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CANCELLED WC Prep Match #1: Canada vs Iran - Sunday, June 5 BC Place, Vancouver

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1 hour ago, JAVIERF said:

What's going on with the son of Pierre?  Does he wants to rule the football in Canada for CSA?  He can't involved in Fifa matches nor friendlies, why he is so into football?   He is pushing Alberto Fernandez throughout a milk Canadian company in the Messi Gerry Martino and Bielsa rich province to arrange a friendly in Canada for Argentina.   Why he is so obsessed with football?  The day he went to talk to your players prior a match I think in Edmonton. 

What is going on with this dude?  I bet my house he is gonna be in  Qatar for the matches a week off for vacation for the son of monsieur Pierre

This reads like an AI wrote it.

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1 hour ago, JAVIERF said:

What's going on with the son of Pierre?  Does he wants to rule the football in Canada for CSA?  He can't involved in Fifa matches nor friendlies, why he is so into football?   He is pushing Alberto Fernandez throughout a milk Canadian company in the Messi Gerry Martino and Bielsa rich province to arrange a friendly in Canada for Argentina.   Why he is so obsessed with football?  The day he went to talk to your players prior a match I think in Edmonton. 

What is going on with this dude?  I bet my house he is gonna be in  Qatar for the matches a week off for vacation for the son of monsieur Pierre


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1 hour ago, JAVIERF said:

What's going on with the son of Pierre?  Does he wants to rule the football in Canada for CSA?  He can't involved in Fifa matches nor friendlies, why he is so into football?   He is pushing Alberto Fernandez throughout a milk Canadian company in the Messi Gerry Martino and Bielsa rich province to arrange a friendly in Canada for Argentina.   Why he is so obsessed with football?  The day he went to talk to your players prior a match I think in Edmonton. 

What is going on with this dude?  I bet my house he is gonna be in  Qatar for the matches a week off for vacation for the son of monsieur Pierre

the fuck

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57 minutes ago, RS said:

This reads like an AI wrote it.

AI is better than that. I quote GPT-3 here (seeded with first paragraph in the following):

“This was a choice by Soccer Canada,” Trudeau said Tuesday. “I think it was not a very good idea to invite the Iranian soccer team here to Canada. But that’s something that the organizers are going to have to explain.” 

So you're asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to allow foreign teams and representatives of foreign countries into this country? If that’s okay’ just don't come in here. So, did you decide that it was not a fair idea to send foreign countries to Canada to play against our national team? I mean, the country is Iran and so if we're going to make such a strong position on Islamic State, then obviously we have to be concerned about whether any of the Americans that will be there will be Islamic State members, right?“ So obviously, why not invite this? Why don't you send a team here and make sure that, when you have Iranian and some of our own supporters over there?‡‡

Trudeau raised a number of issues for the Iranian president in their meeting with him.

His Canadian counterpart and his Canadian counterpart sent the message of encouragement to Iranian leaders — and not one of the groups we have spoken about that was in Toronto — and some say this is too early to make decisions for those in power.

For Iran, this is going to mean there is now talk of a possible U.S.-Iran military deal.
“This was a choice by Soccer Canada,” Trudeau said Tuesday. “I think it was not a very good idea to invite the Iranian soccer team here to Canada. But that’s something that the organizers are going to have to explain.” 

The Iranian soccer team is one of the leading organizations for the tournament and has already qualified for the finals. So while this is the first time in any other country that the tournament has been held here, my intention is to go to Iran for the third time this summer.

The United States had previously suggested to soccer Canada to invite Iran to Canada,” and did so in a letter to the team. The U.S. government issued a clarification on the matter in December 2014 in response to the Iranian delegation's statement and letter.

‌It was also unclear why a team with the status of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation — the central body for international soccer — would appear on television.

Despite those questions, the U.S. had been trying to do so on behalf of Iran, in its press conference with FIFA President Sepp Blatter when he took office on March 15, 2014 as the former Iranian premier took over for former prime minister Mohammed Khatami. Both countries have played multiple U.S. World Cup qualifiers in 2013 and 2014.

