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CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Panama- Sunday, June 5 4pm PT / 7pm ET, BC Place, Vancouver

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When I was mixing and mingling with the CSA suits at the match last night I didn't know any of this was happening, in hindsight I could see there were issues that were causing concern all round including one CSA guy I know fairly well! This whole thing sucks for everyone but I think we have to remember the CSA has many employees way down the totem pole from Dr. Nick Bontis who are probably as uncomfortable about this as us Voyageurs!

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Two takeaways, IMO... Bontis threw two groups to the wolves (or at least hopes they act as a distraction):

1) current players. They are fools for not accepting the offer. They "don't get" reality.

2) former players who are benefiting from CPL. Mentioned multiple times.

Based on this, my guess is that we forfeit our upcoming games. Not exactly an "olive branch" in tone or message.

Edited by PastPros
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4 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

True, Bontis came across as too emotional, but I felt like I had clarity & understood why the CSA's position's is what it is from his answers, including that the % offered was benchmarked against other nations (something that is notably absent from the player's demands of whether they even know what the benchmark is or not). Cochrane conversely came across as more mild-mannered but often didn't seem to properly answer what was asked of him.

Still, I think I understand the CSA's position better than I understand the players, which is worse because theirs is a prepared written statement. But since we don't know what was in the original proposal, we are still somewhat in the dark.

He said he did not want to negotiate via the media, but the moment you do a presser you are using it as part of your negotiation tactics. Knowing that, he should have given us context and real numbers. If the CSA based their percentages on what major footballing nations pay their players, then we wouldn't be in the dark and the CSA would start to get an edge in the PR battle.

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I couldn't care less by the way that they didn't take a question from Rick Westhead, Dick Easthead, Gareth Southdick, Bick Northcock or anyone else, one thing I agreed with is that the negotiations through the media (Westhead vs. Wheeler) needs to stop and they need to have face to face discussions to hammer out a resolution asap. Although if they are that far apart, hiring a mediator might not be a bad idea.

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1 minute ago, The Beaver 2.0 said:

He said he did not want to negotiate via the media, but the moment you do a presser you are using it as part of your negotiation tactics. Knowing that, he should have given us context and real numbers. If the CSA based their percentages on what major footballing nations pay their players, then we wouldn't be in the dark and the CSA would start to get an edge in the PR battle.


The players pulling the plug that close to kickoff put the ball in bontis' hands, he then fumbled the ball, tripped on it, and fell flat on his face

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2 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

I couldn't care less by the way that they didn't take a question from Rick Westhead, Dick Easthead, Gareth Southdick, Bick Northcock or anyone else, one thing I agreed with is that the negotiations through the media (Westhead vs. Wheeler) needs to stop and they need to have face to face discussions to hammer out a resolution asap. Although if they are that far apart, hiring a mediator might not be a bad idea.

Herdman is a great mediator. (Correction: "motivator")

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So I'm watching the ~3 hour OneSoccer live stream replay since I couldn't watch it live. I'm 30 minutes in and already I'm getting bad vibes from the OneSoccer broadcasters. Idk if it's just me but I have an inkling that OneSoccer has a dirty part in all this, them being under MediaPro and the CSB. Literally one of the first things Wheeler said is "I'm not taking sides".  

OneSoccer (and their employees) are going to lay low. They've done it with the Kurt Larson debacle. And they're going to do it now. Shame on them.

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2 minutes ago, The Beaver 2.0 said:

He said he did not want to negotiate via the media, but the moment you do a presser you are using it as part of your negotiation tactics. Knowing that, he should have given us context and real numbers. If the CSA based their percentages on what major footballing nations pay their players, then we wouldn't be in the dark and the CSA would start to get an edge in the PR battle.

They had to do a press conference though, not much choice there, I don't have a problem with him using it to say "we have to stop using the media to negotiate" (which was not "they have to stop", if I recall correctly). What "real numbers" are you looking for that you didn't get?

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2 minutes ago, The Beaver 2.0 said:

If they solve this quickly, we'll forget about it faster than SpursFlu can blame Trudeau for his seasonal allergies. I have no idea what happens if the game Thursday does not happen. Unless Bontis has an iron grip on the board, he could be toast by the morning.

I dont have allergies bro... allergies are for pussies 

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2 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

They had to do a press conference though, not much choice there, I don't have a problem with him using it to say "we have to stop using the media to negotiate" (which was not "they have to stop", if I recall correctly). What "real numbers" are you looking for that you didn't get?

Did he provide numbers? From what I am reading here it was all vagaries. Did he compare their offer to that of other major nations?

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