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CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Iran - Sunday, June 5 BC Place, Vancouver

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6 minutes ago, narduch said:


Nice to hear they are trying to find an alternative team to play, though I am somewhat pessimistic they will be successful.

Overall this is not a bad release, probably wise at this point to continue to play things diplomatically, even if I do find it a bit worrying that the Federal Government (as a stakeholder) might get an increasing say in who we play if I'm reading between the lines correctly. Bonus points to them for using the word "divisive" though.  😉

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10 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

Nice to hear they are trying to find an alternative team to play, though I am somewhat pessimistic they will be successful.

Overall this is not a bad release, probably wise at this point to continue to play things diplomatically, even if I do find it a bit worrying that the Federal Government (as a stakeholder) might get an increasing say in who we play if I'm reading between the lines correctly. Bonus points to them for using the word "divisive" though.  😉

Well it wasn't that long ago that our national league wasn't even allowed to play games unless everyone wore a certain t-shirt. So this kinda the world we live in at the moment 

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1 minute ago, Colonel Green said:

What decision?

I am of the opinion that there is no way that this game would have gone forward if the federal government wasn't engaged and had not approved. That should have been the public stance of our prime minister or whoever. Not to leave the csa out on an Island to take the heat. And by the way, the csa should have shown more balls as well even though they shouldn't have been put in that position 

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7 minutes ago, InglewoodJack said:

Hating America or hating what America has become- I think we’re splitting hairs at this point. The guy made a dumb post. Others have articulated his argument better.

I can see why you don't see the difference if your view is that America has changed and Conservatives don't like it. That's very accurate to say in my mind (depending on which part of the country you are talking about). It's also accurate to say that Conservatives never, ever consider themselves as hating America, in fact they see themselves as representing America and espousing the values that make/made America what it is/was, which of course is unsurprising (because they are conservatives).

Conservatives in America would look at you like you had two heads if you told them they hated America. 

But either way, to circle back, yes you can throw that guy and those spreading "conservative talking points" into the same bucket in the sense they have criticisms of what Canada/the West is becoming, and being irked by such comments is your right and fair enough, but it's interesting to me that so much of the other interesting things he said were completely dismissed. He said some interesting things about the state of Iran and how oppressively the government behaves and how the national team pulls people of all backgrounds together, which I would like to think is a good thing, generally speaking. Moreover, he was right in that cancellation just fuels the anti-west flames for Iranians, it doesn't extinguish them, so there's that. Plus, he was also right that we are mixing politics and sport, something I think is bang on (don't you?). There were other good points he made, but instead of addressing any of them several of us got our backs up because he spoke badly about the "liberal" government that is restricting freedom of movement to over 3M Canadians, not to mention him pointing out Trudeau's fading popularity. Coming from a country like Iran that's far, far less free than Canada, he's warning us, if not mocking us a little bit for whistling past the graveyard at our own eroding freedom, regardless of how slight we think it is. 

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As for finding an alternative team to play, the best approach from a PR standpoint would be to set expectations really low…and then somehow land another top 30/40 nation, although at this point the list is very limited as per what others are reporting…

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I absolutely despise Justin Trudeau. Should I be supporting not allowing the Canadian national team play games or make money?

Once again in what seems to be a trend.. it seems like any situation in which people can come together to wave the Canadian flag and get behind our country, gets kiboshed 🤔

Edited by SpursFlu
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2 minutes ago, SpursFlu said:

I absolutely despise Justin Trudeau. Should I be supporting not allowing the Canadian national team play games or make money?

Once again in what seems to be a trend.. it seems like any situation in which people come together to wave the Canadian flag and get behind our country, gets kiboshed 🤔

It's up to you and your moral compass if you want to make ties with a country that killed innocent canadians, they should of seen it coming

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Just now, Yoginess said:

This isn't the US. Not every issue has to be split into liberal or conservative. Make up your own damn mind. 

That's kinda my point. So why are we falling in to that trap. Why is the Iran soccer team their government. People are making the point that their soccer team for Iranian people brings them together

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2 minutes ago, Mitchryan11 said:

It's up to you and your moral compass if you want to make ties with a country that killed innocent canadians, they should of seen it coming

And by the way.. check the records.. I was shitting on Iran in this forum when most people were still avoiding their grandma and bathing in hand sanitizer

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1 hour ago, Mitchryan11 said:

Na CSA is to blame they should of went through the proper channels first to make sure the game could go ahead it's totally reasonable if the government doesn't want to make ties with a country that has murdered innocent Canadians 

The problem was not just that Iran murdered Canadians, the problem was that it was politically inconvenient to the political leaders that Canada was going welcome and pay for the Iranian soccer team (and it's delegation), but that was ONLY because of a growing dissatisfaction from the family and friends of the victims, not because the government gave a shit (well, they gave a shit that it would make them look bad).

If they cared so much, shortly after that incident they should have put in an official policy that Canadian sport teams cannot play Iran.

It's the dictating of what teams we can and can't play due to political conveniences that I take issue with. That goes for the leaders of any and all parties that wanted this game cancelled. 

Edited by Obinna
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3 minutes ago, Obinna said:

The problem was not just that Iran murdered Canadians, the problem was that it was politically inconvenient to the political leaders that Canada was going welcome and pay for the Iranian soccer team (and it's delegation), but that was ONLY because of a growing dissatisfaction from the family and friends of the victims, not because the government gave a shit (well, they gave a shit that it would make them look bad).