 But the U.S. government has been in contact with Iranian officials as part of a

The US interfering again, and Blatter-Iran connections have become clearer. I am now switching my position from strongly for this friendly to strongly against it.

“This was a choice by Soccer Canada,” Trudeau said Tuesday. “I think it was not a very good idea to invite the Iranian soccer team here to Canada. But that’s something that the organizers are going to have to explain.” They said there would be a meeting in Washington, too — and certainly a meeting in Ottawa, and it probably would be in Ottawa this week. They did not give a schedule or timeline in between all of that.

On Tuesday, at a press conference, Trudeau asked whether the FIFA decision to remove Iran from the group would be final.

"The United Nations would have to decide immediately this should be confirmed," he said. “What the process is going to be, what we're looking for, it's the FIFA decision."

This comes after Iran suspended the international soccer group that had held a meeting at a diplomatic mission in Riyadh in response to the recent attacks on its military. It has said any ties to MBS would be suspended.

Read more:

Canada's decision to put a FIFA advisory group on the ground in Ankara could hurt Iran

Why Canadians need a Canadian soccer team

This week's top Canadian women's soccer teams have their nails painted

Realistic scenario, but it had to get sexist at the end.

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2 hours ago, JAVIERF said:

What's going on with Justin?  Does he want to be the head of CSA?  He is not allowed be involved in Fifa matches nor friendlies, so why he is so into football? He is pushing Alberto Fernandez (President of Argentina) through Saputo to arrange a friendly (awesome if true. Apparently Saputo has some pull in Santa Fe province, Argentina through business dealings there. Messi, Gerry Martino and Bielsa all hail from Santa Fe, and I'm guessing the author too since he seems so proud of this).  Why he is so obsessed with football?  Remember the day he went to talk to the players prior to the match I think in Edmonton?

What is going on with this dude?  I bet my house he is gonna take a week of vacation to be in Qatar for the matches.

Translated it for you (and my rapgenius notes in brackets). Have to get back to work but this was bothering me. Last two posts in https://www.canadiansoccernews.com/forums/topic/78422-canada-pre-world-cup-friendlies-thread-news-gossip-and-speculation/page/10/ also help. Still doesn't make total sense but I feel a bit less anxious now.



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2 minutes ago, SpecialK said:

The CSA should donate some of revenue money to the victims families and give them at least a package with signed jerseys and stuff like that. 

If the detractors are genuine and acting in good faith, nothing would be better than letting the game happen, have some kind of display, armband or ceremony to remember the victims, and show tons of Iranian women supporters in the stadium.

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25 minutes ago, SpecialK said:

The CSA should donate some of revenue money to the victims families and give them at least a package with signed jerseys and stuff like that. 

Really? So now you think those responsible should not be held responsible and that any due process or recourse to justice should be superseded by weak gestures, that is amazing.

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2 minutes ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

Really? So now you think those responsible should not be held responsible and that any due process or recourse to justice should be superseded by weak gestures, that is amazing.

No I do, personally I think the game should be cancelled and official apology should be made by the CSA. But clearly that’s not gonna happen. So something should be done. 
This BS argument about fully blaming the government on this when the CSA should’ve known better by asking Iran to play in the first place. the level stupidity  at the CSA is insane right now. The fact they thought this would be ok …. They have clearly lost their minds. Now the government should have stop this right away by not issuing visas. 

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3 minutes ago, SpecialK said:

No I do, personally I think the game should be cancelled and official apology should be made by the CSA. But clearly that’s not gonna happen. So something should be done. 
This BS argument about fully blaming the government on this when the CSA should’ve known better by asking Iran to play in the first place. the level stupidity  at the CSA is insane right now. The fact they thought this would be ok …. They have clearly lost their minds. Now the government should have stop this right away by not issuing visas. 

Didn't Wheeler say yesterday on One Soccer the government would already have granted Visas to the Iranian party as part of the protocol that goes into hosting friendlies? If so, that ship has already sailed. 

