honest we’d need more facts before truly determining whether Rossi is truly in conflict with CSB. He is not running for presidency as you said, he’s running for a board spot (apparently). There may be a conflict but until that’s determined we should probably not open people who have dedicated their lives to the game to scrutiny. 

Edited by CanadaFan123
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11 minutes ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

A well known investigative journalist. That's something Canadian soccer has been in desperate need of for a very long time because the people who cover the sport closely are too scared of losing access to ever rock the boat.

A journalist who works for TSN reporting on CSB, which owns a competitor broadcaster. Lets not pretend that because someone is well known it makes them credible in the face of conflict.

It’s like CBC reporting on the conservatives or Fox News on democrats. Sure, maybe it’s not all BS but we’re sure going to need more than anonymous sources. 

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6 minutes ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

Sources mentioned such as Ryan Fequet have been on the record rather than anonymous and TSN are still the broadcaster that covers most big CMNT games so portraying them as some bitter enemy of the CSA and CSB is entering tinfoil hat territory.

Not sure what year you’re living in but TSN is not the CMNT rights holder. Each game they want now, outside of the World Cup, they need to pay CSB for whereas before they could get it for free. It’s a black and white conflict. 

Bitter enemy isn’t the case but there is clearly some politicking and power shifting going on. Money is involved so to think that there isn’t a conflict here is naive. 

Edited by CanadaFan123
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1 hour ago, Ottawafan said:

What exactly is portrayed as?  Is he or isn’t he the commissioner of a league run by CSB?  The players and former players don’t trust the CSA or some of the aspects of the deal with CSB. Now they aren’t allowed to voice their opinions on the matter?

Really wonder who some of the posters in this thread were cheering for in Qatar. Doesn’t seem like Canada. 

You should be more precise, as he basically is a founder of the league. Well before CSB bought it and hired him. He tried to get a club to work in the CSL, saw the problems there, shifted into initiating the L1 model. Then CSB buys into it as a core feeder model and semi pro or higher level amateur model, with the highest level of existing club soccer for women in Canada featured, invests in it, gives it the stability to justify participation in the Voyageurs Cup, then extends the model with support of various of provincial SAs. With Rossi as the head, rather recently hired btw.

So it's not like he's a CSB hack as you are disrespectfully insinuating. They've just introduced the first viable model for promotion and relegation in North America.

I personally think he's more useful for now spearheading the L1 model.

Edited by Unnamed Trialist
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From Wikipedia:

"Mediaproducción, S.L.U., better known as Mediapro, is a multimedia communications group in Spain founded in April 1994[1] in Barcelona."

Some people on this board keep making references to Mediapro (One Soccer) analysts as being afraid of commenting against the CSB because they are employees of the CSB. That is so wrong. If anything it's the other way around. Mediapro is paying money to the CSB for the rights to show CPL games. One Soccer employees do not work for the CSB.

If TSN bought the rights to show CPL games from the CSB, we would not be saying that TSN employees are now working for the CSB.

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22 minutes ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

You should be more precise, as he basically is a founder of the league. Well before CSB bought it and hired him. He tried to get a club to work in the CSL, saw the problems there, shifted into initiating the L1 model. Then CSB buys into it as a core feeder model and semi pro or higher level amateur model, with the highest level of existing club soccer for women in Canada featured, invests in it, gives it the stability to justify participation in the Voyageurs Cup, then extends the model with support of various of provincial SAs. With Rossi as the head, rather recently hired btw.

So it's not like he's a CSB hack as you are disrespectfully insinuating. They've just introduced the first viable model for promotion and relegation in North America.

I personally think he's more useful for now spearheading the L1 model.

Merely pointing out he runs a league owned by CSB.  He isn't being portrayed in any manner; he is.  Nowhere did I say he was a hack, so nice try.  He may very well be a good addition.  But I can see why the players would not be trustful of someone who has more ties to the CSB/CSA family.

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17 minutes ago, CanadaFan123 said:
... Female athletic icon Charmaine crooks has blood on her hands ...

In the words of Emir Kusturica trying to explain his film Underground to a particularly dim American reporter, "Have you ever heard of metaphor?". Once people get onto a board it can soon be more about what they can get out of it personally than anything else. All that's being suggested is that she was too close to Nick Bontis to be a suitable replacement.

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27 minutes ago, CanadaFan123 said:

Why are the loudest voices always the dumbest voices? These people are lunatics. Female athletic icon Charmaine crooks has blood on her hands and should go to hell if she doesn’t give the women exactly what they want. 

Isn't Amy Walsh working with CF Montreal while Labbe works for the Vancouver Whitecaps?

Anyhow... some people need to put their phones down and take a break

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15 minutes ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

In the words of Emir Kusturica trying to explain his film Underground to a particularly dim American reporter, "Have you ever heard of metaphor?". Once people get onto a board it can soon be more about what they can get out of it personally than anything else. All that's being suggested is that she was too close to Nick Bontis to be a suitable replacement.

Is having blood on your hands a metaphor for being part of an organization during its most successful period in history? Strange one but noted. 

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45 minutes ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

In the words of Emir Kusturica trying to explain his film Underground to a particularly dim American reporter, "Have you ever heard of metaphor?". Once people get onto a board it can soon be more about what they can get out of it personally than anything else. All that's being suggested is that she was too close to Nick Bontis to be a suitable replacement.

But Charmaine is only the Interim Board Chair, isn't she?  I thought she was on record saying she didn't want the permanent position?

Note: Not directing this question at you Ozzie, don't need you questioning my english comprehension skills, anyone recall hearing the same?

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1 hour ago, Ozzie_the_parrot said:

In the words of Emir Kusturica trying to explain his film Underground to a particularly dim American reporter, "Have you ever heard of metaphor?". Once people get onto a board it can soon be more about what they can get out of it personally than anything else. All that's being suggested is that she was too close to Nick Bontis to be a suitable replacement.

Deleted since I pulled a Gerry Dobson.  Shame on me 

Edited by Meepmeep
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3 hours ago, Ottawafan said:

What exactly is portrayed as?  Is he or isn’t he the commissioner of a league run by CSB?  The players and former players don’t trust the CSA or some of the aspects of the deal with CSB. Now they aren’t allowed to voice their opinions on the matter?

Really wonder who some of the posters in this thread were cheering for in Qatar. Doesn’t seem like Canada. 

You know, I was happy to have a reasonable, respectful  debate with you on this subject and challenge each other since we are obviously on opposite sides of the spectrum on this issue.

But what a ridiculous, fucked up comment the bolded is.

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5 minutes ago, Ivan said:

You know, I was happy to have a reasonable, respectful  debate with you on this subject and challenge each other since we are obviously on opposite sides of the spectrum on this issue.

But what a ridiculous, fucked up comment the bolded is.

The amount of people who seem to rail against the national team is disappointing.  

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2 hours ago, Ottawafan said:

Merely pointing out he runs a league owned by CSB.  He isn't being portrayed in any manner; he is.  Nowhere did I say he was a hack, so nice try.  He may very well be a good addition.  But I can see why the players would not be trustful of someone who has more ties to the CSB/CSA family.

The players don't get to decide who is on the CSA board, they don't dictate, it is voted according to the statutes. 

Who are you to speak in the name of the players, first of all?

Then who the hell are you to think that voice takes precedent over all other voices and stakeholders in Canadian soccer. 

In any case, you were slagging, or at least jumping on a slagging bandwagon, we are not stupid here.

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