Otherwise, shortly after that incident they would have put in an official policy that Canadian sport teams cannot play Iran.

It's the dictating of what teams we can and can't play due to political conveniences that I take issue with. 

That's fair I still feel it was idiotic by CSA they should of seen it coming especially when their own players disapprove of the decision to play them

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28 minutes ago, Obinna said:

The problem was not just that Iran murdered Canadians, the problem was that it was politically inconvenient to the political leaders that Canada was going welcome and pay for the Iranian soccer team (and it's delegation), but that was ONLY because of a growing dissatisfaction from the family and friends of the victims, not because the government gave a shit (well, they gave a shit that it would make them look bad).

If they cared so much, shortly after that incident they should have put in an official policy that Canadian sport teams cannot play Iran.

It's the dictating of what teams we can and can't play due to political conveniences that I take issue with. 

I love that a month ago.. people were like Iran? Why what's up with them? Now everyone is all hawkish on Iran. Yah fuck Iran.. wait until people find out after Trump withheld 1.7 billion ransom to "stop" their nuclear program Isreal assassinated Iran's top nuclear scientists. They won't know who to cheer for

Edited by SpursFlu
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43 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

Nice to hear they are trying to find an alternative team to play, though I am somewhat pessimistic they will be successful.

Overall this is not a bad release, probably wise at this point to continue to play things diplomatically, even if I do find it a bit worrying that the Federal Government (as a stakeholder) might get an increasing say in who we play if I'm reading between the lines correctly. Bonus points to them for using the word "divisive" though.  😉

To me its just empty PR gobbledygook 

CYA from the CSA 

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Just now, Mitchryan11 said:

That's fair I still feel it was idiotic by CSA they should of seen it coming especially when their own players disapprove of the decision to play them

Cavallini basically said he doesn't care about that and just wants to grow the game of soccer in Canada. I am sure most people attending the game felt the same way. The players never said they disapproved of the decision to play Iran, the tweet said the players were considering refusing to play the match (but that was in response to the negative press). That's not necessarily the same as the players disapproving of the decision to play them. Besides, who even knows how the players feel. What Cavallini was quoted as saying is the only certain information we have so far. Who even was that guy who tweeted about the team considering refusing to play? Nobody I have head of in the soccer landscape.

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5 minutes ago, Mitchryan11 said:

That's fair I still feel it was idiotic by CSA they should of seen it coming especially when their own players disapprove of the decision to play them

That's the second post in a row with an accusation of idiocy while also typing "should of". Might want to change that to "should have" going forward... ;)

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3 minutes ago, Obinna said:

Cavallini basically said he doesn't care about that and just wants to grow the game of soccer in Canada. I am sure most people attending the game felt the same way. The players never said they disapproved of the decision to play Iran, the tweet said the players were considering refusing to play the match (but that was in response to the negative press). That's not necessarily the same as the players disapproving of the decision to play them. Besides, who even knows how the players feel. What Cavallini was quoted as saying is the only certain information we have so far. Who even was that guy who tweeted about the team considering refusing to play? Nobody I have head of in the soccer landscape.

Whether it was a response to the negative press or not there was players on the team that didn't feel it was the right decision,ersonally I think there are things that are more important then sports and they should of never entertained the idea in the first place

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1 minute ago, Mitchryan11 said:

Whether it was a response to the negative press or not there was players on the team that didn't feel it was the right decision,ersonally I think there are things that are more important then sports and they should of never entertained the idea in the first place


Fair enough on the second part of that post, though.

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4 minutes ago, Obinna said:

Cavallini basically said he doesn't care about that and just wants to grow the game of soccer in Canada. I am sure most people attending the game felt the same way. The players never said they disapproved of the decision to play Iran, the tweet said the players were considering refusing to play the match (but that was in response to the negative press). That's not necessarily the same as the players disapproving of the decision to play them. Besides, who even knows how the players feel. What Cavallini was quoted as saying is the only certain information we have so far. Who even was that guy who tweeted about the team considering refusing to play? Nobody I have head of in the soccer landscape.

He's a "sports business insider" (I think the term is) for TSN, he normally isn't a soccer guy per se but he's done some sports-related stuff before.

As someone else has pointed out, its unlikely the players would be confiding in him directly. It's possible he was re-tweeting something he'd heard from the other TSN guys who may be closer to the Canadian players, but I suspect the context of them discussing whether or not to play the game is likely the one that you have envisioned above. Laura Armstrong posted a clip of a very gung ho Stephen Eustaquio interview with KJ held a day or two ago where it doesn't seem like his enthusiasm for the camp was being impaired by the notion of playing Iran.

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5 minutes ago, Mitchryan11 said:

I think there are things that are more important then sports and they should of never entertained the idea in the first place

I can totally get behind this sentiment but there was a flip side which I can also understand. There is so much to this situation that most of us and clearly the CSA can't possibly be expected to understand or even know. I could speculate further but its pointless 

My point is once decisions were made people should have lived with it and u think it would have been more on the federal government to make the decision rather than the CSA

I'm over it.. im more of a Nations League type of guy anywho

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14 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

That's the second post in a row with an accusation of idiocy while also typing "should of". Might want to change that to "should have" going forward... ;)

I think being a grammar nazi and using common sense is two different things loser

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