It also means the government was well aware of the game before Mr. Trudeau commented. He's certainly a busy man now a days, but it's not as if the government was totally unaware the game was happening. That's why the comments by JT come off as throwing the CSA under the bus, even if that wasn't his intention.

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15 minutes ago, SpecialK said:

No I do, personally I think the game should be cancelled and official apology should be made by the CSA. But clearly that’s not gonna happen. So something should be done. 
This BS argument about fully blaming the government on this when the CSA should’ve known better by asking Iran to play in the first place. the level stupidity  at the CSA is insane right now. The fact they thought this would be ok …. They have clearly lost their minds. Now the government should have stop this right away by not issuing visas. 

That makes no sense. If something should be done as you say, then why is cancelling the game that something? Cancelling the game is a symbolic gesture as well as it doesn't really bring the perpetrators to account. If the downing of the plane is a serious issue, then it should be taken up on the international stage by the government of the nation, and not the governing body of a sport. i.e. unless they moved the ICC from The Hague to Vancouver then yeah, do it, and maybe assign Dick Pound to head the investigation because he has experience adjudicating on international sports issues and I just miss hearing that name.

Also, if someone is ideologically opposed to this match happening and blame CSA for it, then would they really want signed jerseys and merchandise from them?

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This entire debate is stupid. The Iranian government accepted responsibility for what happened 3 days after the incident. (not that it solves anything per se) But I am still waiting for the USA to accept responsibility for a) decades of imperialist aggression that has led to thousands of deaths worldwide and b) drones strikes that are NOT accidents, where the 'tough guy' yankee military has essentially killed more children than 'bad guys', more or less. Because they are so tough that they sue teenagers when one of their professional soldiers gets killed in the field. But yah know... we're neighbours and stuff, so I guess we have to play them.

I have no problem with banning Russia, TBH. But we need to apply these sorts of arguments universally, to paraphrase Chomsky (in the broadest of senses). My question being, where do we draw the line? France, Germany, Denmark, Argentina, Nigeria. I am sure we could find reasons not to play any of them without too much difficulty. Just like other countries would not be off base to refuse to play us because of the de facto apartheid of indigenous peoples that is still ongoing within our borders. This is a classic slippery slope.

Honestly not sure whom Trudeau was trying to win points with here either. Some... Iranian Canadians I guess? But he should look closer to home if he is going to point fingers like this. I mean Singh has refused to condemn the air India bombers and he is still head of the NDP, who are in cahoots with our current Liberal government, I might add. A Liberal Government that Trudeau is the current leader of.

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34 minutes ago, SpecialK said:

No I do, personally I think the game should be cancelled and official apology should be made by the CSA. But clearly that’s not gonna happen. So something should be done. 
This BS argument about fully blaming the government on this when the CSA should’ve known better by asking Iran to play in the first place. the level stupidity  at the CSA is insane right now. The fact they thought this would be ok …. They have clearly lost their minds. Now the government should have stop this right away by not issuing visas. 

To be fair, from day one it was clear to me it was an act of state terror. And that it was a Ukrainian plane with Canadians on board made it likely something brokered by Russia. 

So I'm torn but feel that channeling through sport is a cop out, the politicians are hiding behind all the symbolic connotations of a football match to avoid doing their job while pandering to perceived constituencies. 

When the game comes, plenty, thousands of Iranian Canadians will be wearing the colors and waving the flag, and you'll be hard-pressed to argue they are complicit with the regime and those protesting outside are the veritable opposition.

Because it won't be true. Not only because if you're truly in opposition to that government you are not flying back and forth, you'd be at risk of arrest. I know of people who can't go back. They'll argue amongst themselves and there may be the odd tiff. Our cops will be confused as always. Some of us will sit or boo their anthem. Vain symbolism will fly in all directions, and the press will make a mess of it. 

Hope everyone is ready for the articles in the Iranian press on unmarked graves of indigenous children in Canada, thousands of them, which will be easy to research and mostly true. 

