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CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Iran - Sunday, June 5 BC Place, Vancouver

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26 minutes ago, BigMo said:

Public opinion on this was shaped by the media fallout and activism rather than vice versa. There was little public reaction when it was initially announced outside of soccer circles, just search Twitter for the dates in question if you dont believe it.

It only started to snowball after the PM was asked to react to the opposition from family of airplane crash victims and proceeded to throw the federation under the bus. Further snowball continued since then with more political expediency across the board raising the pressure. 

This, 1000X.

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1 minute ago, Gian-Luca said:

He obviously did start the controversy with respect to the general public. The issue is not that he responded to the media but how he responded. I said so at the time and I also said so in the post you are quoting. When I originally pointed this out people on this board tried to deny that a controversy was even being created - they didn't see how his comments would prove to be divisive, now we're getting people saying that the controversy was there all along and its nothing to do with him.

I also don't really see why I'm supposed to provide him with his reasons why he thinks it is a "bad idea" for Canada to play Iran in a WC preparation match. That's up to him to do, he's the one who made the public condemnation without justification. I can't read minds, I can only go on what he said & his actions, which were negative and have only done harm.


Because his comments weren't divisive. 

He answered a question. His answer didn't "divide" anybody, in fact there is far more unity across the political spectrum on this issue than many others in recent times. There are tweets and articles upthread that show conservative politicians expressing the same sentiment.

I still think the game should have gone on, by the way. 

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3 minutes ago, ag futbol said:

Happy to elaborate but what part of my post are referring to? 

1 minute ago, ShralpShralpShral said:

He's saying you can find many news reports on the housing market.


Like.. a lot.  A lot a lot.  They report on it almost daily.


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6 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

I also don't really see why I'm supposed to provide him with his reasons why he thinks it is a "bad idea" for Canada to play Iran in a WC preparation match. That's up to him to do, he's the one who made the public condemnation without justification. 

The whole reason he was asked about it was the families protesting. He agreed with them. There was no mystery around his reasons for saying so (even beyond Iran’s general reputation).

Obviously in responding to the question he raised the profile of the issue, but it was a matter of genuine public interest given the protests. That isn’t creating a controversy.

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23 minutes ago, Colonel Green said:


There actually was a fair bit of controversy around that, and a diplomatic boycott.


So it was boycotted at the political level but a distinction was made for athletes. Why couldn't the same have been done here?


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9 minutes ago, Yoginess said:

Also baby steps folks. A couple years ago we couldn’t even dream of scheduling a friendly then canceling it.


maybe the next one we will make it to pre-game warm ups

Let's just go back to simpler times where we play Libya away and shit like that.

Edited by theaub
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1 minute ago, RS said:

Because his comments weren't divisive. 

He answered a question. His answer didn't "divide" anybody, in fact there is far more unity across the political spectrum on this issue than many others in recent times. There are tweets and articles upthread that show conservative politicians expressing the same sentiment.

I still think the game should have gone on, by the way. 

Just like the last time I mentioned this, the divisiveness I was referring to was never predicated upon party political lines, so that's a red herring. There was clearly a controversy, just because it didn't get divided on the basis or through the lens of the party political spectrum (which thankfully, not everyone in the world adheres to) doesn't negate this. Even in the fallout of the decision to cancel I am seeing tons of people clashing on social media, so the controversy hasn't ended.

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14 minutes ago, Razcal said:

The Iranian government is responsible for shooting down a plane with Canadian citizens and people here are upset at Trudeau? Some of y’all are too much.

This is squarely on the CSA, it was completely tone deaf and spit on the graves of those Canadians who were murdered by the Iranian government.

This isn’t about being snowflakes, this is about Canadian citizens and the impact on their families.

The only one here seemingly upset at Trudeau is an Iranian. Make of that what you will.

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  • Unnamed Trialist changed the title to CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Iran - Sunday, June 5 BC Place, Vancouver
2 minutes ago, Gian-Luca said:

Just like the last time I mentioned this, the divisiveness I was referring to was never predicated upon party political lines, so that's a red herring. There was clearly a controversy, just because it didn't get divided on the basis or through the lens of the party political spectrum (which thankfully, not everyone in the world adheres to) doesn't negate this. Even in the fallout of the decision to cancel I am seeing tons of people clashing on social media, so the controversy hasn't ended.

Ended?  It's going to get much much worse.

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2 minutes ago, Colonel Green said:

The whole reason he was asked about it was the families protesting. He agreed with them. There was no mystery around his reasons for saying so (even beyond Iran’s general reputation).

Obviously in responding to the question he raised the profile of the issue, but it was a matter of genuine public interest given the protests. That isn’t creating a controversy.

He responded by assigning blame directly at the federation (and away from him) Here is the specific quote:

“This was a choice by Soccer Canada,” Trudeau said in St. John's. “I think it wasn't a very good idea to invite the Iranian soccer team here to Canada. But that's something that the organizers are going to have to explain.”

A less expedient response would state that Canada has a range of diplomatic and economic measures against Iran that continue to apply but that we think that their athletes should continue to get a chance to compete. 

For the record, I think the same should apply for the Russian soccer team, and any other athletes for that matter. But its far easier to apply symbolic measures ( that assign blame at players far away from political leadership), rather than try to argue for a distinction.

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13 minutes ago, Colonel Green said:

The whole reason he was asked about it was the families protesting. He agreed with them. There was no mystery around his reasons for saying so (even beyond Iran’s general reputation).

Obviously in responding to the question he raised the profile of the issue, but it was a matter of genuine public interest given the protests. That isn’t creating a controversy.

Agreeing with someone is not explaining your reasons, and the Iranian families in question were specifically criticizing him and his government's lack of action in obtaining justice for them, which makes the "Trudeau agrees with people effectively calling him a spineless wimp" argument seem somewhat self-defeating. Incidentally, if he did agree with the Iranian families that we should have no sporting contact with Iran, why did he not put in official sanctions preventing Iranian athletes from coming here? The incident with the plane didn't happen just a couple of weeks ago, they had two and a half years to impose such a sanction.

Edited by Gian-Luca
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To those who want to minimize the CSA’s role in this, or engage in  whataboutism surrounding Qatar:

Canada Soccer can’t choose where the World Cup is. They can choose who they pay $400K to play a friendly. They chose a country that killed 63 Canadians 2 years ago. They chose to host that game in a city with a large number of Iranians - including the family and friends of many of the dead.

This is 100% on the CSA. From the day it was announced people here and elsewhere knew it was bad optics at best.

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Is there even a potential replacement game?  Even the countries noted above (Israel (lol!), Albania) etc have competitive matches in Europe shortly before or after a potential date.  All the CONCACAF countries are booked.  Most of the South America countries are touring Asia.


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3 minutes ago, Yoginess said:

I’m going to say something critical. 

coming here and reading a bunch of hot takes on politics, the CSA, and Trudeau is an absolute snooze fest. I could get this shit for free on Twitter. 

I want to hear wild speculation about replacement games.

Hear, hear

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7 minutes ago, ag futbol said:

Not on the housing market, about foreign influence / investment in our housing market. It’s entirely downplayed and dishonestly so. 

How is this on-topic?

Around here those that I see pushing prices higher, are those that come in, and then try and flip at excess profit. It's not foreign at all (unless you are counting where their grandparents come from). It seems to be dishonest to be overplaying this so - and I wonder what the motive is.

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