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CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Iran - Sunday, June 5 BC Place, Vancouver

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2 hours ago, JamboAl said:

This is all very strange to me.  They have a AFCON match 48 hrs before at South Sudan and that’s why Mali withdrew.  Now they are going to have their player go all the way to Hartford to play Ecuador 2 days after the South Sudan game.  Ridiculous!

Makes me proud to be in a serious confederation like Concacaf. 

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On 5/22/2022 at 3:03 PM, ag futbol said:

I would be surprised if he actually was informed. 

Let’s call this what it is: a potentially low-level event and exactly the sort of thing the Prime Minister’s Office shields the PM from for good reason. There was no upside to the PM knowing in advance and ultimately making a decision before everything hits the press.

He jumps in and cancels the game, it’s spun as 1) overreach and determental to Canada’s World Cup prep, 2) taking away an event where Iranians in North America (who are very much anti-Iran government) can get together and feel apart of their culture. It then also leads to all sorts of follow up questions about who we can play in sports and where the line is. 

If he directly allows the game he’s in the same spot he is now but worse because he then has more onus to backup his logic. 

Which brings me to the bang-obvious alternative….

He finds out after the fact, he gets to professionally second guess the process if questioned by the press.  Even better, gets to make his opinion in whatever direction the wind is blowing. 

I wrote this a few pages ago but let me say it again: this government could care less about Iran and is largely principal free on this front. They just don’t want to be seen as such because it’s politically awkward. 

Nobody is saying shit about Canada being a laundry mat for dirty cash from everywhere (including Iran). That, in practical terms, is a much bigger issue than a stupid friendly.

 I still think he was told. But let's go with your scenario and see if that helps his image any. He knew nothing about it. Okay, I'll run with that idea.

The CSA is in the business of soccer. The Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship is in the business of sorting out who is and is not allowed into the country. That ministry is part of the federal government and that government is headed by our cowardly slimeball of a prime minister. When confronted with the story by a reporter he whitewashes his government's involvement in the affair (granting the visas) and throws the CSA under the bus. Because that's what this narcissist does.

Now which story will reflect better on the PM. That one or the fact that he was told about it and was asked how to proceed. He has his office call the CSA, ask them you really want this game. The CSA says yes. The PMO tells them if  the PM gets anyway flack, you guys are falling on the sword not him. The CSA accepts.

And this is coming from someone who has no respect for the CSA.

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3 hours ago, Sal333 said:

The Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship is in the business of sorting out who is and is not allowed into the country. That ministry is part of the federal government and that government is headed by our cowardly slimeball of a prime minister. When confronted with the story by a reporter he whitewashes his government's involvement in the affair (granting the visas) and throws the CSA under the bus. Because that's what this narcissist does.

Again, nobody has suggested that the Iranian men’s team should not have been granted visas. This whole line of argument is nonsense. Once the match was scheduled they had all the necessary qualifications and evidently none of the members hit any red flags.

What has been questioned is the wisdom of the CSA choosing Iran as a team to host.

Honestly, why anyone thinks the PMO would have been involved in scheduling a soccer game, I have no idea.

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12 minutes ago, Colonel Green said:

Again, nobody has suggested that the Iranian men’s team should not have been granted visas. This whole line of argument is nonsense. Once the match was scheduled they had all the necessary qualifications and evidently none of the members hit any red flags.

What has been questioned is the wisdom of the CSA choosing Iran as a team to host.

Honestly, why anyone thinks the PMO would have been involved in scheduling a soccer game, I have no idea.

Probably because the PM was (supposedly) involved with trying to land Argentina as an opponent. That said though, I agree the PMO would be detatched from the Visa granting process in this particular situation.

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3 minutes ago, Ally McCoist said:

Literally none of this will matter in 10 days. Not sure why people waste their valuable time arguing with strangers on the internet 🤣🤣

I can't believe I agree with someone with the handle "Ally McCoist".  Would never happen in Scotland.

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11 minutes ago, Obinna said:

Probably because the PM was (supposedly) involved with trying to land Argentina as an opponent. That said though, I agree the PMO would be detatched from the Visa granting process in this particular situation.


Was the source the same person suggesting Max Tissot should be a starter?

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23 minutes ago, SpursFlu said:

What the hell is he doing here???? He's come to disrupt the brotherhood!!! That son of a bitch

To start a ball rolling is harder than it is to keep it going.  Scotty deserves a spot... on the roster.

Edited by kungfucious
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6 hours ago, Shway said:

19 pages in with 80% about politics.
Lord help me.  

Nothing a full roster for the call-up would not fix. 

Related, even if we do get a roster I think they are now afraid to have to advertise a CANADA-IRAN and will end up flying low and going with the sales we have.

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On 5/18/2022 at 11:53 AM, ECW said:

I know many Iranians living in Canada who will not support this match. Actually, I find it difficult to believe that any Iranian exile would support a friendly like this unless they made a lot of money while being part of the recent powers that be in Iran (and because our immigration policy since Mulroney has favoured immigrants with money there are certainly some of those). 

Opinions on this are not uniform in the community (like any other diaspora) I guarantee you a sizeable amount of Iranian-Canadians from the Vancouver area will be at the game, if it goes through. You only need to drive around Richmond Hill when Iran has a major qualifier or World Cup game to notice plenty still support the national team.

I dont buy that all those people are regime sympathizers. Many are simply football fans who want to support people from a shared heritage (much like the players themselves are not pro regime for representing the country)

Edited by BigMo
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On 5/20/2022 at 2:10 PM, SpecialK said:

The CSA should donate some of revenue money to the victims families and give them at least a package with signed jerseys and stuff like that. 

A great idea really. Sadly, I get the feeling we will get political intervention on this after the latest clickbait on CSA "paying" Iran for the game.

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1 hour ago, Cblake said:

Canada Soccer is paying Iran 400K for this match. Understand now why this game went to Vancouver, they wanted to sell as many seats as possible. 


I'm getting sick and tired of those two reporters. This entire controversy is manufactured by them. Amateur hour writing and worse than Sun level sensationalism.

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2 hours ago, Cblake said:

Canada Soccer is paying Iran 400K for this match. Understand now why this game went to Vancouver, they wanted to sell as many seats as possible. 


Another earlier report said 300k which I thought was ok. But 400k is probably still the cheapest for a World Cup opponent.

Other tidbits of note from the article are Feds are providing $3 million to Canada Soccer in 2022-23. But then next sentence says the men's team did not receive any federal funding this year.

At least for the first time, CBC article included the soccer angle via Molinaro's comments. Though, he is likely incorrect in saying Canada Soccer didn't consider the PR fallout since the Iranian Canadian Congress has been publicly supportive of Canada Soccer's decision.

Based on all comments from politicians included in the article, they all stated they had nothing to do with it which implies they can't do nothing to cancel the match. Only a backbench MP has publicly stated he wants the match cancelled.


Edited by red card
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My team for that match

.................. ..Borjan.................

Johnson. Vitoria Kennedy Adekugbe


Pasher David. .Eustakio...Buchanan



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