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3 minutes ago, Wingback6 said:

Honestly not sure whom Trudeau was trying to win points with here either. Some... Iranian Canadians I guess? But he should look closer to home if he is going to point fingers like this. I mean Singh has refused to condemn the air India bombers and he is still head of the NDP, who are in cahoots with our current Liberal government, I might add. A Liberal Government that Trudeau is the current leader of.

I don't know exactly what the angle was, but maybe it was that he just doesn't want the spotlight to shine on his government when it comes to this issue. They were in power when it happened. So perhaps the game "is not a very good idea" for him in that sense.

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4 minutes ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

To be fair, from day one it was clear to me it was an act of state terror. And that it was a Ukrainian plane with Canadians on board made it likely something brokered by Russia. 

If Russia wanted to down a Ukrainian plane they would have done it themselves, clearly. 

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2 hours ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

To be fair, from day one it was clear to me it was an act of state terror. And that it was a Ukrainian plane with Canadians on board made it likely something brokered by Russia. 


HAHAHAHAHHA.  You win the stupidest post of the week award.

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3 hours ago, Obinna said:

If Russia wanted to down a Ukrainian plane they would have done it themselves, clearly. 

They did in 2014.

These were Russian made missiles that took down the flight out of Teheran. 

800 flights a day but Iran chose a plane going to Kiev. Just by chance, randomly.

That's why my view then and still today is not certain or direct, but as I say, "likely brokered". 

The Russian explanation is still that US fighters spooked the Iranians. They are in fact still denying what the Iranians have admitted. Why deny an incident that has nothing to do with you? 

Funny people have no idea of the possible and real iterations of a proxy operation as part of more complex geopolitics. Like they don't realize Russia specifically admitted to testing dozens of weapons in Syria, their dedication to weapons testing in real situations cannot be underestimated. 

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5 minutes ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

They did in 2014.

These were Russian made missiles that took down the flight out of Teheran. 

800 flights a day but Iran chose a plane going to Kiev. Just by chance, randomly. 

The Russian explanation is still that US fighters spooked the Iranians. They are in fact still denying what the Iranians have admitted. 

Funny people have no idea of the possible and real iterations of a proxy operation as part of more complex geopolitics. Like they don't realize Russia specifically admitted to testing dozens of weapons in Syria,their dedication to weapons testing in real situations cannot be underestimated. 

Yes, you are obviously more versed in geopolitics than the rest of us.


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13 minutes ago, Obinna said:

Yes, you are obviously more versed in geopolitics than the rest of us.


Probably not, but in reading comprehension you're not doing very well. 

I said "people", you interpreted that as "us". 

You believe the Iranian investigation of the shooting when Canadian researchers have identified all the components of a coverup? You ignore that those speaking of this in Canada, referring to internal Iranian sources that have been silenced afterwards, have been intimidated and directly threatened? You think that just by chance Iranian anti air units received orders to shoot down a Ukrainian airliner to Kiev, with Russian missiles, when Iranian airspace was fully open at a rate of 800 planes a day? 

But as I say, my opinion is that it was "likely brokered", I'm not making absolute statements. But you're still antsy over that. 

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9 minutes ago, Unnamed Trialist said:

Probably not, but in reading comprehension you're not doing very well. 

I said "people", you interpreted that as "us". 

You believe the Iranian investigation of the shooting when Canadian researchers have identified all the components of a coverup? You ignore that those speaking of this in Canada, referring to internal Iranian sources that have been silenced afterwards, have been intimidated and directly threatened? You think that just by chance Iranian anti air units received orders to shoot down a Ukrainian airliner to Kiev, with Russian missiles, when Iranian airspace was fully open at a rate of 800 planes a day? 

But as I say, my opinion is that it was "likely brokered", I'm not making absolute statements. But you're still antsy over that. 

I don't think any of those things. What I do think is that you saying it was "likely" brokered sounds like people saying 9/11 was "likely" an inside job, or the 2020 USA election was "likely" rigged, both cases where researchers claim to have identified "all the components of a coverup", as you just put it. 

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